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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Beats the deal we got for freeing Maria Butina.
  2. Jesus christ https://www.phillytrib.com/news/items-with-classified-markings-found-at-trump-storage-unit-in-florida/article_3d8cef26-326b-5daf-9dd0-76570a3305e3.html That's a lot of paperwork. Do we even have any top secret documents left?
  3. Well, by your logic, mr. Graham, i have some unfortunate news about your party... https://thehill.com/homenews/3708107-graham-democrats-fear-walker-win-because-it-would-mean-gop-is-not-racist/
  4. This guy got it work through StableDiffusion. https://www.reddit.com/r/weirddalle/comments/zdfd49/naughty_prompts_result_in_nightmare_fuel/
  5. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-save-america-pac-lawyers-classified-documents-1764914 Bribing witnesses. Woooooo.
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/05/supreme-court-tackles-biden-student-loan-plan.html Well it was a nice idea.
  7. Shit, sorry, I should have addressed this too- I was referring to the goddamn media that always pussyfoots around fascist terrorism. Every single story you see calls this thing "alleged vandalism" and that shit is goofy as fuck.
  8. Here's one- We should create a new measurement of time called a "moment" which consists of what we now consider roughly 8 "seconds". We now abolish the concept of the second and make the moment the smallest most-commonly used measure of time. The reasoning behind that is because numerous tests have concluded that the human frame of reference for what we consider to be "the present" is roughly 8 seconds long, with stimuli experienced upwards of nine seconds ago appearing as memories rather than current stream of consciousness. ... The numberpad on the keyboard should have a button that brings up a calculator.
  9. Nah, pretty much any expression of time would theoretically be valid- I mean if what we called a "minute" lasted 15 "seconds" it'd be the same thing as a "zebra" being called a "oifedfiehf". Just labels we slapped on to things.
  10. Fuck timezones. Everyone should have the same time. December in the southern hemisphere is the middle of summer. They don't go around calling it July. 3:00 PM should be 3:00 PM, no matter if it's lunchtime or the middle of the night.
  11. https://apnews.com/article/us-supreme-court-entertainment-religion-race-and-ethnicity-discrimination-9f2a76e9c72b6e0dc2a513a968328799
  12. Good news- they didn't! The drag show went on with flashlights. Fuck the fascists. For real though, America's electrical infrastructure is an incredibly soft target. Ted Koppel wrote a book about it. It'd only take attacks at 20 different locations to take down america's electricity. For years.
  13. The other night i had like 20 minutes before bed and was all internetted out for the night. Didnt want to start up a game that id get wrapped up in right before i had to stop. Remembered the good ol' days of dial-up internet and Maxis pinball. So i go on steam and get myself a free pinball game. Its fun. There's all kinds of tables to play, AvP, Jurassic Park, LOTR... they all cost money though, only one free table. But its fun enough to blow a handful of minutes on.
  14. Not Another Teen Movie was fun.
  15. A few weeks ago is decades when it comes to AI advances.
  16. Yeah, now im just being difficult. I get worked up sometimes.
  17. Aight, ill admit, in the interests of not clogging up the folder with every news story about domestic terrorism, i figured itd be best to put it into the megathread where i figured it sort of fit- just like i posted the news about trump owing North Korea nearly $20 million in the Trump FBI thread. Im sorry i love efficiencies.
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