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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Its coming in the mail today. Im going to get it and come back tonite lol
  2. I lost my license and the waitress has refused to serve me alcohol. I NEED A FUCKING DRINK...IM ALMOST FUCKING 40 YEARS OLD! l ol l!udjidjjdjd
  3. O ok dang hush mr. Car man jeez
  4. My 1st car was a hyundai elantra...but i had won a settlement in court and that bought my 1st car
  5. Two double paychecks double double dollah bills 🤑🤑
  6. Still doubly employed bish
  7. I think imma get drunk before i go to work Or a little tipsy at least Waiting for ruby Tuesday to open I shopped, showered and wrapped one present
  8. It never misfired. Just was trembling and it stopped. Probably some bad gas. Dunno.
  9. 2015 Bought with 5 years payments Paid off early 2019
  10. I own my car, too And no teenagers do not drive crossover suvs lol they drive all kinds of kia sedans tho
  11. I just bought $100 worth of stuff. I have a problem.
  12. Got both direct deposits. Was only expecting one. Im rich, bitch.
  13. Accurate! MH messing with my fucking head again!
  14. I couldn't stay out of kmart when i was a teenager
  15. Waiting on my direct deposit..got damn...hurry up...let party
  16. I summoned u to keep me company, motherfucker!
  17. It has everything but navigation. Just need to activate it. It literally has EVERYTHING lol What the teenager mobile got. Fucking starter car. Hey can i buy it when Madison turns 15?
  18. Fucking butters
  19. Basically "dreamt" someone came in here and raped me and it felt 100% real as fuck Then a whole bunch of other nightmares So whata up 4am crew! HOLLA
  20. **update Homeless man got an appointment to see about getting free bus passes so he can get to work Fingers crossed If u have any ideas abt how to further help this dude back on his feet please post I fear that he'll have issues and get depressed again
  21. Dont question me. As a former member of the former hoohah club your loyalty to me is still a requirement
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