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Everything posted by MasterBox

  1. Of nothing and everything in between. signed, The artist formerly known as MasterBox
  2. Just because I smoked @jackiemarie90 poll doesn't mean nothing.
  3. Idk, but I bet it's at least a time out if you say it here.
  4. Ha! Who told you!?!?
  5. I prefer the natural flavoring.
  6. Ha. True...but them's finger food. I just want to lick.
  7. Naw bro, it's a place like a hospital where they inject you with something and hook you up directly to the internet. They wouldn't tell me what they injected tho. I don't do drugs or alkehol btw.
  8. Idk about candy, but I like to see what the pussy tastes like on Valentines day.
  9. Yes you can. You just gotta be at the right place on the right drugs.
  10. Oh ok. And the way the topic was worded kinda sounded like mother/daugher action too. Sorry, I'm weird.
  11. and show you how to properly tie your shoelaces. I think the rabbit goes thru the hole. Hmmm?
  12. Shaggy is so boss now because it's got the word Shag in it and people are just now figuring it out or something. It's like they just watched Austin Powers or something.
  13. Woo-hoo! I can't say what I want to say cause it's considered "racist"...but nice jerry-rig!
  14. Eat more, die twice.
  15. I found your party...it's got Jesus in it.
  16. If she says so you need to rub peanut butter mixed with 5 packs of freshly chewed bubble gum and rub it on there stat and leave in until dry. Nobody will notice your thinning hair then.
  17. I tried, but it didn't want a hug, so I stabbed it.
  18. Like.
  19. An engineer probably got paid $10,000 to design that.
  20. Idk, I have so many it's hard to choose.
  21. What's a cutie? Fuggs, she's probably too young for sex if that's what you're talking about.
  22. Wanna see my butthole? It's in the shape of Puerto Rico.
  23. I don't watch porn except out my window when the bull mates the cows and most of the time I'm not looking out the window...so...
  24. If they're drinking and have a big enough cup (like a 55 gallon barrel of alcohol) it'd be a nice ice cube for it. Hmmm...now I'm wondering what the world's largest ice cube ever was.
  25. And come up with a thousand rhymes
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