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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Hes the 1 st server thats ever done that. He really treated me like a person. I dont get that often. I almost cried. He even tied the bib on me when no other server has even offered the bib.
  2. Im so glad my meds work..i still get sad but its not so bad that i cant function
  3. Yall some sick puppies
  4. No dont show him this thread! He has a thing for food...i mean ...lobsters
  5. No, I fap to Gregg Rainwater.
  6. Name one of the new ones that are coming out later this year
  7. I just made a complaint similar to this in rants. Do everything..as someone with your...issues...do everything to avoid people at work. They are poison to folks like us and they DO seek out sensitive people!
  8. YES knows everything about them. I be having no clue what she's talking about lol
  9. Just the one. Damn. But we preordered the new pokemon game.
  10. Blackberries..a cherry..vodka i think..cant remember but it top notch. Couldn't taste the alcohol and im tipsy af right now lol
  11. Ok thanks. Ill get a 2nd opinion but definitely not doing it until next years refund lol
  12. Aw yeah getting tipsy with the Lobster Lover! Time to dig in!
  13. I live in SC. Also back in the day my dad used to rake up hay in the woods for money.
  14. Try that in the hood. Crackheads would get it in Tminus 15 minutes lol
  15. Ive already got it. Just bought my hotel reservations down to one nite. Madison got $150 of gamestop stuff ALONE
  16. Well i ended up spending $300 on madison. Budget DED
  17. The fear in his eyes makes my tummy grumble.
  18. Meet Darwin!
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