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Everything posted by MasterBox

  1. +$9.99 s+h? that's where the money is. you're a smart one.
  2. do it do a wheelie?
  3. Ever slept with it on?
  4. How many times have you thought about double scotching in it?
  5. weed shotgun man. that's too bad.
  6. well, you'd just need like 4 drops so that's like probably 100 bags or something. you'll be rich!
  7. explain how it helps you double scotch.
  8. how many times have you used it for a shotgun?
  9. Yeah you could, but then you'd have to figure out the density of fog and stuff and the equivalent of how much would be in so many cubic cm of air just say it's fog you killed with your dehumidifier of justice. They would call you the fog slayer or something grand and you would get an award
  10. have you ever had sex with it on?
  11. hell, i bet he'd like it even better then. you could tell him or advertise it as dead fog that has returned to the spirit or some shit.
  12. Capture some of it in a jar or plastic bag and sell that shit! MegaNaraku said he'd move for it, so maybe he'd buy some?
  13. That's pretty good, but I was going for this...and it's the female that I'm using for the pic for the male.
  14. Seriously, I'm looking for a dog that has a really intense face on it (you know the face) while getting it on. It's for a piece of art I am going to commission.
  15. Yes you do. Bend over.
  16. Just found this place thru the reddit link last week. Been lurking since. The UEMB has so many unique characters on it. Unfortunately, some of the best of us was erased from public viewing when the ASMB went away, which is a shame that Turner has the personalities of many great minds and some crazy ones too. I think there may be enough information on here to make a couple of movies or more. It may take 2 years to go thru most of the stuff, but it is entirely possible. I propose that the owner of the UEMB, whoever that may be, form a LLC, and make anyone who wants in, pay a certain amount for membership and make it a manager-managed LLC with either the mods or selected members or even outside hired persons to be managers. Could be all of the above with classes of managers, etc...anyway.... I think it would work and all members would benefit from the profits of a movie, should the movie, if it is made, become profitable. Is there any rules against harvesting information from this board? There isn't a disclaimer like on godlikeproductions.com which there should be if you ask me. Anyway, I'm just thinking out loud on an internet forum. Any comments, input to this would be welcome. I'm sure Turner could make a freaking awesome movie about characters on his old forum if he wanted to...boy would that piss us off wouldn't it? LOL!!!
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