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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. i spent $0 yesterday..w as so proud of me!!
  2. im on a finance diet..if its not bills, gas, food or toiletries IM NOT BUYING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. it makes me uncomfortable... im thinking of just illegally downloading it.. i dunno... going to see John Wick friday !!!!
  4. ive now been inspired for my halloween costume
  5. hes probably microchipped. whats so hard about taking him to the shelter. you have a kitty carrier, right? someone took my microchipped kitty to the shelter when he got lost... i never saw him again but still
  6. i finally sleep like a human being last night. it took taking my meds at freaking 7pm to do.. and i missed in a little klonopin. Woke up refreshed without a hint of drowsiness this morning!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!
  7. while your sucking his dick or he is fucking you? ooooooooooh ggaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwd yessss my hair is straight and long again and i cannot WAIT for this!!
  8. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i think i have sleep apnea... if i sleep too deeply i wake up in a sweat, heart beating fast and with a terrible headache... immmmmm dyiiiiiiiiiing in mah sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep
  9. thats probably a witch that transmorgafied who is trying to deliver a message, you should let them in
  10. sawdy, do you like my singing??? lets dance!!
  11. yah but everyone already knows this and hates those cheap ass pizzas. getting $5 pizza hut is a steal
  12. lets do it baby do it tonight
  13. theres people here who *shock and awe* may benefit from the discount and i was helping them out. i know you dont care about anyone but yourself but everyone isnt as selfish as you
  14. theyre teenagers!! i love kitkits at that age!!
  15. i was just sent a coupon but maybe you dont need a coupon? they say its for national cheese day
  16. i understand that not every man likes big girls and im ok with this
  17. i bet u $100 she fucked her ex
  18. I have a few references... how bout dah??
  19. lol yeah cuz like how would they know all the other fans or how big they are?
  20. why nobody love me? im freaking awesome mang!!
  21. im 5'9, i would look horrible weighing only 120
  22. No its the drugs
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