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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. The trend is ukulele apology videos or disingenuous apology videos? Because the video makes it clear the latter has been around for a long time. Personally, I'm hoping for the next trend to be attractive women sending me pics of them in bikinis.
  2. Thinking about the giant jug of solution I have to drink before my colonoscopy on Friday. Also about how happy I am to have a phone to play with during the... expulsion phase.
  3. That's the most half-assed facial blur I've ever seen.
  4. I have a cat, so no. I don't know that I could when I didn't have one, either, though. Thankfully I don't have much trouble going back to sleep.
  5. Representatives have been taught that you can do whatever you want to get your way and not lose followers, so that's what they do.
  6. Feels like it's just for show. I don't see how Meta would be at fault unless they hired people for the express purpose of "stealing" trade secrets. I would think that any ex Twitter employees would know if they were contractually unable to use what they learned while working there. The only thing I would expect is non-compete stuff, which I guess they didn't have, or else it'd be all over the place.
  7. His mom wouldn't let him fight Zuck, so I'm sure his cock ain't that big.
  8. I wasn't aware being active on Twitter was in her contract.
  9. It's interesting to see "Ukraine is a threat" to "Russia is stomping their shit in" in the same breath.
  10. PenguinBoss

    Steam Sale

    The only game I've been really considering pulling the trigger on is No More Heroes 3, since it appears like its issues have been fixed. But, like you, I have plenty of games that I haven't played, so I might just skip it and see if it's cheaper during the winter sale.
  11. I've thankfully never had migraines, so I couldn't tell you from personal experience. But, if they were frequent/painful enough, I probably would.
  12. You don't need affirmative action when a billionaire pays for your nephew's tuition.
  13. Started P5R
  14. You should try it some time.
  15. I stopped needing my retainer after I had crowns put in, so I'll hope your teeth turn to shit so you don't need to have one forever. I do still have a permanent one on my bottom teeth, though.
  16. The only thing that came to my mind was transparency, and I knew that wasn't right.
  17. Damn, those are rookie numbers nowadays.
  18. I have semi-frequent dreams of having Shadowcat's powers of... I don't know the specific word for it. I don't think I'd yell to get attention just because I'm too lazy to open a door.
  19. I assume the F stands for Frankenstein.
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