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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. If I had a nickel for every time I watched a hot guy with fire powers got fisted through the chest by an enemy at the end of an arc, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but how the fuck has this happened twice.
  2. It's weird to think of Attack on Titan actually finishing and not just getting extended to The Final Season Part 5 Part B Part 4. Demon Slayer- I'm sure this is gonna turn out just fine. Why is that guy's final death screech so hilarious to me? Tanjiro sweetie that guy just stabbed you in the liver, he can fuck off. Meanwhile, Inosuke's having a great time. I love my feral hog son. Man you are the shittiest demon. Please don't hurt my good boy son. Hi boyfriend! Boyfriend this child is bleeding to death, maybe do something to help. Sure, we'll count this as helping. Hey maybe this guy is friendly. Oh hell this here is the real arc villain ain't it. No not my boy! Fuck him up, boyfriend. Instead of fighting, you two could just bang each other. I got a real bad feeling about this, Scoob. Meanwhile Inosuke giving people far worse injuries than they previously had. Remember to use Zenitsu as a meat shield! This fight does look beautiful. Boy howdy I love watching a dude shoot fire at people. This guy's definitely got a massive fight boner. You said so yourself, you shouldn't kill my boyfriend! He's fine, this is fine, there's nothing to worry about. Oww fuck his eye. Ah hell where'd he go. This could be going better. Oh that's an ominous credits scene. Dr Stone- Good luck nerds! That fancy gold spear really is cool as fuck. Oh damn look at him go. He's a witch, burn him! The girls are trying. This is going way too well, it can't be that easy. Who needs sorcery when they have a gun? Fuck, the drone! Oh fuck it's Extra Rapey Jafar. Oh my god how did y'all fuck that up so bad. RUN, BITCHES! My dude can you not just walk up and stab him. Oh no Senku's out of shape ass can't run that much. Quick, shoot him! Get him, Office ACAB! Oh my god you stupid fuck. OH NO THEY LET MAGMA HAVE THE GUN. I can't believe i actually agree with Magma, just shoot his ass. They're stealing our boat! Oh this is not going well. Gen is not having a good time here. Chibi Taiju lifting up the dead guy statue is cracking me up. Oh hey, good for that guy. Goddammit Magma! These two are an amazing teamup. God I love Nikki. Suika stealth! Ah crap he broke that guy. Oh right, Yuzu can put him back together. And now, time for a mental breakdown. Aww that's adorable and this is now depressing. Hey Amaryllis you can butter up the real chief now. Magma with a gun is both the most terrifying and hilarious thing in this entire arc. One Piece- Previously, shenanigans. Currently, more shenanigans. My beard! Dammit Luffy. What's up with this douchebag? What in the fuck kind of power is that. Jacket Jacket Fruit is by far the weirdest fucking power in this entire series. ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA. Joke's on you this guy doesn't give a shit about his brother. Now you gotta fight EVA unit 69. Meanwhile, Nami is not having a good time today. Minecraft Choopper and Scream Brook still crack me up. We gotta win this fight so Nami can get her tits back. Oh dang that's a lot of swords. You can take Buggy and Crocodile but you leave Uncle Fish and Ivankov alone. Luffy you saw Jimbe like two weeks ago in-story. Oh, you've pissed off Douchebag Santa. Announcer also definitely has a fight boner. Dude you can't blame anybody for Garp, that man is a force of nature. Calm down Cabbage. Sorry Luffy I can't take you seriously with the beard. He's doing a thing! I like that shot of the random excited fish. And then everyone died. Steven Tyler's interest is piqued. My dude I'm pretty sure Luffy's got the best chance of being King of the Pirates. I miss Sexy Grandpa Rayleigh. Why is Douchebag Santa crying? He doesn't have your treasure, you weirdo! Garp what the fuck did you do to that guy. Meanwhile, the cops are here. Gee it sure is suspicious that nobody leaves the arena after they lose. I love Franky and Nutcracker being friends. Boy howdy these highly specific laws aren't shady as all fuck. HMMMMM. I'm sure the toys just go crazy sometimes and aren't actually humans cured with some bullshit power. Your girlfriend's definitely about to get dicked while you're in toy jail. Oh that's depressing. Okay now I need to know if Nutcracker's human form is hot. Again, great job with the disguise there Luffy. Douchebag Santa's really got some moves. That old man has a concussion now. Just stay down, Santa! And now he's breakdancing at top speed. Man I really wonder who's gonna win this fight. Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile, Law is having a terrible time. Stop summoning meteors, dammit! Your meteors are hurting the adorable fairies! They're so precious and I would die for them. Everyone hates Doflamingo. Usopp stop digging the hole deeper! What factory. We gotta save our terrible bitch princess, guys.
  3. Definitely Cabbage. Just try harder to get attention, loser. Demon Slayer- Inosuke's been looking for any reason to fight that train and by god he'll take it. I'd follow this dipshit into hell, zero questions asked. Remindner that this trash-tier CGI was made for the theatrical movie that made approximately eleven zillion dollars. Nezuko actually gets to do a thing! Oh no, Zenitsu's still alive. Oh good he's still asleep and tolerable now. We're good, boyfriend's here. Goddamn he's cool. Just follow the sound of deranged screeching. Oh no someone save my hog son. Man that conductor guy's gotta be so fucking confused. Quick it's a titan slash its neck. Stop putting him to sleep! Kid just keep your eyes covered. I can't believe Inosuke outsmarted something. NO MY BOY. Y'all better hurry, this boy's bleeding out. Hey cool he can use fire now. Dr Stone- This is going surprisingly well. Stop making grandpa destroy his stuff. It's a pipe bomb! No seriously how many years have passed I need to know if Taiju is legal yet. GUN. Man I love evil mad science mode Senku. Are you kidding me of course they wake up Officer ACAB. Amaryllis no. RIP snake. God I love Amaryllis. FINALLY you wake up best girl. Oh right, Kinro doesn't know what happened. Goddamn he's cool. Oh no I don't think we can use that for cotton candy anymore. Chrome helped...well, he tried. Ryusuke's having fun. For the love of god don't let Magma try that gun. Look I know Moz is a piece of shit but I'm kinda here for it. Extra-rapey Jafar is suspicious. Uh hey guys can we let my melon child maybe sit out on this fight to the death? Good fucking luck, guys. I'm rooting for you, Kinro. One Piece- Previoiusly, everything was drugs. Oh Franky's gonna be pissed when he sees the ship. What kind of Picasso bullshit is this? Lady can I buy acid from you or not? Oh fuck she took Nami's boobs away. I like that Brook turned into The Scream. Sure take the little bastard, what do I care. Good job, Minecraft Chopper. Does everybody jsut have a submarine now? Please don't kill our boat, I can't take that heartbreak again. Oh, that is hideous. Meanwhile, still never going to feel threatened by a dude named Ricky. What's y'all's tragic backstory here? Fuck you, Bellamy. You can't fool me, that's still just Steven Tyler. God I love Bartolomeo. Harry Styles won't share his meat. That's one big dude. Still rooting for that cow. It makes me so happy that Luffy made friends with that thing. MOOCY NO. Luffy you gotta avenge your cow friend now. Fuck you, guy! That cow needs medical attention immediately. Y'know what go ahead and let Arms McGee here kill the big guy. Man's built like an EVA unit. Meanwhile, Zoro's lost again. I'm so jealous of this little fairy who gets to ride around in his tits. Zoro be nice, she's so tiny and adorable. Goddammit Zoro. Meanwhile meanwhile, Law is not having a good time. Don't forget, Angry Santa's also here. Cactus Face is just here to steal everyone's shit. Edward Elric but take all his redeeming qualities away. Wow, you guys suck. Oh no, helmet! Godo thing everyone's too distracted watching this guy get punched to death. Gee I wonder if you heard this rumor about Straw Hat Luffy from the guy screaming that Straw Hat Luffy's here.
  4. It's weird that we can go from Tanjiro's water attacks looking beautiful to the CGI train monster looking like absolute ass 30 seconds later. Demon Slayer- And then Tanjiro killed himself. He's such a pure sweet boy his soul is helping its killer with the job. Eat shit, dream boy. Inosuke is a gift we don't deserve. I love my feral hog son. Please go ahead and kill Zenitsu. Nezuko time! Choke me out next, boyfriend. Nezuko is helping! Just start screaming at them to kill themselves too. Oh, they're still armed in real life. Boo whoo brat you don't have fun sleepy times. This particular dream boy is having a rough time. Tanjiro's good boy status can now be used as an effective weapon. I assume that kid's lungs exploded immediately after this scene. Yeah yeah we get it, this is your fetish. I'd just kill myself if my dream was getting promoted by my boss. Damn, kid's just offing himself at turbo speed in there. For the love of god somebody hug Tanjiro. Great job douche now you got him good and pissed off. Well that was easy. I don't think trains are supposed to do that. Surprise, the train is evil. Okay so let's find the dick region of his train body and punch it. I approve of setting Zenitsu on fire. FUCK YEAH. Please let Inosuke fight that train now. Dr Stone- I have no idea what i'm looking at with that thing. Oh my god Taiju you can be a little less of a sweet boy. Y'know what just send me through the petrification process, my back could use it. Thank god they found that guy's hat. Yeeeeah so about Kohaku's team. Here's hoping our dumbass got stoned in time. Why have y'all not revived best girl Nikki yet. AH FUCK. Taiju no! Okay maybe we should unfreeze Magma now to be a meat shield. Hes a douchebag, exploit that! Good fucking luck Gen. Quick, show him your nerd toys! Quiet Senku we're trying not to get murdered here. Gen is terrifying. Everyone is gay for Moz. Ya blew it, we're boned. I mean he has a point, I'd rather be stuck in the buff young douchebag's harem. Played him like a goddamn fiddle. Gen's gonna need a nap. This went better than expected. Haaa they gave him a wholeass goofy outfit. One Piece- Previously, shenanigans. I'm sure this is gonna go just great for Law. I like it when Sanji gets to be cool. More Cipher Pol bullshit? I forgot the boyfriend-murdering magma asshole became fleet admiral. I think this is the first time anyone's ever referred to Robin by just her surname. Run, Law! A dramatic entrance is the only kind Doflamingo knows how to make. Meanwhile, still rooting for the cow. Oh right, Harry Styles is here. Those fish sure are eating well today. Great job staying undercover, Luffy. Totally normal punch. HAMMER. I love Old Man Lucy. News coo! Law you underestimate how petty this asshole flamingo is. So what's the secret here with his backstory. Oh shit he's one of those assholes. Quick Law, use Caesar as a meat shield! Fujitora continues to be one onf like, five decent people in the navy. Law, regretting everything once again. Hey buddy whatcha doing with that sword? Goddamn he's gonna kill us all. Eternally disappointed that Caesar has not been used as a meat shield. Franky Tank, activate! What factory. I like that Franky's plan is just to fuck up the entire town. They're all idiots and I love them. Violet for Straw Hat. Not now, Kinemon! Oh no don't fight the cow. I'm glad Luffy's having fun with this giant murder cow. Hey that's the thing Shanks did that one time to the giant sea monster. Cow is friend! Meanwhile meanwhile, save the adorable fairies at all costs. Usopp no what are you doing. Sweet, free meat. Oh hey, callback. Oda never forgets. Goddammit Usopp. Great job Usopp you've been drafted into war.
  5. I feel like a lot of people would be uncomfortable watching a series that paints cancer in a sympathetic light when the main character's voice actor died from cancer pretty recently. 😬
  6. Demon Slayer- I can't wait to see this guy get thrown off a moving train. Tanjiro, still the goodest boy. Y'all can just kill Zenitsu any time you want. GO AWAY. Wasn't Zenitsu's one redeeming factor supposed to be going into competent mode when he fell asleep? Inosuke's dream is as good as I'd hoped. ACORNS. Show me my boyfriend's tragic backstory. Wow what a douchebag. It's okay boyfriend I'm proud of you. Aww his brother is cute. Date me. Yes I'm sure this plan is not about to go awry for you. Here kids, take these ice picks and do your best Freddy Kruger job. Lotta fire in this dream world. God I wish that were me, I mean what. Meanwhile, Tanjiro continues to suffer. So hey where's Nezuko? I forgot demons can't go out at night. Thanks, inner mind theater Tanjiro. MY BABY. You gotta wake up and pat her head right now. Thanks Nezuko! Tanjiro needs a hug. So hey fun story all of you are actually dead. Fuck this dream kid in particular. Tanjiro officially confirmed as a Certified Good Boy. Thanks for the cryptic riddle, ghost dad! Ya gotta kill yourself, kiddo. Dr Stone- Poor grandpa. Best boy alert! Taiju us a gift and we don't deserve him. Please don't call it a poop hole. Grandpa acquired! Heee look at Suika dance with him. I could go for some petrification and revival. Great job Senku you broke his lab and made him cry. Why in the shit do you need a fidgit spinner. Ah yes, Leonardo da Vinci, enemy of Lupin the Third. And now, balls. Did somebody call for back-breaking labor? The hell is this guy? God I wish Kaseki was my grandpa. Okay great so how do we steer the damn thing. Oh no Ginro they're gonna find out about your dick. Well now you've gotta kill him. Dude what. Okay so what's the magic pineapple supposed to do. It's drugs! Oh this is not going well. I am uncomfortable. Oh thank god we're back to just some normal violence. Joke's on you, he's definitely into this. And now, drugs. Hey what in the fuck. RUN. These two are gonna have some fantastic sex later. This could be going better. Super run away! Oh fuck. Well now I'm depressed. How fast can you get a twink petrified? We stan a queen. So what in hell is that? One Piece- Law I don't think you picked a good spot for this hostage handoff. Y'all can just leave Caesar for the navy. Actin' kinda suspicious here, Law. This really is a great outfit on Robin. The marines really are stupid as fuck. Who's this now? Nyoom. They stole your pants. Fairies? Meanwhile, Zoro's tits. Oh my god she's adorable. Mood, girl. That's not how gifts work! Everybody hates Doflamingo. Hey girl you're in luck. Zoro's never gonna find his way back. Zoro has stair-based trauma. Meanwhile meanwhile, tournament arc. Santa no! Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile, Sanji's dick is gonna get him killed. Look with your special eyes. Surprise, she's evil! Oh lady you don't wanna see inside my mind, I'm just as gross. MY BRAND. That's also what my brain looks like. He may be horny beyond all reason but Sanji's a good dude. EYE WHALES. You're a good dude, Sanji. This may be the weirdest fruit yet. Oh what the fuck did that flamingo do now. I'm rooting for that cow. Guys don't fight you're all obnoxious. Gee I wonder who's gonna win this round. I miss my dead boyfriend. Hey what's up with the nutcracker? Rebecca's outfit looks so uncomfortable. I'm sure there's no tragic backstory involved with any of this. Because cops suck, Franky. Oh yeah this is definitely a happy story. Franky, also a good dude. I've lost track of all the meanwhiles. Guys they're about to shoot you. Robin no you're supposed to be the one with the brain cells. Don't eat that candy if it came from Punk Hazard. Titties. Oh my god they're all so cute! They're precious and I love them. Not pictured, one of the fairies running around nestled in Zoro's tits. I'd die for them. This is adorable. Aww snail. Usopp what did you do. Oh this is gonna be hilarious. Law, about to regret everything about his life even more. What factory.
  7. The first time I saw Jotaro I deadass thought he was 35 and called "Oh that's bullshit!" out loud when they said he was a 17-year old high school student.
  8. Going into the series with zero knowledge and should I be crying this hard after that first episode?
  9. It's okay you can still vicariously enjoy me having a new fire boyfriend who definitely isn't about to suffer greatly. He'll be fine. Totally.
  10. Oh boy I can't wait to see how nothing bad happens to this hot dude with fire powers. Demon Slayer- Sucks to be this random train redshirt. I'm here to get railed by that loud fire man. Sweet, free noodles. Well now we gotta solve the train murders to help the noodle guy's business. I forgot the bird talks. It's fine, granny doesn't care if she dies. Sweet, free food. You can always win my love with food, I'm like a feral raccoon. Y'know it occurs to me that I don't think he ever blinks. Yeah sure you don't seem suspicious at all. I like that he's sticking with that lunchbox story. Nobody questions the guy with lunchables. The Hash-Slingling Slasher! Hey, that was a good lunchable. Every other character in this show just looks like Tanjiro in a wig. Oh, that was the lady they were talking about earlier. Ooh that was cool. Take over here, redshirts. There he go. You stupid kid. Great job granny that'll stop him. NYOOM. God I wish that were me. Dude you couldn't even kill an old lady, you are the worst demon. Date me. I'm sure these black and white shots don't mean anything. Hold up there's a fire dad too? I foresee no way this plan can end badly. Sweet, free food, again! I can't not fuck him. Okay so his dad's not dead, I'm gonna need to meet him. MY FERAL HOG SON. Dumbass just headbutts a train. Y'all can use Zenitsu as a meat shield literally any time you want. Shinobu scares me. I have no memory of any of these people. Oh right, JYB is here. I love our dipshit pig boy. I like that nobody questions the shirtless weirdo in the boar mask. Rail me you loud motherfucker. This OP sure is implying some tragic home life for my boyfriend. Honey you're scaring the regular folks, you can stop any time now. Show me my box daughter. Inosuke's having a great day. There a reason why y'all aren't looking at each other? Well thanks for being no help at all. You can be my boss any time. With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! Of course love is an offshoot of fire, that makes perfect sense to me. I forgot about Tanjiro's weird smelling thing. Oh my god let Inosuke fight the train. God I hate Zenitsu. That conductor's definitely possessed. False alarm, I guess he just hates his job. Okay now I'm pretty sure that's a demon. Ohhh I'm gonna get this man killed. You got this babe I believe in you. Inosuke no! God I wish that were me. Everyone loves Rengoku and there is no way that's gonna end tragically. I'm sure everyone simultaneously falling asleep isn't ominous at all. The shit is that? I wouldn't mind going into a coma for awhile, actually. I volunteer to tie up Rengoku, Oh good it's depressing nightmare time. Someone hug Tanjiro. Oh you look like a douchebag. Tanjiro is a good boy. Hey guys where's Nezuko? What in the Freddy Kruger is this. I forgot what the eyeball tattoo means. Okay I'm already sick of these little post-credits gags. Dr Stone- Platinum! I vote you unfreeze Nikki first and let her snap their necks. Please give Kohaku a gun it would be so funny. Okay fine, unfreeze grandpa first. NO GRANDPA. No, they stole our douchebag! Oh this won't go well. Damn she really fucked him up. RATCARS! You should forget his dick as a joke. Awwww Suika. Huh, cool. She called it. I love our obnoxious douchebag captain. This is more ass than I expected today but I'm not complaining. Sure we've go time to make a scuba suit. It's fine, it probably won't blow up right away. I'm genuinely surprised Senku's strong enough to take that apart. Oh my god they're idiots. Oh hell, now you put clothes on them? Good luck guys you got one shot. Man it's gonna suck if you accidentally revive Taiju's dumb ass instead. I like that he takes the mask off just to do the stupid laugh. Oh right, rocks are heavy. Kohaku could have dug him up in two minutes flat. It's Morse code ain't it. Okay I was joking about Taiju but I'll take it. Oh no, my idiot boy! Guys you're wasting time. Taiju you dumb bastard. I love this dumbass so much. Show me his dick, you cowards. I hope you got all of grandpa. Hey this turned out better than the time you had to revive Kars to fight off those lions. One Piece- Can I get one more thirst trap tonight and make it 4/4? Law counts for thirst, we got it! Bartolomeo is a gift that we don't deserve. Eat shit, Bellamy. Oh no don't tell me you hate Luffy too. Meanwhile, we're on a bridge! If a fish attacks you can just use Caesar as a human shield. Y'all should prbably run. That's a big fishie. Law can you not just ROOM us across the bridge? This bridge sucks. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Law. Thank god for Robin. Please slap me next. Are you out of your mind you can't trust Caesar...oh wait, he's got his heart. Thanks, asshole. Law's ridiculous mustache continues to crack me up. Surprise assist from fuck if I know. That fish getting slowly dragged off screen is unreasonably funny to me. I enjoy watching Caesar suffer. Where in hell are we? Surely these people who actually get names won't be significant later. Alright I'm rooting for that cow, sorry Luffy. Meanwhile, goddammit Sanji. Oh this is definitely a trap. Lady, Sanji will kill a man for some sideboob with literally zero questions asked. Shoutout to the guy randomly wearing a toy house on his head. There he go. Hey he actually got to look cool for like 30 seconds. WOW WHAT A SHOCK.
  11. Genie: And for your third wish? Me, pointing to yet another attractive man with fire powers: TAKE A WILD FUCKIN GUESS, BUDDY
  12. Is Yusuke supposed to look 30 or are they trying to pass that grown man off as a middle schooler?
  13. Well, I guess that could have been worse. FLCL- Let's just get this over with. I'm glad she's dead. Oh yeah this is gonna go just great. Lady I don't think it matters if the towels are clean when she just got shot in the chest. Arise, chicken! No please just let her die. Show I could not give less of a shit about this bitch's backstory. In a surprise twist, it turns out threatening terrorism for funsies is a real bad idea. Why are you bitching about that old guy, isn't restoring the universe a good thing? Did they just say cream corn candy? Kid it's not your fault she was weird and stupid, your dick didn't cause that. MOTHERFUCKER. Can we just throw her off the roof. And now she's half-ghost in some kinda Daddy Phantom situation. In an emergency, use this ghost bitch as a human shield. It turns out that deep down, she's a pussy. Oh hey, Pets is there. Boy you have gotta get some better standards. You cna try shooting her again. And then something about a giant flying space dick. If she has to live, I can accept her being erased from this universe's existence as a consolation prize. It's a weird choice to kick Haruko entirely out of her own series. Boy how the fuck did you get here. Oh, she's a boy in this universe. Yeah sure why the fuck not. One Piece- If I lost a fight to Bellamy I'd just off myself out of pure shame. Harry Styles is now your enemy. Sorry Luffy I think your cover's blown. Santa no! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Uh hey bouncers y'all wanna maybe cut this short? Sorry boys looks like you're on the naughty list. It's alright grandpa it's time to take your meds. Luffy is great at stealth mode. For fuck's sake somebody take Bellamy out already. And then racism. Hack seems cool. I miss Uncle Fish. I'll never be intimidated by someone named Ricky but I do respect his decision to go into a fight with the sluttiest miniskirt he could find. Meanwhile those dudes are definitely dead. Legs McGee is here. You will look at this man's gratuitous crotch shots. This guy got a name so he's presumably allowed to survive. Get out of here Bellamy, you suck! Hey, where's Bartolomeo? I love this asshole. Never fight a man with his dick out. Surprise, he's not as incompetent as he looks. Sorry, fish friend. There goes Ricky's skull. Lotta people hate Doflamingo here but not as many as I'd expect. And then Legs McGee kicked the shit out of everyone. Hey that's cheating. What a surprise, everyone is backstabbing each other. Hey now you leave him alone, he's funny. God I love seeing Bellamy fail. Alright bro what's your devil fruit? Bartolomeo is now my favorite in this fight. Luffy no don't root for him. King Egg you better charge that punch quick. Y'all might wanna move. Okay so if you win this round, what are you gonna do in the final match when you've got no allies and no time to recharge? I'm glad that Franky and this wacky nutcracker are friends now. This guy's blood pressure must be off the charts. He's either about to launch a devastating punch or shit his pants, whatever comes first. ONE PUUUUUUUNCH. Great job asshole you broke the ring. SURPRISE, FUCKO. Oh, he's got the barrier fruit. Ooh he's got a plan for that fruit. Nutcracker is a good dude. We interrupt this tournament arc for a tragic backstory.
  14. Not pictured: Me trying to explain One Piece to my confused Boomer dad for a solid fifteen minutes before I give up and take my anger out mashing a medically inadvisable amount of potatoes.
  15. I mean yeah, they've probably done well enough to justify their existence on a late-night cable channel block with minimal competition. I think it's just a case of dwindling returns though; the first sequels were unnecessary, but there was some genuine curiosity about what they'd do with the franchise. Meanwhile the reception to the new ones seems to be a lot more openly negative from the very first announcement of their existence and hate-watching only goes so far. Most of the feedback I've seen tends to range from "Meh, it's alright I guess but I don't know why they made this" to outright loathing, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if the decision to call it quits on FLCL sequels is significantly motivated by all the constant backlash rather than any creative decision that the story's reached a satisfying conclusion.
  16. I let out a sigh of relief as I flashback to the overhaul that killed the old boards. FLCL- Boy control your boner for ten goddamn minutes. I could also use a drink. Aww she grew up. Did Pets grow out of her bitch phase? She's a manic pixie dream her, and he's the whiny simp thirsting over her. I hope they die in there. I'm straight up not having a good time here. Kanna is also not having a good time here. Fuck this guy and the horse he rode in on. Not now, train! Old man you should be catfishing this dumbass with pictures of a barely-legal Onlyfans model. The fuck is that, the Stranger Things portal? Yeah sure this is going just great. Diabetes doesn't wait, you weird horny bitch. Oh it's the fat bird. Your premature ejaculation is going to destroy us all. There are too many trains in this town. This was supposed to just be a nice day off where she took it easy and got her hair done and you shitty kids ruined it. Hey you dropped your thing. Here's your fucking candy, asshole. Pull the trigger, Piglet. Kanna you don't owe this little shit an explanation. Oh my god you stupid bitch just cut the tag out of your shirt and quit whining. Don't fuck with me, she better be dead. One Piece- Bellamy you fucked your life up all on your own. Genuinely surprised Luffy remembers him. I'd like to see Luffy take him down with one punch again. You asshole if you touched that horse that's also a bird I will rip your dick off myself. Oh this new guy looks fun. The fake mustaches continue to crack me up. Look out for the fish, y'all. Law carrying the brain cell for his half of the arc. Well these guys look ominous. Not the CP dicks again! Meanwhile, shenanigans. Zoro is doing a remarklably good job of following that thing. YEET. Hey, at least you got your sword. Meanwhile meanwhile, Kinemon is nailing this stealth thing. It's a top knot shaped hat. Look I'm at 50/50 whether you should bother saving your idiot friend. He has a wacky accent and I enjoy that. Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile, Sanji's boner gets him into further trouble. Sanji my dude, she is absolutely going to stab you later. Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile, we should throw this child overboard. Brook is a gift we don't deserve. Can't wait for this little shit's tragic backstory. Play Freebird! God I love Brook so much. I sure hope that's just a really big mouse running through your kitchen. Aw hell somebody's got the LSD-LSD fruit. What's your power, weird guy? #1 in the Most Annoying Pirates Who Should Just Go Away Competition. Okay I kinda love this dumbass. Uh dude I don't think you're allowed to attack the audience. It's a pipe bomb! This man is a wonderful troll. Fuck you, Bellamy. Please let me see him get one-shotted again, it'll be so funny. Have some standards, bitches. Give us some exposition, Harry Styles. Remember to look out for the fish. Fuck you and your stupid springs. Pretty sure I just saw a Street Fighter guy in the background. That is a very egg-shaped king. Please don't let someone ugly get my boyfriend's power. Better hope he doesn't waste that punch. Those fish are eating good today. I am very disappointed to see Bellamy not die immediately. Luffy's having a great time. Surely this masked guy won't be important. I refuse to fear a man named Ricky. Bartolomeo is just out here living his best life. Cabbage. You'll know if Kid's here, he'll be angry and yelling. Hi Santa! WHAT. Cover's blown. Goddammit Garp what'd you do to piss off Santa.
  17. Hear me out. Whoopi as genderswap Crocus.
  18. That sure was a thing we just watched. FLCL- How will they find a new way to disappoint me this time? The fuck is that. I don't like this girl. I'm sure these are solid rules for the Bear Grylls crowd. And then knockoff Dimple was here. We have Mob at home. I warned you about stairs, bro. Knowing we only have three episodes, I really don't think we have time for whatever this is. At least Kana seems to be doing alright for herself. Fuck you, it's my day off. Is it just building code for every high school in Japan to have that exact same rooftop? Jump, bitch! I'm rooting for fat tower bird here. Fucking manic pixie dream girls, always stirring up shit. It looks like piss, ya get it!? Just release the SWAT team, please. I've had worse dates. Congratulations on somehow making a weird, incomprehensible sequel to Fight Club instead of FLCL. I hope they die. I don't think this was an effective use of 1/3 of your show's runtime. One Piece- Goddammit Sanji your dick is gonna get you killed one day. He's undercover. I'm sure no one will question why this random old man has stretchy powers. These two are now bros. It's a nice change that Franky gets to hold the brain cell this time. What factory? Boy this lady is really playing Sanji like a fiddle. He's like a sad kicked puppy. Luffy's old man voice. Yeah go ahead and attack this random stranger, I'm sure this'll go well. I'm sure none of these shadowy figures will be relevant later. Let me AXE you a question. Thanks, random dudes. I want to see more from Violence Santa. I just like the name FUNK BROTHERS. Oda was just having a lot of fun with character design that day. Are you kidding me who the fuck invited Bellamy. Tooooournament aaaaarc. Those fish are gonna have a great day. I also like the statue of the half naked beefcake. And now, the prettiest man. He even gets his own soundtrack. He auto-generates his own bishie sparkles. Down, bitches. He's too pretty, you can't trust him. My dude he is definitely not listening. Oh my god Luffy you dumbass. It's a good thing everybody here is dumb as fuck. He's just eating an entire rose, thorns and all. Hey now what's your beef here? HORSE. Fuckin Harry Styles of the pirate era. Oh, he's just an attention whore. I don't trust this mystery guy in the baseball cap. And now, misoginy. Girl how much tape do you need to keep that top on. Surely this statue guy won't be important later. That sure is a weird memory thing going on there. Okay I'll bite, why does everybody hate this girl? I'm rooting for anybody wanting to kill Doflamingo. HAPPY STORE. I don't know who that is but I don't trust Mr. Store. Well that mystery got solved quick. BOOOOOOOOOOOO. Fuck you and your stupid laugh. Franky just enjoy having your new toy bro. Great stealth, my dude. Oh this douchebag looks fun. Remember, ACAB. Well, that guy's dead. I hope the blind guy got a discount for not being able to watch the fight. Aww, he saved that little girl's balloon. Aw crap he's a cop. Aw fuck, he's an admiral. Call an ambulance, but not for me. Oh hey, an actual nice marine for like, the third time in 600 episodes. Fuck you Bellamy nobody wants you here.
  19. I feel like they learned the wrong lessons from the feedback they got on the last round of FLCL sequels FLCL- I figure there's a solid 50/50 chance this finale's gonna be decent so here we go. Again, really wish this show didn't look like shit. I do appreciate the Hammer Robot. What different knife maker, your town has like seven people. Girl you might not wanna get so close to the Deranged Puberty Goblin. Here, have a weiner. Keep your eyes out for any cool rocks. Is your dad fucking the robot? Your dad is definitely fucking that robot. That's a chunk of your friend's dead brother. Oh your dad is definitely about to die. Sorry about your dead dad. At least you still have the nice rock boy. And now your robot mom is dying too. Man this girl can't catch a break. This must be what the citizens in Monopoly see when you move your piece across the board. Also the flies are nanomachines or some shit now, I guess. Ya get it, it's a boner joke. This sure is a thing that's happening. Congratulations children, exactly one of you gets to leave this shithole of a planet while your friends suffer. This is definitely one of the scenes of all time. Ha ha ha he has a small dick, ya get it? Just let rock boy have a good day. This could have been a fairly decent miniseries if they didn't insist on shoehorning Haruko into it. One Piece- Previously, Intense Gambling Action. I'm rooting for you, suspicious blind guy. Luffy is a good boy. Oh my god please start a fight with the dumb rubber kid it'll be so funny. Surprise, the blind guy's a beast! So he just straight up murdered those dudes huh. Wow, what a hole. Zoro, your swords are getting away! The fake beards are absolutely fucking killing me. Zoro's gonna go murder some fairies. Oh Zoro's definitely getting lost in 20 seconds. At least Luffy's having a great time. Exit, stage window. Franky is not used to being theo ne with the brain cell in the group. Great stealth mode, guys. Everyone is lost which means it's time for shenanigans. FRANKY SMASH. What factory? Still holding out hopes for infinite meat. Not now, children! What on earth. You motherfuckers. I miss my dead boyfriend. I hope whoever wins that fruit is hot because I instantly become their girlfriend. Did somebody say TOURNAMENT ARC? I have concerns about that man dressed as a giant baby. That's just Steven Tyler. Stop reminding me my boyfriend's dead! Aww Franky you're a good dude. Meanwhile, shenanigans. I'm amazed Zoro's staying on track so well. Will you two just whip your dicks out and measure them alrady. And now, the Sideboob Hour. We've lost Sanji. They're so fucking stupid I love them. This is definitely a booby trap. Sanji you are going to get stabbed. It's okay lady I also get the men I love killed. Look sometimes you just gotta stab a dude. SANJI NO. Well lady you sure picked the right guy to run into. Zoro's had enough of this clown shit. Goddammit Sanji. Kinemon with his infinite stealth. Sanji just walks in this random kitchen, insults everyone, beats their shit, cooks a gourmet 5-course meal, and leaves. Oh my god this is going so well. I enjoy this busted-ass nutcracker. This guy's got some issues. I see no way that this plan could go awry.
  20. This thread got me fucked up for multiple days, y'all. "The allegations probably came from delusional fangirls describing their ultimate fantasy: being made uncomfortable by the middle aged man who voiced their favorite character and has clear issues respecting personal space" dealt 400 points of psychic damage and knocked me the fuck out. Jesus christ. I know I ask this every goddamn time but I'm still so genuinely curious. If Mcnuggets didn't do anything, why have there been dozens of people sharing similar stories for years about him being noticeably but non-illegally creepy? Were all of these unrelated strangers just seeding lies about him in advance, waiting for the day that Monica Rial finally blew the Horn of Feminist Terror that alerted them all to rise up and destroy an innocent man's career? Is that actually more believable than a middle aged white guy who doesn't understand boundaries and thinks he's hilarious was allowed to get away with it for a long time because he was popular? What, do you also think the women who spoke out about Harvey Weinstein were just describing their fantasies of being molested by a cursed puppet made of expired ham and dryer lint?
  21. Buddy I dropped Nart years ago as a form of self care.
  22. It's weird that the promo didn't mention next week's episode being Grunge's finale.
  23. I watched Live Action One Piece and Aggressively Scottish Garp can call me. FLCL- Oh no The Thing is sad. Well that's a fucking mood killer. So why are The Thing and his brother the only rock aliens in the show? Alright I appreciate the Bugs Bunny dynamite gag. I didn't need to see him barfing sparkles, show. Aww, he likes her. Okay the cat dying from diabetes got a genuine laugh out of me. Whelp, your brother's dying. And then Haruko shows up and reminds me this is supposed to be FLCL and I just sigh wearily. Oh hey, is that another rock guy? Bro did you just rip that out of your truck? I didn't expect discount The Thing to somehow be the most likeable character in this show. Get it, Geodude. Meanwhile, eyebrows. Forget everything else, just make the show about the nice rock boy having an adorable crush on this girl. Man if only this show didn't look like shit. Whelp, your brother's dead for real this time. I'm rooting for Geodude and literally no one else here. I'm amazed he can even fit on that bike. And then this happened. One Piece- Oh hey new OP, I like their fancy pirate outfits. Why do I feel like this is a trap? Bonnie! UNCLE FISH! Also Crocodile is here. I like Kid because he's got fat tits and anger issues. Goddammit Luffy! He's right, Caesar sucks. Oh fuck you for bringing up my dead boyfriend. Is it meat, do you have meat? Law is suffering. I love these idiots. Law's so goddamn cool. Meat spell. LASERS! Oh right, the samurai are here. Dressnana. Law you dumb bastard you think they're going to follow a plan? How do you not like bread? Guess we're going to Zou next. BEAR. Oh, so that's how it went. Oh yeah there is definitely some kind of trap here. Meanwhile, bubbles! HANCOCK, MY WIFE. Oh my god did we know Buggy was a warlord. Man I can't wait for Buggy to trip ass-first into finding the One Piece. Oh fuck you, you boyfriend-murdering Hawaiian shirt wearing sack of shit. My gun wife! Oh, that's nasty. I hate this guy already. It's okay wife, I also get my boyfriends killed constantly. Baby 5, no! I can't wait to see who gets to beat up the gross slime guy. Whatcha got there? I hope you like this footage of my boyfriend getting fisted to death, you will see it again! OH FUCK YOU, BIRD MAN. Oh my god Law this is gonna go so, so badly for you. Hey I think this kid's got some PTSD. Luffy will absolutely fight a child. I forgot this boy was terrible. "If you want to be perverse, ask politely," god I love Brook. I need you to reunite with that polar bear immediately. Whelp, there goes Sanji. Whelp, there goes everyone. Welcome to Spain, y'all. We're in Toy Story now. Quick, get a fake mustache. Yeah sure this seems normal. Oh, Sanji is going to die. Surely this random blind guy won't be important at all. Oh my god they really went with the fake mustache idea. Zoro getting lost in 3...2...1... Careful old man, stairs killed his best friend. Sir you picked the absolute worst guy to ask for directions. I don't trust this blind guy. Nothing is stealthier than screaming your ally's name at the top of your lungs. You know this puppet guy is suffering. Oh yeah I'm sure fairies are the most unbelievable thing here. Dude stop banging the cymbals. I want this annoying puppet guy to be friends with Brook. I'm surprised they're not cheating the shit out of the blind guy. You asshole. Dude just cut your losses and go. Intense gambling cliffhanger!
  24. Oh, that Oda snail is going to haunt my nightmares. They get Jamie Lee Curtis on the phone yet?
  25. A decade later, this is still the best thing to come out of Attack on Titan and I will die on that hill.
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