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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. keeps me up to date on all the juicy streaming news .. like business days and new shows and stuff https://www.facebook.com/StreamingTV.us/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARDhalKlZuhullldlAk8omja0_8mpr7xZAx82DcW_NRrLLb0H-Hvx3aGe5lWLU2IapiejGQax5UAVfQS&hc_ref=ARQcGZYdOPfJsmRpuZAjGJ6qQ5Utqp6qLAv5GQUAOSNjdi8fZk1ZMP6tossqbWiRjq0&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARDQqJqq3kGmLR9C2ujVHS8VRU7nt2u3XNGdSJAUw21e6WitoWM0TQjtCUiYiUdjYMRwGCSWwWmbb8RSdXIA-KMmLGQBpHBNf1ab7JB6YHmSMcvH5mQPzxVwdqdR3xjlDycAqIro6V8qdlN4ww7S7ZZMw3FwcsGhCZlfiZPnNF22h106mlHUs_4yj7o96DEWD9hcYODlEluX7oaUpvD-i4PbthhA4X7SJF6zYS6Zz0SvgFCS_jktwXw-VCGey_jKkDo57QsUe8GsLTDsv81w7Gsg6Sc4BgJuAHWyy5SDJvhQdXdJRHYS4pg_bIOWD81Ur7IcJ10cpbDePNgeNo68XsAoNA
  2. no because in my mind you are a raccoon smoking a cigarette. would you trust a raccoon?
  3. no im not. i just dont believe anything he says.
  4. i havent got the time to post all the stories about these customers so im posting the most craziest one. so saturday im checking out people and i hear what i first thought were people fighting.. i just hear yelling and i dont hear very well but all i can make out is "IM AT (STORE!!)" so i keep workiing and i still hear yelling and screaming. this lady appears upfront and she is still screaming. shes to the side of me and i can make out whats shes screaming over and over "THEY STOLE MY PURSE!! I TOLD HIM TO WATCH! I NEED MY PURSE! IT HAS MY KEYS AND LICENSES IN IT!!! " just screaming at the top of her lungs. the managers are trying to calm her down and shes screaming at them. i never heard anyone scream so loud. and she keep going on and on "MY PURSE I NEED MY PURSE BACK" 10 minutes past and shes basically walking in circles of the whole store screaming and everyone is staring at her and then she starts screaming at other customers "DID YOU TAKE MY PURSE. YOU WERE BACK THERE. DID YOU TAKE IT" so i found out yesterday what happened she went into the bathroom and left her purse with her husband to watch. somehow she comes out the bathroom yelling and my coworker says she was peeing herself while she was yelling. the lady comes to my register and buys pants and goes and puts them on leaving her wet pants all over the floor in the bathroom. Anyway, another customer went into the bathroom and found the lady's purse. I dont know if it was always in there or if someone really tried to grab it but then got nervous and put it back because she was causing such a ruckus. ive been a cashier before but it was at target and none of their bougie customers lose it like the ones where im at now
  5. I thought u have one for your fans?
  6. My vag is not stretched bish one as such a slut as u should not slut shame i would think
  7. Youre missing happiness
  8. I bet its worth at least one of these
  9. I think i need to lower my antidepressant
  10. Mite ass well customize my calendar adding wonderful icons. Looking at those paydays! (Stacks on stacks on stacks)
  11. As long as i take my meds...right?
  12. When from $190 a month to $120 something....yyyyiiiiipppppeeeeeee
  13. Italy and Brazil
  14. Its actually in a really old part of the city
  15. Thats why yer on the fugg approval list
  16. i wasnt going to say anything but why he using it on his 3 inches of hair? lol i dont geddit
  17. man, fuck you guys. i can get gay married by my damn self hmph
  18. @Vamped what? that doesnt seem like really bad for their hair to you? LOL
  19. wrong. i need a partner. a ride or die.
  20. who said i needed a crutch?
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