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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. Thinking that "older" women are broken and that you're superior to young women is why no woman will go out with you.
  2. You should get a job fucking Zeni.
  3. What did you mix altogether with the carrots if you already drank the broccoli you put in before? YOUR STORY'S FULL OF HOLES, OLD MAN!
  4. No, but I checked yesterday. That's good enough, right?
  5. When I was younger, I would watch the Disney afternoon cartoon block and Toonami. Then Disney moved away from that and it was the WB and Toonami.
  6. bigdick[/member]
  7. I'm rockin' a hard 3"
  8. Zenigundam Orange
  9. I can't wait until she gets to the age where she hates you.
  10. That's the only time I have sex
  11. Except instead of where the dick normally is, it's in his mouth. I've seen the picture.
  12. Rebecca...
  13. Shouldn't you be getting double time by now?
  14. You two should get married.
  15. I liked it a lot. It seemed like it actually had a budget, unlike the first one.
  16. That guy is an idiot, but goddamn he can vomit!
  17. You're short and alcoholic, that's 2 strikes already. You gotta make up for that, and calling a woman a bitch ain't gonna do it. Actually, I think you're just doing it for whatever little attention you can get. Poor guy. Get help.
  18. No, I haven't worked up the courage to ask you, yet.
  19. There was one where the woman queefed during it. A good queef, too, with the pussy lips flapping and everything. I think the fact that they ignored it made it even funnier.
  20. He's too busy chatting you up on OKC.
  21. Oh, he doesn't pay child support anymore?
  22. I don't need to have kids to know a drug abuser shouldn't have them.
  23. I don't trust you to raise anything, weed included.
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