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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. do white people dry their hair with a blow dryer everyday?
  2. pretty please
  3. excuse me this thread is about getting me married. this isnt the level of assistance you gave sponges. dont let me call white privilege on you
  4. The Dollar General on my way home from work has DGGO the app does a lot of things but one of the best futuristic type things is you can pay for your stuff from your phone and walked out the store with out going to the register me love me love it all stores should do this!!
  5. then you can call me your Personal Jesus for working that miracle
  6. how many episodes can he just go to another reality and fix things that way? LOL
  7. the last episode i watched was pretty fucked up lol
  8. that motherfucker wouldn't care
  9. you helped sponges get married. i want to get married too. rather be gay married but beggers cant be choosers.
  10. hes obviously doesnt really want to or he would have already. im so tired of this same thread thats been on going for a freaking decade now
  11. arent you like 30? when will you be mature enough?
  12. No OnE SiTs AnD THinKs AboUT YoU ThaT mUCh why they going thru all my post history and making up reasons to ban me and then messing with my profile settings then, dumb piece of fucking cowpile shit idiot
  13. Won't you be in your 40s?
  14. That chick is gonna be rich. Ill be in the nicest retirement home biiiish
  15. Our kids r gen z tard
  16. Better than having Generation Z take care of us 😳
  17. Well i can only afford to live to 70 so probably
  18. My weakness for military hotties
  19. I want this to be my answer now
  20. I don't even know where ill be in one year
  21. I lived with my Dad when he passed away then had my own places for awhile so i kinda understand. I think you should not be guilty because i bet your grandma would be proud of you for making it without her.
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