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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. Seems fair, is it cross platform.
  2. I always knew Bill Nye was an actor, but that shit really did kill a piece of my childhood.
  3. I thought it became FTP.
  4. So I take it that's a big no then. How are prospects in Nebraska. I heard it's overran by feral cannabis.
  5. I'm getting it on the 5th.
  6. About 7 years ago, I remember reading reports that North Dakota was an emerging state with unprecedented economic growth even though the entire country was suffering from the global-recession. I never considered moving there, but with the changes my home state has gone through, I am somewhat considering it. I won't even consider it unless ND has demand for IT.
  7. Wow, I didn't know we had our own version of /r/hiphopheads on this forum.
  8. No you shut up.
  9. $70 ain't shit for someone who has a well paying job and invests in crypto on the side.
  10. If you're really fixing, just play the OG Nier. I mean, Kaine has a nice butt, but she's no 2B.
  11. No, you made it center around with LGBT portrayal as if anyone even gives a shit about how characters look and act in a fucking cartoon.
  12. Another thread derailed by dumb LGBT shit that bares no significance to the topic at hand.
  13. Weren't you bitching about how Nier Automata was depressing and not colorful enough, several months ago?
  14. Stop bringing Tumblr into every conversation.
  15. Do not share IP info. I do not care if it is real or a joke.
  16. you're a landwhale too? smfh, can't say i expected anymore from a neo-liberal cave bih.
  17. That reminded me of this thread on /r9k/ where someone pretended to be in their 90's.
  18. You're a stupid fuckin reprobate.
  19. poop.
  20. Can't wait for next week's episode.
  21. I need about 0.00132581 BTC for a full tank of gas. Can anyone spare some change.
  22. Why do leftists have a shitty sense of humour? Y'all need to get the rope for fucc sake.
  23. The 56% is strong with this nigga. #teamyellowbone
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