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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. I feel like he'd go to jail either way.
  2. I started in Action and eventually moved to Babbling as I slowly stopped watching [as].
  3. 6/16/2003 Back when I was just a child instead of a man-child.
  4. The difference is that his VP can take over if he needs to be absent. In Feinstein's case, the Dems just completely lose a vote.
  5. Kudos to the judge for looking out, trying to make sure they aren't harassed or worse.
  6. I wonder what far-leftist Elon is planning to platform since he's such a moderate.
  7. Then there's this fucking dumbass.
  8. Good news coming out of Texas of all places! But that gentleman's mustache demands he do the right thing. What's unsurprising is that it's about a guy who loudly voices his opinion against "grooming."
  9. I know it's a generic response at this point, but it was always pro-birth, never pro-life.
  10. I was going to say that I feel like Disney doesn't get the point of a strike, then realize they just don't care. I feel like they know people are chomping at the bit to work there.
  11. I was wondering what she did, then remembered she was trans in Montana.
  12. His wife is heiress to Swanson frozen foods, and I imagine he got a nice severance unless he was fired for cause. The only way he'd suffer is if he lost his audience, and I believe they're far more likely to turn on FOX than him.
  13. Dude isn't hurting for money. He can do his own thing to see if that pays enough before he starts slumming it on OAN or Newsmax. Frankly, I find that a better alternative than bringing any more eyes to either of those networks, unless he really goes off the deep end.
  14. That's on the kid for not realizing he was an enemy NPC.
  15. Wasn't sure what thread to put this in, but this is certainly how people feel about the current situation.
  16. "And to clarify, it definitely wasn't a Tesla™ Model S, from the world's leading name in electric vehicles."
  17. Gotta love the use of "combat" when it comes to other people's right to vote.
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