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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Maki going REEEEE
  2. I can cook Bagel Bites in the oven without burning my hands.
  3. Rumb0


    I like it.
  4. Lol. Who tf is this?
  5. ty very much but i cannot add fanfics yet because i have low post count.
  6. I am in a section (any of them really) and I see no button or option that will let me create fanfics. Wtf luuv pls fix.
  7. I want to create one here in the section of fanfics in this site.
  8. You can use VLC Player (ick) to stream videos off of Adult Swim's website. All you have to do is find the URL that includes the raw video file and input it to the VLC's URL bar (or whatever they call it now).
  9. >checkformaintenancemode.php Probably not dead... yet.
  10. It's undergoing maintenance probably. I see a file that says maintenancemode.php in the error page.
  11. Yeah... no. Install Arch Linux on it, or if you're really destitute, go find a license for Windows 7. I know Plebbit has a sub-Reddit for cheap Windows 7 keys, but why do that when you could take some time out of your ineffectual life to install an OS that respects your privacy and rights.
  12. It means you have 3584MB of Video RAM. It also means Nvidia can see the type of content you are viewing, assuming your primary display is through the video card.
  13. https://www.pcper.com/news/Graphics-Cards/NVIDIA-Telemetry-Monitor-Found-Task-Scheduler This is fucking hilarious. Nvidia Defense Force is scrambling over themselves, trying their best to damage control even though the damage is already done. I'm glad I got an RX 480. If I still had that 980, I would have kept it on the oldest drivers available for the card. How can anyone defend Nvidia after this fiasco, the 3.5GB VRAM scandal, and wood-screws in the GTX 480?
  14. It's p nice that you finally can host your own forum without content restrictions. Clever use of TLD's to make a funny name. I'm fappin, smfh.
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