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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. "hello I see you have a virus on your computer. I will fix it only if you show boob".
  2. I'll post a video of me doing your mom p soon.
  3. Rumb0

    Papa Murphy's

    Heh, in your case it should be called Poo Poo Murphy's.
  4. [YouTube] [/YouTube]
  5. If it weren't for one of the rules, Mizuho Kazami would win hands down.
  6. Elliot and Thugger will give me a stern talking to.
  7. I accidentally booled out to a song directed towards thots. [YouTube] [/YouTube] Fuck, my Thot Patrol membership might be revoked now.
  8. I was really high when I made this thread. I don't know what the fuck was going through my mind.
  9. Rumb0

    Ya mcm

    I chose not to remember that ty very much.
  10. I was recommended this anime several years ago, and it has been sitting on the back-burner ever since. I finally got to watching it and holy shit this anime oozes in aesthetuc。great city pop sound track and amazing visuals. Characters are also great too. I wish I watched it sooner because this is great, even if I'm only 6 episodes in. I hear that the Ova and movie has a lot in store, so I can't wait for that either.
  11. Rumb0

    Ya mcm

    Only knows Thugger from being featured on an Usher song.
  12. Jalapenos and banana peppers are common toppings? Too spicy for most Americans.
  13. Lil Caesars is a struggle pizza joint. It's only slightly better than Sbarro's.
  14. Does that apply when it rains in winter?
  15. Does anyone here make sweeping claims on weather occurrences based on personal experiences? For example, I noticed that the 5th year of a decade tends to produce the most rainfall, or the 4th year in a decade tends to have more hot days on record. Of course, most of my observations are limited to my surroundings; observations could be different based on your immediate surroundings. Either that or I might be crazy.
  16. I don't think Mayo is spicy enough, while others think it's too spicy for their liking.
  17. S - spell I - icup N - nigga
  18. I honestly think it's better this way. I don't want Capcom fucking up DMC's legacy.
  19. Smfh. Should have gotten the nachos.
  20. I used to like Tim and Eric until they proven themselves to be massive cucks. That said, I liked Check it Out with Steve Brule. They upped the weirdness with that show.
  21. Vaping is great. My local vape shop gives out free fidget-spinners every time you refill a cartridge.
  22. It still pertains to Islamic law in any context.
  23. I really don't want to know. Let's just keep it at whatever she said before and call it a day.
  24. this is literally the stupidest thing you have ever asked.
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