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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. NES: Kirby's Adventure Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde SNES: Super Mario RPG Chuck Rock N64: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Quest 64 PS1: Final Fantasy IX Jade Cocoon GBC: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages ...I didn't have too many Game Boy games, so I'm unsure of the worst. Maybe Pokemon Red? GBA: Final Fantasy VI Advance Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland XBOX: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Destroy All Humans GC: The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg PS2: Persona 3 FES Musashi: Samurai Legend DS: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Yoshi's Island DS Wii: Xenoblade Chronicles The Last Story 360: Tales of Vesperia Halo 3 PS3: Yakuza 5 WET PSP: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep The 3rd Birthday 3DS: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Paper Mario: Sticker Star Wii U: Super Smash Bros. 4 Nintendo Land PS4: Persona 5 Final Fantasy XV Best is on top and worst is on bottom, of course.
  2. Why is she even wearing a bottom on that bikini? To keep her balls separated?
  3. You must have the yellowest piss around.
  4. Permanent retainers It's been less than a year since I got my last one replaced and it fucking popped out while I was flossing. Now I'll have to wait all weekend and eat nothing but soft food in the hopes that my teeth stay straight.
  5. Thor: Ragnarok I liked it a lot, but it was sad to see Planet Hulk as a throw away like that, because the comic and subsequent World War Hulk are AMAZING. 8.5/10
  6. The big bad alpha wolf's throat hurts so much he can't eat? Unless you have a knife sticking out of you neck, I don't know how that's possible.
  7. *triggered*
  8. Probably SMB or SMB3. I had an NES but I was a tot, so I don't remember the first.
  9. 400 is not 50% of 8200.
  10. I wonder if he doesn't beat the white girls in the video because the bruises would be more visible.
  11. I don't think you get to complain about people saying you talk ghetto without getting laughed at, now.
  12. I don't know why you married such a harpy in the first place.
  13. I don't normally drop a hard W, but I think going to a frat party trawling for dicks that are old enough to be your kids' to fill all your holes makes it warranted. Now, I don't think she's actually going to do that, I'm just continuing the narrative. I also just think it would be funny if she got more upset at "old" than "whore." I remember her saying she slapped a guy for calling her "black" during sex, so I could see it happening.
  14. Bitch please
  15. Probably be more offended than if they called her a whore.
  16. You obviously don't remember the initial announcements and release dates for Brawl and 4.
  17. A release date in the same year as its announcement is really fast for it not to be an updated port of 4.
  18. I drank 2% for too long, so whole milk feels too thick to me, like I'm just drinking cheese. It also makes me feel slightly better for drinking milk in the first place.
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