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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. MRW I'm trying to control my desperate thirst out of respect for the dead guy.
  2. The other day at work I was sorting through some books and pulled out two together titled "The Italian" and "Gone". I was not amused.
  3. I am convinced this entire series is just a convoluted plot to seduce me. It's working.
  4. I'll watch it alone Already know some spoilers Hi sexy grandpa <3
  5. By far, the only fuckable one.
  6. But what will you whine about nonstop now?
  7. Plot twist that's why he hit on so many women, because deep down he knew his family never survives hanging out with the Joestars. That last day before Jojo showed up was just a marathon of him banging cute tourist girls. I mean he's not as hot as Joseph but I'd plow that like a fall harvest.
  8. Jojo is so buff My boyfriend curse bounced off him And took out Caesar
  9. WHY CAN'T I HAVE NICE THINGS, SHOW Jack- I feel like a kid again only this time I have an amazing rack. Oh this is depressing. Who's this guy is that Jack. I do enjoy seeing those bugbots get destroyed. IT'S JACK AND HE'S GOT A COOL BEARD. Poor Jack come here let me hug you. Well this is an uncomfortable maternity ward. Aku's broodmare seems like a pretty rough career path, lady. I'm digging that Mad Max look he's got going on. Oh that's a punch right to the gut. And then nightmares forever. Mmmm, fried rat. For the love of god somebody hug Jack. Poor kids this cult seems like a bad idea. Run away, little girl! Fuck you lady, I'm that kid's mother now. Leave my daughter alone she's doing her best. So did Aku fuck that lady or what. Robot ninja! Oh god he sounds like Snagglepuss. Okay I like this robot guy. WHIP IT OUT! Ohhhh that is not a good thing. Sweet flute, bro. Kick his ass, Jack! Jack might need some therapy. RIP flute. Oh my god I'm cracking up. I want him to fight Brook. Don't fuck with Jack. Look at my girl go I'm so proud of her. I can't stop smiling. Jojo- I will be absolutely floored if Caesar makes it out of this tragic backstory episode alive. Dang Caesar's dad was hot. Wow that's depressing as shit. I love how dudes in this show rip their clothes off when they get mad. WRENCH FIGHT. Oh shit it's the pillar men. So then, all of this was Caesar's fault. Okay so what happened to his siblings? Well I was already comforting Joseph after last week but shit, you can put your face in my boobs too. Someone give that boy a hug. Awwww they're friends. Oh this can't be good. What the fuck is that. I love this narrator. Fuck you, Wammu. Whelp so much for that guy. Wow what a shock this was a trap. Jojo's staying the hell out of this, in the smartest move he's ever made. Yeah sure that sounds like science. Good luck, buddy. FUCK YEAH, CAESAR. This is going surprisingly well-aww fuck I spoke too soon. HEY KOOL-AID MAN. Ohhhh you are walking right into a fucking trap, my dude. Oh hey that guy's not dead. Hey look, an arm. I got a real bad feeling about this. Yeah sure this sounds like more science. DISCO MUSCLE BUBBLES. Oh goddammit Caesar you're fucked. I make a couple jokes about banging a dude and the grim reaper strolls in to fuck up the day, it's like clockwork. Caesarino you should really get out of there. STAIRS. Caesar no, just run. Aww he grabbed the ring for Jojo. Aaaaaand I'm crying. Hey guys maybe you could do something instead of standing outside. Eww blood bubble. DON'T YOU TOUCH THAT BUBBLE, YOU FUCKER. I hope your life is only like two more days you piece of shit. Congratulations Jojo I'm pretty sure in some cultures this means you're married. Poor baby come here put your face in my boobs and we'll cry together. Meanwhile nobody gives a shit about that other guy who died. Come here Lisa Lisa let me hug you and we'll cry together. Ohhh fuck you, show. Joseph's so buff my curse bounced right off those pecs and took out the next hottest thing. Hold me in those incredible goddamn arms while I weep, Jojo. :( Gundam- Yeah I was too busy crying to pay much attention to the first half of this. I don't like this blond kid's odds. Every week I think that lady died and I keep being proven wrong. This was a real bad week to throw an episode with like 80% conversations at me. Meanwhile, Benedryl sucks and fails. Hunter- Aw crap they took out that explanation intro and I'm too dumb to remember it. Spend all your money! I use my phone almost entirely for crappy games and porn. Hiiii hot idiot! I'll taste you, baby. Youuuu beautiful moron. Ask the idiot to whore himself out for your money. Haaa the Google knockoff. Meanwhile, weeb time. Oh is it their sexy dad again? FUCK THE AUCTIONEER, HOT MAN. I'm pretty sure Boobs won't have any trouble making friends. Gon is so cute I love him. I'm surprised Gon didn't break the damn table. I'm sure Gon could do a couple hundred thousand rounds. This girl's gonna kick his ass. That went surprisingly well. My left hand is also incredibly strong from jerkin' it to Jojo. Go away Hisoka nobody likes you. Mole girl is nice I like her. PLAY FREEBIRD. I'm already cursed lemme hear it. Wow that was a rough day. Hug that mole girl. Naruto- Man, it really doesn't end well whenever Caesar's family hangs out with the Joestars. One Piece- Nope, not even its imminent retirement could get me to watch Foxy filler.
  10. Hold me in those incredible goddamn arms while I sob, Jojo. :(
  11. Dude I sleep with an Ace body pillow at night. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Here's Nami's boobs. Whelp, time to skip ahead to the next time Ace shows up and try to masturbate around the brutal fights.
  13. It's me, falling deeper into the madness of cartoon dick thirst.
  14. God exists, and he truly hates me in particular.
  15. What happens is my character bangs Jojo. *slides you $20 and some cookies*
  16. The first anime covers the first two Jojos. The second anime is part 3, then part 4. I blame these people every day, my life was perfectly fine until Joseph fucking Joestar appeared out of nowhere with his amazing goddamn biceps like the second coming of Ace.
  17. Jojo lured me in with a false sense of security and then the second part started and those ridiculous goddamn buff muscles ruined my fucking life. Definitely recommend it. 10/10 would watch again. Also hi BFF I missed you <3
  18. He's almost too hot Stupid buff arms ruined me This is my life now
  19. I have this weird curse My anime boyfriends die Please god not Jojo
  20. Thirsty for Jojo Not my fault, look at those pecs Send help I can't stop
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