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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Fact checking.
  2. Currently I see that I am unable to, and that mases me very sad.
  3. Ok, so what should we do about it? Just ignore him?
  4. It's that one feller I believe who was super passionate about anime ratings and bleach, if that rings a bell.
  5. Back on the old boards he's going on a bit of a rampage, burned through like 3 names in a couple hours since Perseus is still modding... Anyways, says everyone at the old boards can svck it because the people who like him are all over here. I don't know, seemed like an extraordinary claim, so I kinda wanted proof. So, are you down with ben? Follow up question: Why?
  6. Well if I can't post them in the right place after a while I'll just post them in the books folder like I did before. No... this is not the end; I'm composing myself before launching phase 2.
  7. not getting a "my fanfics" option, just a search option. Ah well.
  8. He and I get our hair cut by the same person.
  9. Ok, so how does the fanfiction button up there work? It takes me to a page full of categories, I can only click on the toonami one, and I can't find anywhere to submit. So that's where we're currently at.
  10. Waiting builds anticipation. I gotta make you want it.
  11. Called it.
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