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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. @Ginguy kill order just went out, better grab your gun and prove yourself. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-truth-social-deal-with-fbi-doj-thugs-incitement_n_639e5393e4b0f4895adc174d
  2. So I've mostly only been paying attention to Dalle 2, but I looked at some of the things the newer versions of stable diffusion and midjourney are doing these days, and hoooooooly shit. They've pretty much passed the "human artist or a robot" test. My god.
  4. https://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/youre-free-to-go-u-s-man-acquitted-of-charges-in-seizure-of-56-handguns-at-border/wcm/93ec71fb-0a7c-49be-9e2c-78e518e262d6 Speaking of arms dealers...
  5. Y'all had DOL at least, right? Ugh, once they made us memorize all 47 prepositions. That was some bullshit too.
  6. Y'all remember having to like... chart out sentences in... idk, like, sixth grade english class? The fuck was the point of all that? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BULLSHIT SUPPOSED TO BE? NO SERIOUSLY NOW I'M PISSED THAT THIS IS WHY I GOT LIKE A C OR SOMETHING IN SIXTH GRADE ENGLISH CLASS. FUCK THAT GODDAMN SENTENCE THING I HATE IT.
  7. Good news jingo the kill order is coming. you'll finally get that chance to prove you actually have convictions instead of living purely to spite a handful of people on a message board.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-immigration-hyundai/ Remember those couple thousand children that got "lost" from Trump’s concentration camps? Bet i know where some of them ended up.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/12/14/texas-transgender-data-paxton/ They've got lists of names ready to go.
  10. Nuclear fusion has been "40 years away" until yesterday. Now its yesterday.
  11. Found snake clits too. Betting they're related. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/science/snakes-clitoris-hemiclitores.html
  12. We unlocked free unlimited energy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/us/live-news/nuclear-fusion-reaction-us-announcement-12-13-22/index.html
  13. Some were fully feathered, some had no feathers, some had partial feathers, sone had feather-like structures that were more quill-like than anything. Huge variety.
  14. I don't know, never saw the show. These guys aren't pictured as feathered because there is no evidence that spinosaurus had feathers like many therapod dinosaurs.
  15. The calls for vuolence are growing louder (with crowder).
  16. https://www.salon.com/2022/12/13/law-professors-raise-ethics-concerns-as-kavanaugh-parties-with-at-worst-possible-time/ Supreme court justice just sorta hanging out with folks who've got a case coming up before the Supreme Court. Also pedophile and international child trafficker matt gaetz was there, because of course he was.
  17. Well goddamnit. Checking the latest dinosaur news, apparently spinosaurus has changed again. Now I guess it turns out the 2020 reconstruction was wrong too. Guess now I'll have to watch an hour long video to catch up.
  18. Specific order from his russian handlers.
  19. Ukraine no longer exists on Twitter.
  20. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/mark-meadows-exchanged-texts-with-34-members-of-congress-about-plans-to-overturn-the-2020-election Hoooo boy... Fun stuff in there.
  21. Wait until tomorrow before you post again. It will be a 2sday.
  22. AI man. Its useful for everything.
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