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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. I did get pissed when they gave me free bagels for an entire month then charged me like $2 for cream cheese
  2. Becuz its raining sicko
  3. Ive never had a problem there but i stopped going cuz its out of the way oh and cuz of the fat
  4. *rain pelts outside* Mom: Its raining. Does Madison have her umbrella? (she always keeps in her bookbag but i say ...) Me: No. She's going to melt. Mom: OOHHH NNNOOO!! Me: It's fine. I can just make another one.
  5. Im so wet right now
  6. A tyler durden probably could fix him up right good. Give him purpose in life again.
  7. What about the cell phone u supposed to get? I guess a ps4 is cool too 🙄
  8. What? Lol ive never heard of such a thing. U telling me there's TWO springs bitch
  9. U know its still winter, right?
  10. He could live in the storage room
  11. Panera bakes them fresh every morning
  12. Aw he mad cuz he realizes hes crap
  13. Writer's Cake!
  14. Happy birthday beautiful! Stay awesome
  15. Havent seen her since 5 am this morning lol Its cool shes out havi ng fun but she never gives me a head up so i can get fucked 😏
  16. Its connect buy usb and you can get some pretty long ass usb cords but ok
  17. I bought the wired one
  18. Yah i love the interactive background. The one thats two layers with the dragon (whose name madison knew) is my fav do far. especially cuz he kept messing madison up and made it easier for me lol
  19. Yah I fucking hate the joy cons.
  20. Youre supposed to jump back up when youre about to go over and get back on the platform. Yah the top buttons do shit too i guess but im not sure yet. Im kicking ass with them bottom two buttons lol
  21. Phillies they are lying. I didnt eat the lobster. I went on a humanitarian mission to see if i could get them to free one. I put him right in the cooper river. He is happy and free! *burp*
  22. Is analogue the old style controller? Cuz i bought one for myself Madison seems just fine on the joy con tho
  23. Its stupid. I just hit the bottom two buttons and fight like that. Once i figured that out i kept winning
  24. Aw shit look misaka. He found out u fucking snitch
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