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EmpressAngel replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I can't imagine they'd keep Naked Tin Tin Adventures And Deku's There Too I Guess premieres at the ass-end of the block, especially when they'll likely be getting it only a month after it airs over in Japan. -
DB Super Marathon on Sept 28th! :O
EmpressAngel replied to The1gairon's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Well sure if you wanna call it that. -
EmpressAngel replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Time to be weirdly attracted to this again. -
DB Super Marathon on Sept 28th! :O
EmpressAngel replied to The1gairon's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I guess this pushes Slutty Vault Boy Season 4 back an extra week. That's probably for the best, just to get a solid buffer against breaks on Japan's side. -
God, imagine getting arrested because you started flinging around death threats after your favorite cartoon voice man lost a court case that HE STARTED HIMSELF. I've fucked up a lot in my life but at least I'm objectively better than Vic stans.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Gen Lock- Y'know what Chase you can do better, find someone who appreciates you. I don't know if Val just got that cape or if they always had it and I never noticed but it's cool. Well this is an awkward conversation. So uh you're twins now. That is probably not a good thing. Yeah this is gonna end well. RUN AWAY, DEER! Yeah somebody's about to die. Oh they fucking. You're gonna get your ass kicked because you won't combine. This could be going better. Whelp, he's doomed. Save the guitar at all costs. I don't think dad's coming with you, kids. Not my fault. Just throw a cat at a motherfucker. Yeah that's a great idea just drive right past the mecha fight. Not today, missle! That's a lot of nanobots swarming all over the place. Sooo, that happened. Dr Stone- I'm kinda with Kars here, let's ditch the baby boomers. GODDAMMIT SWEET BOY. You heard nothing it's just vodka. Aww he made her a dresss. I love this sweet idiot. No don't let Kars get it. "Revival Juice" is also what I call good booze. Honey no we can't trust him. I love these boys. Oh no please work. YAY IT WORKED. I'm so happy for them. AWWWWWWWW. They're all good kids. Aw fuck Kars is back. You stay away from my kids. SWEET BOY NO. Oh shit he's got a crossbow. FUCK. He's so fucking stupid I love him. Oh fuck you Kars. Taiju broke. Man we're really living in a golden age for likable shounen protagonists. Fuck these pots. Y'all probably wanna sit her down and explain everything to her. I would be absolutely fucked without directions. Thank you Buddha. Awww. Just let him have this, Science Boy. DON'T HURT THE GREAT BUDDHA. Oh right we don't get meat anymore without Kars. Look at him go. Oh no is she re-stoning? Oh, those are cracks. Goddammit Kars is smart. Smartphones?! GUN. Fire Force- None of you are hot enough for me to care about. Hi boyfriend! MEAT. I'm so tired, show. Maki is my girlfriend. You're a terrible person and nobody likes you. I live in constant fear for this man's life. She's awful but I can't stop staring at her boobs. High five! What is WITH the nun fetish. MAKI IS MY GIRLFRIEND. This'll end well. That is one fancy building. I hate this guy already. Words are words. Nothing more subtle than naming your fire villain Captain Burns. So his long lost brother is somewhere in this squad, right? Try not to burn down the church. Calm down Captain maybe you should lift weights without a shirt for awhile. Is she wearing a maid outfit? Okay I enjoy this overly enthuiastic guy and the panicky one. More cowbell. Combined they make a whole Todoroki. Yeah sure I'm gonna assume this is scientifically sound. I fucking hate her. Uh dude your eye's on fire. I'm sure he'll win against a captain on his first try. Lightsaber denied. I'm rooting for eyepatch daddy here. No molestation for you today, girl! I swear I'm trying to like this show. Food Wars- The Body Improvement Club is pleased by this meal. Yes how disgraceful that someone heard you humming. I hate everyone. Oh hey, is this buff guy actually decent? When the meteor comes, this man is tentatively allowed to survive. Great, she was always intolerable. Show me his dick you cowards. Titties. Today's theme is lesbian shower hijinks. Stop humping the bed you weirdo. This kid's a mood. Megumi's a pathetic sadsack, we get it. No way you idiots have to follow an actual recipe, that's impossible? Sorry girl you can't just stand there and stammer your way out of this one. What part of not talking do you dumb shits not understand? Of course he passes, because fuck you. Please fail her. This seems like an obvious fakeout. Nobody cares what you think, kid. Please expel him too. Oh come the fuck on. Clover- Sorry show not even flashback Yami can make me care about anyone's backstory. Still don't trust Dimestore Griffith. I do enjoy watching Yami kill things. Okay that giant mole thing is adorable. Go beyond, plus ultra, whatever. No not the adorable dirt mole! Come on show the least you could do is rip his shirt off for me. So are they fucking or what. No he's golden Griffith, you're the Guts ripoff here. Was this filler? Oh it's the angry lady. Lupin- Ami's back! Aww she's making friends...or y'know, not I guess. Make friends with the archer girl. TOKOYAMI NO. I like her. Ooh it's shiny I want it. It's goddamn weird to see Lupin in a hoodie. HI FUJIKO. Soup's ready! I feel like this plot is not going to end well for them. Whales of Liberation isn't exactly the most fearsome name. SHE'S GOT A BOW. Oh, well now we have to kill them. Please go save the girls. Time to kill some people, Fujiko. Man this princess has balls of steel. I'm uncomfortable with this. THANK YOU FUJIKO. Doma is a fucking badass. HELLOOOO FUJIKO. Thank you show. God I'm gay. Aww Uncle Lupin. Oh fuck. Oh, I see we've hit the "plot takes a sharp turn into weird places" part of the show already. -
You know damn well Vic fans don't leave their houses.
You mean someone was acting like they're on good terms with a coworker while working, even though she might actually fucking hate him? That literally never happens! Shit, look at how many actresses thanked Weinstein in their award speeches. ANN didn't report on Ron's domestic abuse because it wasn't that newsworthy. One guy beating his wife isn't a headline unless he's extremely famous. Someone who's s household name in the anime industry getting slammed for years of predatory behavior, with evidence and several other well-known professionals speaking out against him? Now that counts as news for the anime news site.
No, they were. There just wasn't a lot of attention paid to them before the last year or so when the general public decided that hey, sexual assault in the entertainment industry is bad. Plus a lot of people were apprehensive about naming him specifically out of fear of legal action or harassment (hey, look what's happened) and kept their stories intentionally vague but still easy enough to identify if you tried. I've had multiple friends over the past couple years, none of whom know each other or have anything else in common, mention creeped on and kissed by Vic at cons. "Narcissistic douchebag thinks he's God's gift to women and assumes teens want him to kiss them" isn't exactly behavior that's hard to repeat.
So I'm just gonna skip over the fact that Hunter's school sounds like it was staffed by predators just playing the jailbait waiting game on their favorite students, because I don't have time to unpack all that now. Funi having gross, skeevy operations STILL wouldn't excuse or justify literally anything about Vic's behavior. Like, if your work is stiffing people on payday, you don't get to rob your coworkers or customers.
It just fucking baffles me that his fans can come up with some weird conspiracy in which dozens of unrelated people, both within the professional anime industry and just fans, all came together over a decade ago with the singular goal of destroying Vic's career out of...jealously? Boredom? Feminist SJW brainwashing? Whatever the reason, they began quietly seeding the internet with stories about his inappropriate behavior, completely fabricating evidence or somehow tricking this pure-hearted man into innocent encounters that they knew would look bad later. Then, of course, they caused the #metoo movement that brought down Harvey Weinstein and finally gave their cult the opportunity to launch their attack, mercilessly ruining this poor soul for their own selfish amusement. This is all much more likely than the idea that this one specific dude with a huge reputation for being a creepy fucko is actually a creepy fucko and has a long history of doing bad things.
It's called New Life, you either play as a woman from the start or a dude who gets turned into a woman and just bang like, all the dudes. There's links to download the game on the creator's blog, and a separate one to make the custom NPCs.
There's juuuuuust a bit of a difference between being an actor playing a sexually explicit character vs allowing your own personal fanclub to refer to you by a clearly Nazi-tinged nickname because it's the name of a completely different character that you didn't even play, who is a villain that's your character's enemy and pretty heavily inspired by Hitler. Like, there was definitely a point where he could have said "Hey girls, please don't call me that" instead of letting that continue.
Okay but his client played a gross molestation tentacle slime monster in Sword Art soooo does this clownfuck excuse for a lawyer really wanna open that Pandora's Box?
I like how I'll openly volunteer the fact that I spend hours playing a porn game but you bizarrely think I feel enough shame to lie about how I got it.
One of my friends found this choose-your-own text adventure porn game, and it has a feature that lets you create custom NPCs for it. So when I get bored I just fire that up and go to town on All Might for a couple hours. 👍👍
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I'm not even gonna ask about that. Gen Lock- Oh, that's freaky. Cool she gets sweet robo-bunny legs now. I like his guitar. She's having some issues. Yeah just ignore those warning popups that'll end well. Calm down there, kiddo. Uh you maybe wanna shut her down now. At least he's having fun. I love her little robot fox/cat/whatever it is. If your dream doesn't invovle tits what's even the point. Tell me more about the robot sex dreams. Surely this operation will go off without a hitch. Well he's basically just a torso right now so I don't think he's coming back anytime soon. Cool, he gets a sword. Oh dang he gets wings. So her new boyfriend is definitely gonna die to get him out of the way, right? HEY KOOL-AID MAN. This is going too well. None of them have been maimed in this job and that concerns me. Gotta agree, heat vision would be cooler. Oh look, it's the demon mech. YEET. Well, none of this seems like a good thing. Dr. Stone- Revive your girlfriend! Dude that's creepy. Taiju is a good boy and I love him. Oh my god. Oh no please don't drop her. And now you gotta fight a lion. Oh shit there's wild animals all over the place. Stop being bros and run faster! Oh yeah this looks like someone you want to wake up and deal with. Good morning, now fight these fucking lions. Dude is just weirdly cool with all this. Nice ass. Well hey you made a friend. Taiju is the best. Never turn down free meat. Okay this is literally just Kars, you woke up Kars. Now can we wake up your girlfriend? I also dream about meat in my mouth. SHIT LOOK AT HIM GO. I'm kinda into this, not gonna lie. Thank god for Science Boy. FUCK THIS ROCK. Oh hey there was a girl there. I love these boys. Science boner ahoy. Soap is pretty important. Are...are you hitting on him? Guard your ass, Senku. Oh no whats the secret fourth thing. SHELLS SHELLS SHELLS SHELLS SHELLS. Hey fuck you that's my shell. Tragic backstory, go! Sorry about your dead sister, buddy. Ya just killed a dude. Goddamn baby boomers. Good job boys, literally the first person you revived is the psychotic murderer. You're a good boy, Senku. Fire Force- No really, why ARE you doing this? I keep getting distracted by her boobs. You fucking failed. Where is Captain Boyfriend. Maybe don't explain your power outright, lady. Smack a Bitch Up Man is a great hero persona. Eyelids are for the weak, after all. At least it's a pretty tree that's made out of hellfire. I genuinely have no idea what the point of this subplot is. Scatter, Senbonzakura. Eat shit, bitch. Tragic backstory, go! Is it worse to have your gang of orphans burn to death or be eaten by monsters? "As if something like fire could ever be pretty," don't you kinkshame me here in my own house, lady. I still hate her. Sooo was there a point at all to this story other than "sadistic fire bitch is secretly sad" or nah? GUN. Where the fuck is my boyfriend. Hi boyfriend! Food Wars- That one Italian chef in Jojo was cute, I miss him. I'm so tired, show. I just want him to lose for once and take his ego down a peg. Leave those chickens alone. Here's to another challenge of Megumi standing there doing damn near nothing while douche boy does all the work. I sit here shit-talking this show as I eat two-day old mac n' cheese doused in ranch dressing. This is a really weird mermaid fetish, lady. Of course he wins because fuck you, everyone else. You goddamn dingbat. I'm glad that the script writers are having fun. Why the hell is she tired, she didn't do anything. Oh hey, it's the Body Improvement Club. Literally just make a big pot of shit for these bastards. I'm so tired, show. I miss his dad. Clover- Can we keep catatonic version of him. Again I ask why sister fucker is allowed to live. No I vote for pummeling him with a brick. Bitch be drunk. I hate all of you with the possible exception of Charmy. I just can't stop thinking about Hellshake Yuno. Hey there Cap'n Sexy. This show manages to ruin bath time with the naked, buff as shit Sabat character and that's a goddamn tragedy. Okay I can accept flashback Yami time. Hey, free sandwiches. I can respect a man who demands naps. Kill them all, sexy. Oh I'm into this. Oh, it's that guy who's obviously evil. Still don't trust Dimestore Griffin. Are they gonna fuck or what. But did he get his nap? Lupin- Welcome to Comic Con. Goemon hates Comic Con. Oh, she's pretty. Let's split up, gang! I bet she's in that fursuit. Aww he has a fanboy. Well this mystery has been solved in record time. Seduce her, Goemon. Hi, Tokoyami. Kid your mom is a goddamn scam artist. Save the girl and win her love. This child does the Naruto run. Haa, he's popular. Goemon's a good dude. Lupin's having a good time. Just let this man sleep, goddammit. The plot, it thickens. I'm not confident on Bruno's survival odds here. Let the man rest, child! The wine is drugged isn't it. YOU NEVER TRUST THE WINE. Lupin what the fuck. Gee maybe you shouldn't have drugged your friend up to the gills. You're getting fired, Bruno. Goemon is not fucking around today. Lupin what the fuck. Aww that's sweet. Bill it all to Lupin. -
Some other guy being a piece of shit in no way excuses McNuggets' literal decades of gross and inappropriate behavior. Try again, fuckboys!
Funi has nothing to do with Jojo, it's a Viz show. I feel like they should have just announced who's doing Rohan ahead of time, if only to let people get their initial reactions out before it premiers in public.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I was gone all weekend, let's do this shit. Gen Lock- Yeah this is just Pacific Rim only longer. I mean to be fair, he was a goddamn Futurama brain in a jar for a couple years. I like the Scottish girl she's adorable. I'm sure the internet immediately accepted the genderfluid character with rational minds and open arms and every related comment section isn't a dystopian hellscape. This is absolutely a trap and somebody's about to die. Well, at least she didn't die. Dr Stone- I know he's a grown adult but every time I hear Aaron Dismuke in a role I feel like a proud aunt seeing her favorite nephew at Thanksgiving and finding out what he's been up to. This boy is precious. Oh fuuuuck. THESE TWO WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER. As long as she's not broken I hope she can come back. Awwww he finally got to tell her. Thank god this guy's smart. I love these boys. Oh my god you idiot don't eat that. Alright start rubbing bat shit all over people. BOOZE TIME. That beard scene cracked me up. YOU GOT A BIRD. Alright I am here for this science stuff. Fire Force- Oh, she was a nun too I guess. God that captain can get it. I love that this guy's answer to problems is just GUN. I don't like this bitch. What IS it with this block and the creepy nun fetish? Maki is my girlfriend. GUNS are really the MVP of this mission. Killer Deadly Queen has no weakness. This is just a straight up Jojo fight. Where is my boyfriend? Did...did this kid forget what hand to use? Food Wars- I genuinely hate all of you. I agree with all these people who hate him. Go fuck yourself, bring on the swarthy chefs. Oh look, more people for me to hate. Alright I can respect this judge lady who truly does not give a fuck about their rivalry. I'm truly happy for whoever writes the script for this show because they're obviously having a better time at work than me. Black Clover- How is mushroom guy not the worst person here? RIP fungus giant, you were the best character. I hate that fucking fairy so much. You fucking suck. Gee I wonder if at least 18 of those 20 slots will be filled by people we know and hate. I'm sure that would be a twist if I gave even half a shit about anything here. Lupin- Aww we missed Christmas. HI FUJIKO. Yesss she's coming with us. TITTIES. She could rob me blind and I'd thank her and apologize for not having more to steal. Potholes! This episode is really doing its best to make up for the lack of boobs in the past couple weeks. Fujiko what the fuck kind of shoes are those. Okay so how the hell do you get those cars out? IT WAS GHOSTS. Haa, they all tried to run off alone. Poor Fujiko's having a bad day. -
Definitely gotta echo Jojo and Hero Academia. Also gonna recommend: Mushishi (really great "dude wanders the earth solving problems" series, unfortunately the second season never got a US release) Tiger and Bunny (Superhero series that kicked off right around the time the genre started getting really popular) Erased (psychological murder mystery with a time-travel twist) Promised Neverland (just finished on the block, adorable children try to outwit the villains and escape with their lives) Michiko and Hatchin (sexy escaped con and spunky kid team up to track down the man at the center of their lives) Princess Principal (Victorian-era school girls go on really cool spy missions)