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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. Already posted in the memes thread, but:
  2. All right, grandpa, let's get you to bed.
  3. Hope he has enough left for hair dye.
  4. Rogue AI: "Humanity is a blight on the planet and must be eliminated." Elon: "Interesting."
  5. (Also, the mother of said child says this was a lie and she was holding him)
  6. I imagine it's because everyone with half a brain blocked Elon months ago. But we all know he abides by his poll results, and he has no issue of moving goalposts afterwards.
  7. This will be followed quickly by "Being Anti-KKK is anti-American."
  8. Anyone who believe in true Karma isn't a Christian. In Buddhism/Hinduism, Karma is essentially your actions in life, good and bad, that determine what you reincarnate as. You do not see results in this life, and Christians obviously don't believe in reincarnation, so those are clearly at ends with each other. I'm not really knowledgeable past that, so I'm unsure if remorse plays a factor in proper Karma, and if it does if it's complete forgiveness. If you mean the general "If you do good, good will come to you" type, it's not really that different from believing you'll be rewarded by being granted access to Heaven after you die, is it? It's just that the person is being rewarded for their good deeds while still alive. That's my take on it, anyway. I've never believed that a genuinely good person won't go to Heaven just because they don't believe in Jesus. In my personal belief, the karma you're talking about, is tit for tat like you said. There is no benevolence or maliciousness in its action, and as such it doesn't matter if you are remorseful or not.
  9. Seen here: Free Speech Absolutist suing people for what they say about him.
  10. "This is also about the integrity of our military" = "No coloreds and no gays"
  11. Risk of Rain Returns
  12. You follow some stupid fucking people.
  13. Oh, I certainly hope it's real. I just find it difficult to believe anyone would use campaign funds for OF, then show their face while running for/already in office. Queue @Poofysaying they do that shit all the time.
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