Any major sporting league is inherently anti-American because they're owned by "people" who want to destroy America, Zeni.
Metal Wolf Chaos lets you destroy traitors in a mech. The next MLB game will force you to take during the national anthem.
I still don't understand how Farnsworth managed to accumulate 180,000+ posts in a matter of 7 years. He had to break the daily post limit on the old Lithium boards at least once.
Top 3:
1. Xaiver Renegade Angel
2. MDE World Peace
3. Eric Andre Show
Worst 3:
1. Rick and Morty
2. Tim and Eric
3. Mr. Pickles
Boondocks gets a special mention for being the most polarizing show in terms of quality. Seasons 1 and 2 were masterpieces, while seasons 3 and 4 were bottom-of-the-barrel garbage.
The forced diversity and the subversive cultural marxism made HZD insufferable.
Sony spent more money marketing that pile of trash when they could have marketed their other exclusives that shat all over HZD.
Nier Automata, hands down. Had the most engaging story, great characters, emotional rollercoaster, amazing soundtrack, and superb combat. I got 100% completion on both the PS4 and PC version. The game needs to be ported to all current gen consoles so people can experience its greatness.
Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, Dragon's Dogma, UMVC3, DMC4, Lost Planet, to name a few are all outstanding PC ports that run on the same engine as MH World. Didn't include SF4 because the PC is its base platform.
The game just shipped 6 million units in two weeks. There's no shortage of copies.
If you're on the fence about this game. Wait for the PC port. The vanilla PS4 and Xbone versions run poorly, you should treat yourself with the Pro and One X if you really need to. But like I said, wait for the PC port because Capcom has a great track record of porting games to the PC.
Big tiddies.
Nice ass.
Purple hair.
Eccentric and entertaining, never a dull moment.
Take your average 3DPD, make it 2D, and call it Saya.
If you like Hajime, you have refined tastes.
It's more accessible than other entries and has a more robust single player story mode. But it's still challenging, so don't get mad if you can't kill a monster on your first try.