hes probably microchipped. whats so hard about taking him to the shelter. you have a kitty carrier, right?
someone took my microchipped kitty to the shelter when he got lost... i never saw him again but still
i finally sleep like a human being last night. it took taking my meds at freaking 7pm to do.. and i missed in a little klonopin. Woke up refreshed without a hint of drowsiness this morning!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!
while your sucking his dick or he is fucking you? ooooooooooh ggaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwd yessss
my hair is straight and long again and i cannot WAIT for this!!
i think i have sleep apnea... if i sleep too deeply i wake up in a sweat, heart beating fast and with a terrible headache... immmmmm dyiiiiiiiiiing in mah sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep
theres people here who *shock and awe* may benefit from the discount and i was helping them out. i know you dont care about anyone but yourself but everyone isnt as selfish as you