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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Ghost Stories dub still top tier tho.
  2. I honestly don't see a problem with what Sam said on Twitter. Aside from that, his main handle got banned earlier this year.
  3. MDE's World Peace was cancelled for this:
  4. Speed Stick leaves a foul after stench. I prefer Right Guard tbh.
  5. Rip
  6. Rumb0


    Well fellas...
  7. Ironic, considering you have used the word "n*gg*r" unironically on multiple instances.
  8. Rumb0


    Are you gay by any chance, or are you speaking on their behalf?
  9. Rumb0


    is it gay to cry to a Jodeci song?
  10. No shit it tastes like dirt. Anything that's labeled as holistic at an organic store was sprinkled with dirt. Smfh I CANNOT believe you didn't see it coming.
  11. Don't tell me you're actually perturbed by that """infographic""". Smfh, can't even joke around w/o setting someone off.
  12. I won't doubt their lyricism. They spit bars better than anyone else in the world. But the production value is left up to the listeners' ear.
  13. Wow I can't believe our government hid the truth from us this long.
  14. i7 is garbage compared to Ryzen. Anyone who says otherwise is a kike shill.
  15. Now im to smart for my own good.
  16. Started playing USF4 again. Whom here has it on PS3 and/or PC? I want to hone my skills with Ibuki.
  17. I fapped at work once, when I had to work on Thanksgiving day. No one was in the office let alone the entire building, so I whipped out my dick and jerked it to some doujins I got saved on my phone.
  18. You i know won't be caught lackin.
  19. There's actually no laws against airing pornographic material on cable television. It's just that the network would lose all of its advertisers. Still ironic considering the kikes who run cable networks are actually pedophiles themselves.
  20. Go torrent it then. The BD rip has already been uploaded and you can find it floating around out there if you look hard enough.
  21. You're probably the type of person who gets mad at people playing fighting games with an arcade stick.
  22. Why does it even matter? You can get the series on Blu Ray and get the full experience. The Toonami version will censor out anime tiddies anyways, so you might as well cough $50 since you can watch it on your PS4.
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