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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Holy shit Mochi. You're so brain-dead retarded if you actually give review outlets any ounce of credibility.
  2. Skyrim is a Reddit tier game at this point. It's only liked by dorks and beta males stuck in 2012.
  3. In the past week, my cat has been having issues with his bowel movements. Most bowel movements are liquidy, like a very brown fowl smelling liquid similar to undigested bile. I am not sure if it's diarrhea, because his stools are not flaky. However, there is usually one small piece of poop among liquid, and it is unusually think and compact for poop; the color resembles the brown liquid. I stopped feeding him scrap food (like one small shred of chicken) a few weeks ago, but it seems the liquid stools keep persisting. I also feed him some can food for cats, but is that bad for him too? There seems to be an unusual amount of fat content in these foods, and I think it could be effecting his bowel movements. Does anyone know what the condition is? I plan to take my cat in to the vet this week, but I at least want to know what I'm really dealing with so I can give the veterinarian some info about my cat's condition.
  4. It's because of, DAYTONA.
  5. 56%
  6. See above
  7. Hi I'm hi
  8. Were hitting refresh until the page went online.
  9. Rumb0

    whomst this

  10. In that entire generation, I only had a few favorite games. Those being Bayonetta, Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Monster Hunter Tri, and Persona 4 (if that counts).
  11. I been on a Motu and Patlu kick lately, and I see that Motu has a strong obsession for Samosa's. I am not really into Indian food, but I do like dumpling-type foods that are deep fried in dough. But before I try it, can anyone redpill me on Samosa's? I want to know how good they taste before I take the plunge and try them out.
  12. Rumb0

    Wrong board but

    If you have PS Plus, you shouldn't worry. Your saved game data is stored in a cloud which you can access again from a different console. Honestly, you're better off getting a new PS3 - they're still being sold in stores, so get them while you can. Never buy a last gen console used unless you plan to jailbreak it. If you don't have the cash to spare for a new console, then you should learn how to solder and reseat the PS3's GPU. At the very least, you might learn something from it.
  13. General thread for anime you stopped watching. I haven't picked up many anime this season, but one that I did and managed to drop was ShoBitch. It's another run-of-the-mill boring RomCom's. The only redeeming feature is that it's not My First GF is a Gal, but that's setting the bar pretty low because you have to go out of your way to make the show shitty. I cannot believe this is part of the Anime Strike package that Amazon is offering; it's going to fall into obscurity within one year.
  14. I prefer Vanilla Persona 4 over Persona 5, but godamn Persona 5 has the better soundtrack.
  15. Did he say the "n*gg*r" word?
  16. Girl's Last Tour is probably the best anime this season. Everything else is boring af.
  17. How tf do you even pronounce that last one?
  18. This one takes the cake. http://media.graytvinc.com/images/810*425/Jarmayne+Geans+L.jpg[/img] It also doesn't help that his jawline is shaped like a fucking jar too. Either his parents hated him, or they picked his name by pulling random entries from a hat.
  19. Who said those were his friends though?
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