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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Not incompetentence, they just didn't feel like delivering it. Especially if it's FedEx Ground Bold of Katt to assume they took it out of the truck in the first place. If they hauled it out, they would have left it at the door under the sign XD
  2. A long .... hot girl summer?
  3. Bees and disease to you too
  4. No .... it just smells ... artificial. Like it doesn't stink ... but it doesn't smell good
  5. Just checked it and the mattress. It doesn't smell. I dunno maybe it's in the air conditioner or the vents. I just can't get rid of it. I guess I could bleach the floors every 4 days but... daaang
  6. Nope. Just a regular one ..... also it's in the plastic wrap
  7. I can't get rid of this weird chemical like smell in the bedroom. I've washed the walls, bleached the floors, put air wick plugins in the outlets. It always comes back and I hate it. Having a scent war between that and my neighbor that smokes so I can't keep the windows open and the weed smokers It's a war and all I have are cleaning supplies Febreeze, Glade, Airwick plug ins and scented candles
  8. You say excuse me and then hit her with your elbow so she knows to get out of the way next time
  9. Lmao! I have watched this like 5 times
  10. Be safe out there in the streets
  11. uhm .... do you tip ... afterwards or ...
  12. Did anybody else see that episode with the Donald Trumpish character in it and they all become humans except for Darwin ? XD He's the family dog. I feel like it came on TV once and I never saw it again
  13. Ms. Simian is the teacher XD I dont have a favorite character because its too many of them
  14. You get a break to catch your breath between all the crazy stuff Craig and Gumball get up to XD They do the most in some of those episodes of Gumball
  15. This particular giraffe is cute. Thank you
  16. How do people live with live sports anxiety
  17. Me, a dog person but sympathetic enough to kitty problems
  18. Warships? Maybe? I dunno
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