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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. I don't think you'd brag about that every day.
  2. It's really pathetic how you claim your daughter's accomplishments for your own.
  3. Oh boy, construction! I'm sure it's new and exciting for you since in Atlantic City things are usually being torn down.
  4. 20? Didn't know you were into grandmas.
  5. So you'll share pretty much everything about yourself, but your age is how you think people will get you?
  6. You are not 44 years away from 70.
  7. Why would we want to see the value after the guy restores them? That's not what you sold them for. Actually, you know no one here gives a shit.
  8. "What's a 40 year-old doing using the word 'luff?' "
  9. She's literally done everything she's berating him for. It's a joke, right? It's all an elaborate joke and I fell for it, right?
  10. making bad choices.
  11. I'm sure she finds them delici-- delightful.
  12. She doesn't have to do that this time. With her mom and daughter out, she could invite a guy with bed bugs over.
  13. 🍐 🍐 🍐
  14. That's what we're supposed to say.
  15. *ghostrek kicks blanket off himself* got dam it hot
  16. Probably shouldn't have yelled "Feel the Bern!" at him, first.
  17. Marlin Brando? Jude Craw?
  18. The question isn't so shrimple.
  19. I guess he has a need for silver and trash that smell like smoke.
  20. So is everyone just going to ignore Misaka inviting bnmjy to masturbate with him?
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