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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmv.27971 Men who've had covid have 33% less swimmers, 4% of men whove been hospitalized with covid have no swimmers at all.
  2. oh my god I relish the opportunity to empathize with people.
  3. Hey jingo this reply just happens to be exactly fourteen words honk honk. Nazi.
  4. "88" is klownspeak code for "heil hitler"
  5. Kanye did bring Trump the optimal running mate though. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-hosted-white-supremacist-nick-fuentes-mar-a-lago-reports-2022-11
  6. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-could-follow-trump-lead-ignore-republican-house-subpoena-1762118
  7. "When all you've got to eat is frogs, mow the lawn mow the lawn just to catch a few."
  8. Nazis, eh? ... It could be a nationalized phone. Everyone is issued one along with a twitter account at birth. It tracks your location, everything you say... And you do everything through it. Shop, apply for jobs, sign up for insurance, talk to people in the next room... vote. *also this is apparently post #420 in this thread. Just saw that and thought "heh".
  9. Back to the Walmart shooter-
  10. Itn: putin is a scared little bitch who doesn't have the balls to launch a nuclear apocalypse. https://www.newsweek.com/putin-nuclear-weapons-war-leaked-fsb-letters-1762233
  11. Accidentally double posted, so I'll add another thought. Dude was sweaty as shit too. Nasty.
  12. That would have been an improvement compared to just... whatever sounds this guy was making.
  13. You actually almost owe it to yourselves to see just how godawful this guys performance is... It's like his idea of how to play a "bad guy" character is just nasty ass grunts and, can't stress this enough- paint huff. Like, I was legit mad when I watched this back in the day.
  14. I don't know if you watched the clip, but no- you're right on 100%. Dude was on paint something fierce.
  15. Update- holy crap it's exactly who I thought it was and oh my god. NSFW review and specific clip from the movie: Seriously, this guy was HORRIBLE.
  16. Ive read he played the bad guy in the spiderman porn parody, and if i recall correctly he was a talentless hack.
  17. Just do the "jerking off" hand motion really quick instead. Gets the point across.
  18. Just wait until you hear nabs explain the whole thing to you again.
  19. Yes nabs. Thank you for explaining my post back to me.
  20. Also if he was non-binary his dad sure didn't know. goofy shit.
  21. Fixed that. Also, yeah, remember what happened to the never-trumpers in 2016? Trump is literally the only way forward for the republican party.
  22. I don't need protection I need... Shit, I was trying to think of something smartass but I'm drawing a blank. How about this then- OJ's lawyer said the glove didn't fit.
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