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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. okay .... look why are you mad at me because your insurance doesn't come with transportation benefits and the ambulance people will not come out without you paying 700 dollars out of pocket? If this person is in this bad of shape, all I can do is tell you to call 911 and go to the hospital Either way, you're probably going to be looking at a bill. I don't have a harem of transportation providers I can pay for services with my vagina .... and even if I did ... why would I use them for you?
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. But ... why are your titties out if you're cosplaying Gojo? Gojo titties not out
  4. I like how they decorate these babies in the NICU for no reason XD
  5. My oven still hasn't been replaced and I woke up this morning to turn on the water in my bathroom and its brown .... tub water looks like somebody's dehydrated urine pouring out. also in the kitchen so I call the leasing office and they were like "oh we'll call somebody" who is somebody? A plumber? The water company? My mom said call the news
  6. You should open the window and yell at the birds to wake them up next time XD
  7. I really wanna go buy some coffee mugs .... in like a deep purple color .... for no reason other than to brew tea/coffee and walk around rubbing the cup only to get distracted and let the contents get cold and throw it out. Also I want to go back to the cabins on the other side of TN and stand outside in a sweater in the middle of the winter with said mugs .... like a Tyler Perry movie >.> but that drive up that fucking mountain with no lights and no guard rails. Its jus straight up ... you slip off and you're ontop of somebody else's cabin
  8. Vamped


    Dick Grayson ... checks out
  9. I dunno .... they have context and you dont have to skip past blow jobs
  10. More like a sexy audio book
  11. Didn't know audio porn was a thing ... well ... I dunno if I like it. I don't really like hearing "cunt" ever 8 seconds
  12. Or .... Just poison him slowly with arsenic
  13. A new pay out program to increase patient care by only worrying about numbers on a report and not the actual patients?! --------- me worrying about some numbers I cant change for some money I'm not going to get anyway
  14. If y'all don't fuckin stop ... who approved this?! .... yep form a queue to take a picture with tortured white Jesus .... Yes bring the babies ....there will be balloons
  15. nothing to see indeed
  16. I'm glad this was about a violence
  17. Klondike bars are for doers You can have one of the Walmart specials
  18. They always make these dumb ass kinda threads. I just don't think anybody ever said anything before The internet starts getting mad disrespect around this time
  19. This is the stuff that makes me think my company is doing sneaky stuff/trying to rip people off So they have this bonus program for providing "excellent patient care" by completing assessments and getting patients onto a program. Anyway months ago when they were talking about it, they made it seem like it was going to be the same across the board ... why now are they saying dont share your payout amount with colleagues
  20. .... Aryan anime fans huh ...
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