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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. So a picture that was posted on the board before cant be reposted? Cuz buddy does that without my permission a lot.
  2. True. As a mother of an only child myself im telling you they ok at that age. I just took mine to a restaurant play area for a few hours and she made some insta-friends
  3. I have another check ready i just cant make it to their office because it closes at 5 and i get off at 5
  4. @katt_goddess wtf u even talking about? My memory is bad.
  5. No im still stuck on this guy
  6. Im getting nothing but ring ads
  7. Lol don't look at me. Im not getting that ad!
  8. I hate my fridge. Its new but way too small.
  9. Sandstone is just whiney and anal as fuck. Everything bothers him.
  10. I thought shed only make lil rolly balls out of it. Boy she surpised me with a fox and a corn monster lol
  11. Not people. Just viper.
  12. The place i went to had korean newpapers stacked by the hundreds so im assuming that ACTUAL koreans frequent it. The owners also close it down a few months a year to travel to korea so hows it not legit again?
  13. Mh has years and years of hand to hand combat training so i hope u like bedbug ridden anime pillows
  14. Most bipolar people arent disagnosed until after 20 tho
  15. Ok...*sigh* i shall choose
  16. I was over the age of 25 before i learned what an oil chnage was and that cars needed them on a regular basis Thanks, dad, who was a mechanic and never told me this. I think he was just changing my oil himself and not saying anything about it cuz he was always working on my cars
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