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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Let him go, Phillies. I love you both. Please dont hurt him!
  2. Oh come on shes super gorgeous. U just cant make a certain person feel further threatened and insecure. But lets call a blue sky a blue sky. Jeez.
  3. Its ok. I didnt feel like driving 45 minutes to the nice part of town and dealing with all the Friday night traffic. It was still good.
  4. Yeah i know lol I wouldn't mind being a pornstar but i just like to lie there lol!
  5. Not just bbw pornstars but bbw models and they are extremely hot. Yeah i see hes trying to claim i have wrinkles lol 🙄 let him have good luck with that
  6. Aw thankies. Clu makes me feel so hideous and im big but not THAT big lol
  7. I don't think he minds
  8. Can i fix it?
  9. *puts foot out so you trip back into the internet* Welcome, back!
  10. Sorry. He started it.
  11. Even more makeup. My next obstacle is evening skintone more
  12. What positive thing? Youre awesome by the way. I learned that while people are in your life you have to let them know how much u value them before they leave you for good.
  13. i did it just for you, my love, did it make you kegelspasm???
  14. i got it right big papa sawdy are you proud of me?
  15. <a href="https://imgflip.com/i/2v7jah"><img src="https://i.imgflip.com/2v7jah.jpg" title="made at imgflip.com"/></a>
  16. itll work in that itll make it harder for ILLEGALS, those nasty brown people, to walk right into the US like theyve been doing for YEARS AND KILLING ALL THE GOOD WHITE AMERICANSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. i got a full work up and blood test and gyno tests and everything on my last birthday. i was fine except for low vitamin D. it was reassuring and i started working on getting back in shape. you might just be fine but its good to have blood work file in case you have an emergency later. they will have something to compare to.
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