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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marjorie-taylor-greene-steve-bannon-jan-6-armed-1234645457/ Also this is old news but its looking reeeeeally likely she was the one who placed a pipe bomb at the DNC. https://www.ibtimes.sg/marjorie-taylor-greene-pipe-bomber-u-s-reps-prior-knowledge-explosive-devices-planted-dc-59202
  2. They should make a doordash ATM that delivers handfuls of cash to your door.
  3. It's not about convincing anyone, it's about standing up and shouting what you're told to stand up and shout. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ditto head
  4. Who are you intending on killing to make the problem right? Or you just gonna "Option D" it again?
  5. He means "shot". he's calling for people to be shot.
  6. Yeah the spin on this is crazy, seeing a loooooooooooot of people saying she hates america.
  7. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2022/12/09/kent-stermon-death-investigation-desantis-board-governors/ Betting it was a suicide by two shots to the back of his head, and that the investigation involved child trafficking.
  8. Actually, according to NYT... www.nytimes.com/2022/12/08/upshot/georgia-voter-turnout-republicans
  9. Also we've already got a thread for this. https://unevenedge.com/topic/59755-itn-fbi-preparing-to-charge-biden/
  10. The "real" story here is that Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him by the (((deep state)) and was therefore justified in his last attempted coup and all coup attempts to come. World's gonna be a whole lot different after the 10 days of darkness.
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/08/science/vagina-chip-bacterial-vaginosis.html
  12. Well here's something I found out today.
  13. Actually it was something like "8k photorealistic hyper realistic surreal steve harvey expressing unconditional love."
  14. Reaching for deez nuts. *grabs crotch*
  15. Remember that time the conservative president used the platform as his mouthpiece to organize an attempted coup? But no, i'd trust everything elon musk says. Something something 14 words 88 honk honk.
  16. Corners are just doorways turned inside out.
  17. So everybody's saying how Biden made a shitty deal here... Bet there's a lot we're not seeing. Like... a lot of shit putin's got to hold over the US right now. Like nuclear secrets and shit.
  18. Simultaneous attacks are being reported in Washington and Oregon. https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/power-grid-stations-washington-victim-recent-attacks/281-e230b98f-4041-4cfc-845a-da4cade0b1a8
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