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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. Ooh, it looks pretty. I liked the little Baby Yoda short they just put out with Ghibli too, that was adorable. Disney please you announced my pretty boy villain anime a year ago where is it
  2. Holy shit calm your tits and go check your blood pressure. Sanji already has moments where he gets to be suave, dialing that part of his personality up isn't a massive change. Sanji constantly defaulting to bootlicking simp mode around women is a pretty common criticism I've seen from a lot of fans who, surprise, would like to see more of him being cool instead of a cringy bastard.
  3. If they're smart, they'll look at the track record on live action anime adaptations and just let those rights expire. So like, any day now expect an announcement that The Rock will be starring as All Might.
  4. I swear I'm trying my hardest to get Endeavor killed but my curse keeps bouncing off his fat tits.
  5. Maybe the promo guy just heard "MHA" instead of "MIA" and got confused.
  6. It was a mistake to make Yashahime about Sesshomaru's kids. Hero- I swear I'm going to try even harder to get Endeavor killed next year. Abyss- It's nice that walking up stairs won't kill Riko for once. These guys are equal parts horror nightmares and Alice and Wonderland rejects. Nooo stop breaking our whistle friend. Naaaaah. I don't trust this place. OHHHH I DON'T LIKE THIS. Oh my god buy yourself a furry snail. Maybe stay away from that slicer one. MIIIIIIIIIIITTY. Okay that one's straight out of Adventure Time. MEINYA NO! She's fine just pop her eye back in. She's fine just pop her ass back in. WHY DOES THAT THING HAVE SUCH A BULBOUS ASS? Oh now I just feel bad for it. Oh my god please stop this. When in doubt just play charades. Kids I don't trust that soup. Oh no kids don't split up. I like this guy who looks like a dinosaur made out of scrap metal. I don't trust Fapta. Aw crap is she the little girl from the flashbacks? Yashahime- I just want Moroha to be happy. So nobody had a problem with Sesshomaru fucking the teenager he helped raise? Oh my god Inuyasha and Moroha's reunion is everything I could have hoped for. Awwwwww. Congratulations show you actually made me want to cry from something besides your inexcusable failures. I hope Sesshomaru dies. Was this haku thing a concept back in the old series that I've forgotten or are they just making this shit up? Okay Kagome describing a flip phone genuinely made me smile. How does Towa's phone still have any battery left? SHE SAID THE THING. In Inuyasha's defense, their father is a dad so garbage not even I'd fuck him. You can go ahead and kill Takechiyo. Aww, that's actually really nice of Jaken. SHIPPO?! Oh thank god, I don't find Shippo hot. And I guess he's still a little kid so that's double good. Has Shippo been the only one of their friends actually looking for them this whole time? No Rin you're exactly as weak as he thinks you are. Oh, now you give a shit about your family? Oh christ now we've got Shippo and Dimestore Shippo together. Bye, Shippos. It's a comet you just send some oil drillers up in a rocket to break it apart. What demons, you're literally the only demon left in 500 years? I hope that guy's not your jackoff arm. One Piece- Law Regrets His Choices is my favorite show. Smoker continues to have a rough day. I love the Doctor Buddies so much. At least Luffy's having fun here. That's also how I act when I want candy. Just keep drugging those kids unconscious, Usopp. Man those kids have a high tolerance. Tashigi, also really going through it today. So did Smoker take her bra off to maintain his trademark tits-out look or does she just not wear one? Franky is also having fun here. You're gonna wanna dodge that toxic goo. I love Smiley. Noooo don't set it on fire you idiot! Honestly they deserved to get blown up. So it's just spitting itself across the island, I guess? I love Brook so much. DODGE IT, IDIOTS. For the love of god don't try and cut that thing. Caesar, still the fucking worst. Luffy says no.
  7. MHA rerun ends this week, right? I'd guess Yashahime marathon, and then we'll find out last minute what takes over for it.
  8. I like that this thread is directly above the other thread titled "Anime studios publicly expressing doubt in Netflix's ability to make their work a hit".
  9. Hero- Fuckhands sounds way more menacing with a smooth voice than when it was all rough and scratchy. Abyss- Riko try not to die this time. Oh I'm sure there's some traumatic backstory involved with this city. I love these kids and am very terrified for them. KEEP RIKO AWAY FROM THAT POISON MONSTER. Oh my god I love those furry fat things. Oh right, everything in this environment will painfully murder you. Aw hell that thing's still moving. Reg is a good boy. Ewwwww. It's concerning that those things are still moving after being deep fried. God I'd die for you, Nanachi. I wonder if that little kid is still dying. I hope their friends get that letter. YOU ASSHOLE BIRD THING. Aw crap there's a monster watching you. I like that they use Reg's Go Go Gadget arms as a booby trap. Well that sure is ominous. Aw hell they stole your whistle friend. Reg is a good dog. What in the hell. Ewwww. OH THAT'S OMINOUS. Well kids I'm sure you're not walking headfirst into an obvious trap. Ohhhh I don't like any of this. I love these kids. Meinya is MVP. Hello there, monsters. Y'all speak English around here? Oh I don't like the sound of that. Yashahime- Moroha deserves a better show. Zero's finally dead and I still don't know what that bitch's deal was. Girls I'm pretty sure your mom is younger than you at this point. Give that back you fucker, this show owes me that reunion! So why the fuck is his plan to destroy all life in the world? I love my feral idiot daughter. Show you're not gonna make this pairing any less creepy and uncomfortable. Oh hey, is Sesshomaru actually going to do something? Yes small child please kill your shit dad. I don't think anyone cares if Riku dies. "Towa was dumb as shit and man that gets me off." Sesshomaru help your niece you child support-dodging piece of shit. Towa I genuinely hate you from the bottom of my heart. I hope these two kill each other. If everyone but Moroha dies in this fight I'd be so happy. Bruh you literally picked a fight with a fourteen year old and now you're gonna whine about it? I hope he at least got his arm blown off again. Jakken you dumb fuck what did he just tell you. Moroha for the love of god let your parents out now before more shenanigans happen. "It just gets worse and worse" is also how I describe this show, Takechiyo. Please let them finally meet. FUCKING FINALLY, OH MY GOD. Congratulations show you finally managed to pull some genuine positive emotion out of me. Awwwww. One Piece- Surely Law won't regret this teamup for the next ten years. Meanwhile, shenanigans. I love Brook so much. It's okay Sanji I also get distracted by my own tits when I run. All three of these boys are sharing a single brain cell and that thing is trying its best. Man that must be some strong stuff if even Zoro's getting drunk off it. I enjoy watching Nami kick the shit out of people. Sanji no you're harming her lungs. Oh hey, there's the samurai. Alright who's gonna have to jump in and fish his torso out of the lake. Oh hey it's some dudes. Aw crap it's Smiley. Hi Smiley! This harpy lady has infinite patience putting up with Caesar. I know Smiley is toxic and kills everything in its wake but hey we all have our flaws, let me pet that thing. I agree, let's beat the shit out of a clown. Luffy I do not trust you with a plan. Smoker's really going through it today. Hi Law! I love the doctor buddies. Strawhats, incoming! Seitz always sounds like he's having so much fun as Franky. Law, immediately regretting his choices.
  10. Oh, this year can fuck right off.
  11. They....they realize the guy who made the thing in-story was the villain, right?
  12. Good on Jamison Price for stepping down. The original dub started over 15 years ago and the industry was a different place than it is now, so I can definitely get why he'd feel uncomfortable as a white dude coming back to voice a character that's explicitly confirmed to be a person of color. I think there's a big difference between Chad, who's outright stated to be half-Mexican in canon, vs someone like Yoruichi who isn't even human and was just given a darker skin tone as a design choice.
  13. Dang, Black Adam didn't even beat it by $10 million. It's bonkers to me that a big budget superhero movie starring The Rock couldn't do that much better than an anime tie-in that requires 500+ hours of previous viewing to appreciate.
  14. Finally, some good comes from Toonami not airing tie-in movies.
  15. That movie left me scarred in ways that won't recover. Hero- Endeavor can't even hit the #1 spot in child abuse. Abyss- Tonight's theme is children being traumatized. I don't like how this boat sounds. This old man needs a hug and some therapy. I would already like to get off this ride now, please. Well at least the weird guy who eat bugs seems like a nice guy. Between the scar and the hair, together these kids make one Shoto. This won't end well for any of them but at least she found some nice people to die with. Oh good they're all making friends. This new child already looks pre-traumatized. Nothing good ever happens to adorable children in this show. Oh right, the abyss curse. Wait that's Bondrew's place, where the fuck is he? I love Nanachi so much. Also he tried to vivisect Reg so let's never get near him again. That's a big fish. Oh great we're just wandering down the fucking SEA OF CORPSES. And now, poop jokes. Nanachi is the best. I got a real bad feeling about this. Yashahime- I vote we just let Zero and Rin both die. Towa your mullet is hideous. Wow this was all Zero's fault who could have fucking guessed. Moroha continues to deserve a better show. Maybe Jaken and Takechiyo can fight each other to the death. Oh what the hell is this. Now Zero gets a tragic backstory because why the fuck not. That's one ugly windmill. "This is really painful to watch" is right, Moroha. Oh hey, Sesshomaru actually does one good thing in his life. LET YOUR PARENTS OUT. Meanwhile Towa, fucking it up yet again. SLAP. So these butterflies basically do whatever the plot demands, because coming up with more than one explanation is too hard. I still don't care about their backstory, show. Shut up, Kikyo tree. This is stupid. Dealing with Towa would also make me wanna fucking die. So did Zero fuck their grandpa or what. No seriously lady, what the FUCK was your deal? THIS IS STUPID. Wait so was her baggage from thirsting after their grandpa or from her niece getting killed? That guy had a point, why the hell would you bring your little kid to a fight to the death? Oh good, Sesshomaru is reunited with his teenage bride whom he helped raise. Moroha please let your parents out. HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU, GIVE THAT BACK. I truly hate you, show. One Piece- It's real cute that Law thinks Luffy can follow a plan. You better not want to fight Shanks. Speak up, the wind's too loud! Guys he's right there, he can hear you. Chopper that's your body. I love Luffy he's a good boy. If anyone's going to regret this teamup it's Law. I love these idiots. Now you've gotta get Nami's body back. Poor Chopper. Sanji would be happy Nami's taken over his body. I always forget Law's an actual doctor. Fuck the government. They're kids they weren't exactly hard to trick with candy. Law, already regretting his decision. "How do you stand me?" DOCTOR BUDDIES! Meanwhile, some other schmucks. That sure is a massive ominous form. Aw hell it's alive. Remember kids, never trust the government. Oh don't worry, they're real good at causing chaos. Oh right, the marines are still here. Caesar is the worst. Nothing can stop the smooze! Okay I know Smiley is a toxic monstrosity that will kill everyone but on the other hand, it's kinda cute.
  16. Went and saw the movie today. I hate the main movie-exclusive girl but that final boss fight was more than worth putting up with her. 10/10 recommend if you're caught up with the manga or don't mind 30 seconds of no-context spoilers from where the anime is in Japan.
  17. The way I see it, Bleach probably cost an absolute assload of money. Toonami's the only platform with an actual interest in the broadcast rights, but I could definitely see Disney paying extra just to keep it out of a competitor's hands unless Viz or someone on Japan's side stepped in and demanded an actual broadcast with those rights. If they managed to snag it that means a guaranteed home run for the next year, and if they didn't it means there's recently been a whole lot of cash freed up they can use for multiple smaller shows. Either way we win, unless the overlords decide to cut the budget even further or Zaslav just nukes the block entirely for a massive $65 tax write off.
  18. I wonder if season 5's gonna get yoinked off the schedule part of the way through because the rights run out or if the contract on it is just long enough that it'll finish up before they lose it.
  19. I'm always down to watch Endeavor but I definitely would have rather kept the double One Piece instead of a rerun.
  20. What the hell do they even have left that they can write off at this point?
  21. Oh my god. Housing Complex- Ohhh I don't like this. He's learned too much and now he's gonna make you learn it too. Whelp time for me to start pissing myself in fear. I'd like to get off this ride now please. None of this sounds like a good thing. Whelp, can't trust moss now. Aw shit we're in a time loop now. Aw fuck Kimi's an elder god's human form isn't she. Whelp time for everything to go to hell. The fuck kind of message is that to send someone? I'm okay with racist granny getting killed. So what happens if they kill Cthulhu's human avatar, does he go back to sleep for a couple more decades or enter our world to destroy us all? Man that nice wall-eyed guy is having a real rough time. Aw hell the little girl's evil too. ROCK BEATS CROWBAR, BITCHES. I would very much like to get off this ride now, please. So how the fuck did her mom become a magic plant fetus. Oh jesus christ what the fuck. Remember kids, don't fuck with an elder god. She's right, humans ruin everything. Hey god, sorry I tried to kill you. And now your organs are moss. Hey at least spare the one nice guy who's tried to help you. Congratulations, you're the last human on Earth I guess. Well that sure was a thing that happened. Yashahime- Silly Jaken, you think Sesshomaru gives a shit about his kids? Title confirms that nobody fucking likes you, Towa. Oh great now this asshole is gonna dance for us. I still don't even know what this bitch's deal is. Show you're wasting your time, I could not give a fraction of a fuck about Towa's backstory. Kagome's family deserved better. It'd be nice if Erica Mendez could go back to being in shows that aren't total dogshit. She grew up with by far the most loving famly of all the girsl and yet she's the peak of loneliness here? She was popular among the local lesbians. Honestly forgetting your sister exists for years would be a real godsend sometimes.Oh good, dipshit Riku brought the child Towa was trying to protect from this bitch. Thank god, Moroah's here. Just let Rin die, please. Oh what the fuck now. Sesshomaru making his court-ordered monthly visitation. Wow you pissed off the girl with a sword and she cut you with the sword, who could have expected that. Good, good, let the hate flow through you. Rin really looking uncomfortably younger than her kids here. And then lasors because why the fuck not. Why the fuck should we care about saving this bitch? I feel like this Zero bitch was supposed to be this show's version of Kagura but, like everything else it tried to do, fumbled hard with it and shit the bed. One Piece- This is also how I feel when I want candy. Oh yeah I'm sure they're really dead. Law you can have free roam of anything I have. Who's this Joker dude? Wait the harpy had legs? Caesar is the fucking worst. Aw hell the yetis are coming. I hope Franky left an instruction manual in his speedo. She's trying the lasers. I kinda love Brownbeard. Whelp, so much for Brownbeard. I am also a dunce famous for being stupid. Man now I just feel bad for him. Oh right, try not to kill the kids. When will people learn that guns don't work on Luffy? Aw crap they got Nami. Oh right, Smoker's squad is here. Sorry minions, Law goes wherever the hell he wants. Poor Brownbeard. Drugs are bad, now give the reindeer some drugs. Dangit Franky, this is why they said no drugs! I miss Franky's old hair. Nami as Franky is great. I don't think these guys are prepared for how dumb Luffy is. I don't think you guys actually wanna open that warehouse. Whatever's in there, I don't like it. I know they're villains but the Yeti bros are pretty fun. You're gonna have to knock out Franky. I'm willing to bet on Franky's alcohol tolerance being better than your weapon. Dangit Franky, again! Oh hey Law. God he's cool. I'll work under you, Law. As long as you;re not targeting Shanks I'm in. Hahahaha, you think you can get Luffy to follow a plan.
  22. I mean hell they should still have Big O season 2 forever, right? Could they not just throw that in a rerun slot to fill time for a couple months?
  23. Housing Complex- And then everyone was even more racist. I got a real bad feeling about all this. What is this Scooby Doo shit antagonizing a little kid? I don't trust racist granny here. Uhhhh I don't think that's a sign of good fortune. Did y'all forget you have a camera? I don't think your mom's okay, I bet she's barfing up moss. I got a real bad feeling about Kimi's mom. This ain't gonna end well. Oh no don't hurt the nice wall-eyed guy. Oh it's not a good sign that the main intern guy is skipping town. That is the most ominous rainbow I've ever seen. I do not like where any of this is going. It's not safe to be out alone, so go ahead and leave these two small children on their own for awhile. Oh no where's the old man. Don't go in the ominous murder bunker! Ohhhh DO NOT go in that hole. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK CTHULHU'S COMING. Aw fuck is her mom a fish people? I DON'T LIKE THIS. Yashahime- Y'all can just go ahead and kill Towa if you want. So why does the girls' hair get longer when they lose their powers when Inuyasha's only ever changed color? Showing Sesshomaru together with his teenage bride isn't gonna make the pairing less uncomfortable, show. And now giant demon maggots because why the fuck not. Oh what in the fuck is this. Thank god I would much rather watch this drunk raccoon. I don't know how Moroha is the one with the most brain cells in this subplot but I'm here for it. I want to punt this little raccoon child out of the window just on principle. CAW. Moroha continues to be the single bright spot in this dumpster fire of a show. Is this yeti bullshit supposed to be funny instead of just an annoying waste of time? Could Kohaku, the leader of the demon slayer corps, not figure out how to defeat these minor demons without Setsuna's instructions? Meanwhile, what the fuck is the point of Towa's subplot here? How is TAX FRAUD the most interesting thing in this season? Shut up child, I hate you enough already. And now you have to fight the goddamn moon. I love my feral idiot daughter. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids! Please use Takechiyo as a meat shield. This is so stupid but it's a rare moment I genuinely enjoy. Y'all could pay off the rest of her bills so she can get that off her back. MOROHA NO, PAY OFF YOUR DEBT. Oh right, Towa's shit is still going on. Don't worry lady, I've got enough hatred for all of you. Lupin- Uh hey Lupin you're kinda bleeding out here. Oh hey Jigen. Can't stop staring at Fujiko's tits. Slap me next, please. Lady that sure sounds like something a liar would say. Joke's on you old woman, you can't take the simp out of him that easily. He's right, pointing a gun at your friends is very uncool. There is no greater force in Lupin's life than Fujiko's tits. The real treasure was the friends he made along the way. Oh snap, tiny Lupin was cool as shit. Hey maybe next time you could try leaving innocent women alone and not being weird as shit? Honestly, you deserved that. Joke's on you bitch, you don't even get to kill her. I'm disappointed that they skipped the part where Lupin had to drag his half-dead ass onto the roof for this climactic fight. KNIFE SHOES. No, I still blame her for all the people she's killed. Oh hey Pops. Oh sweet, the cop lady's still alive. Man, Tomoe was the fucking worst. Now please get Lupin to a hospital. Or we could steal some shit first, that works too. Quick, loot her corpse. No, tell me what's in that damn box. I hope those two cop sidekicks got to fuck eventually. I love these idiots. One Piece- I like that Smoker remembers to wear Tashigi's glasses even though she doesn't. Smoker's really going through it today. Joker, huh? I wanna know more about this big tittied harpy lady. I don't trust this gas guy. I don't know what's funnier, Franky's face on Chopper's body or Nami's moe eyes on Franky's face. Joke's on you, Law doesn't give a shit. Law really got hotter over the timeskip. Remember kids, climate change sucks. I'm sure this Vega Punk guy isn't gonna be important at all later. Jesus, that's fucked up. How is the dude who's experimenting on children somehow the good guy in this scenario? This is starting to make more sense. Goddammit Luffy wake up. Hey can we not be freaky science guinea pigs? Ohhh he's evil as shit. NEVER TRUST A CLOWN. Caesar is garbage but his theme music is great. Oh sweet, new OP. Guys I don't think you should be celebrating him just yet. Don't worry Sanji I also get distracted by my tits sometimes. Zoro is suffering. "Nope, the only thing broke is my panty-loving heart." Aww, seeing them with the kids is adorable. Robin is disturbed. Uhhh you okay there, kiddo? Something's not right here, y'all. Aw hell the kids are dying. I love Chopper so much. Aw fuck he got the kids hooked on drugs. Oh fuck you, clown man. Wait, what the fuck? Why is the evil clown man turning the kids into giants!? Drugging them unconscious is the good kind of drugs here. I'm with Franky, don't split up. Sanji's having the best day. Good job you found a bigfoot. God Law looks cool. Tonight's theme is yetis, I guess. Whelp, half the crew's dead.
  24. I was out of town last weekend so we're speedrunning these. Housing Complex- Oh I don't like where any of this is going. I swear to god if Cthulhu shows up I am gonna piss my pants and cry like a little bitch. Yashahime- Great job girls how do you not own a fucking calendar for this shit. It's amazing how much better this show is when they just give up and make half of it an episode of Inuyasha. Lupin- Man this franchise goes to some weird places sometimes. Oh hey, we're back to the Sherlock Holmes characters. Aw crap he won't even simp for Fujiko anymore, we're in trouble. Well this got fucked up. One Piece- If I ever get bodyswapped the first thing I'd do is check out my new tits and/or junk. Man, Law is hot. Between Gay Hexxus and the harpy and the centaurs what the fuck is going on in this island. Wow, Law is hot AND terrifying. Sorry Law, Luffy is your new best friend now. Maybe Tashigi would do a better job at fighting if she'd try putting her glasses on. Oh hey, samurai dude's got a power. They're all so fucking stupid. I love some good body swap shenanigans. If there's one thing I respect about Smoker it's his choice to go tits out at literally all times.
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