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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Rumb0


    Every summer since I was 14, I would lock my door, get buck naked and fap for the entire day. When I discovered weed and speed, I would find myself still butt ass naked until 6AM.
  2. Rumb0


    Jack's Frozen Pizza makes you thicc?
  3. Clear your notification bar. I hate seeing that shit cluttered on phones.
  4. Tombstone is spic tier pizza. Way to reinforce stereotypes, Zeni.
  5. wuz?
  6. You have to be really destitute to steal a $250 game system.
  7. Actually, no. I don't trust that method. I have a pizza pan, but it's old af. It's nearly 20 years old.
  8. Literally wtf is wrong with you.
  9. I did remove the cardboard from the pizza. But it still doesn't change the crust tasting like fucking cardboard.
  10. I just had two of their pizzas this week, a regular Rising-Crust supreme and their over-priced Stuffed-Crust supreme, and both pizzas were off-putting. They were soggy in the middle, had no crunch, and felt oddly samey. I couldn't even taste the cheese in the stuffed-crust. Is this an end of an era?
  11. Acceptable.
  12. I better get a thanks since my taxpayer dollars are feeding your stupid ass.
  13. So.etimes It has poor x264 support tho
  14. Billy and Mandy was funny tbh. Buenos dias Mandy.
  15. Or has everyone just moved on?
  16. This song proves why Puerto Rico will never become the 51st state.
  17. Is that even a Fidget Spinner
  18. the bald-headed dark skin dude from Law & Order, to be specific
  19. Hope you guys got a whuppin' for doing that shit. Treat your shit with respect.
  20. Holy shit, this is actually a good deal. Most of those games are priced over $80 second hand, so I might be pre-ordering one.
  21. Controller throwing never used to be a thing until last gen, when wireless controllers became the standard. Shits stupid either way. You're destroying a peripheral that costs as much as a game. You wouldn't eject the disc from your console and throw it at the wall in a fit of rage... would you?
  22. My experience with public voice chat in PSN is limited. It seems like most people choose to mute their mics, or at least join party chats because almost no one is talking. That's a good thing too tbqh, because I immediately mute the mf who's chatting it up amongst strangers.
  23. Impossible. They never left presents under the Christmas tree.
  24. Heh, reminded me of this old gem: Sorry last image was for ants.
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