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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. You can install Gentoo on it, but the hardware is utter garbage. Low specs for a premium price. If you got the money, buy the new 25th anniversary ThinkPad.
  2. 5 people are fucking up in life if they can't find porn for free.
  3. Airs the 6th. Confirmed to be on CR too. GET HYPE.
  4. Got an acfount on SadPanda.
  5. Logan Paul is a bundle of twigs. His fame will only last for 10 minutes, then by the end of the year he will become irrelevant.
  6. Rumb0

    It's funny

    White women are killing the white race. Black women are killing the black race. Fellas, we need to put women back in they place.
  7. Ketchup is for heathens.
  8. Rumb0


    My saves in P4 got deleted last year when I transferred my games to a 32GB memory stick on my Vita. Had to grind out and skip all the dialog just to get back to this point.
  9. Rumb0


    When you keep getting murked by ameno-sagiri second round of Bewildering Fog buffs.
  10. Whatever. Just change it to "M-Town Woman Respecter".
  11. I didn't ask for it to be changed. Someone did it without my accord.
  12. see the op title, and why.
  13. There would still be tag trolling in the Toonami forum.
  14. I'm going to ignore everyone just to have conversations with myself.
  15. Where we can post porns, hentai, and general lewds?
  16. Rumb0

    In this house

    Smfh, you don't kiss your homies good night? No wonder your set is weak af.
  17. We give our homies a goodnight kiss. ?‍❤️‍?‍?
  18. These are the only anime I have rn:
  19. "Say it's over-priced one more time, and I WILL make it personnel."
  20. November 11th was literally less than 2 months away from 2012. I am pretty sure you remember the intense Skyrim memeing and dickriding that went on in 2012. Shit was made even worse when people had to insert their MLP characters into that shit too.
  21. But I don't respect Boomers. Y'all need to get thrown out of a helicopter.
  22. This is what constitutes as Baby-Boomer humor. It's not funny unless it has a punchline about Orientals and Negros.
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