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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. Is Jose Cuervo a pornstar friend of yours?
  2. Nier: Automata, I suppose. The gameplay gets repetitive, but the world and story are so engaging that you really don't mind it. I agree with all of @imchapp.in's picks, though. The major reason I didn't pick Persona 5 is that I thought it kind of fell apart at the end, like Persona 4 did.
  3. Oh, okay. Yeah, I heard about that being a problem, but I thought the last patch solved it. Guess not.
  4. Unless they changed it in a recent update, I think you need Xbox Live Gold to play with other people.
  5. PenguinBoss

    Vidya Game Music

  6. It's worked well so far.
  7. Like anyone believes you actually talked to a woman.
  8. Aren't you the guy that fell for some millionaire model catfish? Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to point fingers.
  9. Complaining about something you have no intention of buying yet again, I see.
  10. I assume she doesn't know it, yet.
  11. The most alpha thing you do is piss in the bushes.
  12. PenguinBoss

    im married

    I'm sure it'll go as well as Serge's.
  13. Does he normally only overreact to whatever Tumblr would get upset over? If it's not a trans/gay thing, they don't seem to give a shit about it.
  14. At least it wasn't hairy.
  15. Goddammit, Mitsuru.
  16. MILF stuff, mostly.
  17. Porn must really throw you for a loop, then. "Oh, you're my sister's friend from school, but are obviously 40 years old."
  18. Hopefully there's some actual fucking in this one.
  19. Honestly, it's moved up to being my favorite FF in the past few years. I enjoy pretty much everything about it. My only real complaints are that Freya's development ends at the start of Disc 2 and the story jumps the shark at the end.
  20. PenguinBoss

    Vidya Game Music

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