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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. (((yard))) His yard is literally a slab of concrete enclosed by a chain link fence. Is every house this depressing in NJ?
  2. The farthest I'll go is giving my niggas a good night kiss, and that's only after tucking them into bed.
  3. Burger King is garbage. The only reason why anyone would go there is for their value menu. Carl's Jr is a better option tbh. (Don't know about Hardees tho).
  4. They told this to whypipo, resulting in a sharp decline in white birthrates. Liberal indoctrination tbh.
  5. i'm glad to be under 40, tbh.
  6. yeah, that's definitely """straight"""
  7. hehe, i remember that World Fair.
  8. I'm willing to bet he's being forced into retiring.
  9. http://archive.is/E6Mmt Main excerpt from the article: Steve Whitmire, the puppeteer who was fired after 27 years as Kermit the Frog has said he is “devastated to have failed” Muppets founder and his mentor Jim Henson. Whitmire has been with the Muppets since 1978, and took over as Kermit after Henson died in 1990. He wrote an emotional blog post in response to his firing a day after it was made public. He said he was let go against his will, and would never have left voluntarily. “For me the Muppets are not just a job, or a career, or even a passion. They are a calling, an urgent, undeniable, impossible to resist way of life,” Whitmire wrote. “This is my life’s work since I was 19 years old. I feel that I am at the top of my game, and I want all of you who love the Muppets to know that I would never consider abandoning Kermit.”
  10. "mental health issue". Nah nigga, you're just stupid.
  11. I have a shit ton of screen names, but the current one is from Taylor Boyz (rip in pece).
  12. Gee Packard, how come your mom lets you have two fridges?
  13. I hope Yahoo decided to finally shut down Tumblr and bring back Geocities.
  14. Nier Automata takes place in a post apocalyptic world, what do you expect sun shines and rainbows?
  15. Then go play Nier. You just bought it and you're not even 5 hours into the game yet.
  16. Go finish Persona and then play Nier.
  17. ROFL. You're not even that far into the game yet, not even a 1/4th of the way done yet. You eventually unlock the ability to transport to different terminals/save-points after a certain part of the game. Even if you're forced to traverse without quick-travel, you can ride the moose or pigs if you have an animal satchet.
  18. After watching it, I am reminded why I never go out of my way to see comic book movies no more. Just a massive waste of time when the Blu-ray is going to be released in a matter of one month.
  19. Good job. I just beat 9S' playthrough last week, now I'm on the next story arc. It's so cool to see the story unravel in multiple playthroughs. This might be the first PS4 game I will get a platinum trophy in.
  20. Normal, mentally stable, rational people. & Griffith stans.
  21. Less competition. Are you really that daft?
  22. Did anyone seriously play Xbox Live in 2002? It came out in November leaving next to no room for the rest of the year, and weren't there only a few games that supported it in 2002 anywayS?
  23. why u postin pics of my uncle.
  24. bee
  25. Crash Bandicoot is my favorite Dark Souls game!
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