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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. I use Axe. I'm not sure what it's supposed to smell like, but it smells gooooood.
  2. There were plenty of games that were great in that generation of consoles. Besides those already mentioned, looking at what I own, there's: Yakuza 4 The Ratchet and Clank games (Minus All 4 One, or whatever) Dragon's Dogma Muramasa Dishonored Darksiders Nier Xenoblade Chronicles Metal Gear Solid 4 I'm sure there are others that others would put on their list, as well. I don't think it was as good as the PS2 or the DS, but those two dominated the market, so it's no wonder.
  3. "I thought I told you to leave me the hell alone" ?
  4. All I agree with is that he would've lied about his age to get on FC. I know I did. Based on what he's said, no he wouldn't ask why kids weren't there. I believe the youngest age he's ever mentioned is 17, which I think would have been legal for him at any time the FC was around. I don't remember exactly how long it was a thing, and I'm no expert on age of consent laws. C'mon, he's claiming that females wanted to make out with him, and that he was looking for a serious long-term commitment at that age. You don't have to push the pedophile angle when there's plenty of stuff to work with that he's actually said.
  5. Zeni wasn't old enough to be on Fan Collective, anyway. Even if the FC was open to all members, he would have been the same age as the girls you're talking about. If you're gonna feed the troll, at least know the facts.
  6. But then you'd have no interest in him.
  7. It was more like "If God is real, how could he allow something so awful to exist?"
  8. You really dreamed that you had his baby? Like you were in a hospital room pushing it out? Did you wake up afraid that you had accidentally shit yourself?
  9. RIP hypothetical hedgehog
  10. Without Ice-T explaining things, the show is NOTHING!
  11. The only British groups I know with women in them are the Spice Girls and S-Club 7.
  12. Cool Facebook post.
  13. If people couldn't use it, it wouldn't be worth that much. Granted, I don't have a clue what people use it on. I assume Silk Road alternatives.
  14. This is a great way to get your spoiler fix.
  15. It is if you think "Just like every other [race] person" when you say it.
  16. "Hey, my walking credit card and chauffeur broke up with me, so how are you?" "Bitch, I ride the bus and am going to jail."
  17. Cupcakes are great if you want to eat sweets, but not feel like a complete fat ass.
  18. Not all DLC is like that. But no, I couldn't tell you the last time I bought DLC.
  19. He's doing something for the average American? So he's going to do something he's literally never thought twice about doing before? Bullshit.
  20. I refuse to pay for the DLC they obviously had planned during the main game's development. "Oh, I have to leave the party for no apparent reason, and when I come back, something will have very clearly happened, but I won't tell you what." Fuck that.
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