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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. Hero Academia is great because it continues to just throw new boyfriend characters at me. I'm at four now.
  2. Kikyo dies but unlike the previous 30 times it actually sticks. Kagome just kinda wishes the jewel out of existence and that lets them beat Naraku. Sango's brother gets un-brainwashed and is back to normal. Kagome goes back to school, graduates and then decides she wants to give up her entire life to live in the middle ages and goes back for good to be with Inuyasha. Sango and Miroku finally fuck out a couple of kids. Shippo unfortunately continues to exist and is not beaten to death by angry villagers.
  3. OPM- Hiiii Saitama. KING EXPLOSION MURDER. Wasn't that guy in Hunter x Hunter? I'm uncomfortable with this. KICK HIS ASS. He looks like discount All Might. Oh I like him. The robot looks cool. RIP robot. Let the man shit. Me too, dude. Poor guy's out of his element. I forgot that Genos is cool. Damn, the hair on this NPC. I love this fucking weeb. Hey Saitama. You made a friend! Meanwhile, Genos does things. Aw shit there's anoter smaller robot inside it. Hey you might wanna go help your friend. Saitama knows that feel. REVELRY IN THE DARK. How'd you get that scar? Speaking of super strong dudes. Oh my god he pissed himself. Oh, that's how he got the scar. He looks so weird with hair. Saitama is my boyfriend. Genos buddy that might not be the best idea. Ohhhh right, he was looking for one specific dude. Don't listen to the doctor, let the hate flow through you. Ohhh this is probably not a good thing. That's just Tuxedo Mask. HEAVY TANK LOINCLOTH is the best name. Oh it's the guy who got his dick crushed. Okay I do like his outfit. Helloooo new girl. You two should team up. Oh yeah I'm really scared of these people going after him. FRIENDS. I'm sure this guy won't be important. Dr Stone- Ha, the stone people coming to life. Y'all could just try meeting him yourselves. Come on kids time to make drugs. YAAAY robot. I love science boy so much. Be a little more condescending, buddy. SCIENCE TIME, BITCHES. They're going to burn you as a witch if you keep talking. Huh, mystery solved. You made a compass. Fucking magnets, how do they work. The only thing that gives Senku a boner is the concept of science itself. The hell is that. It's a fucking gremlin, shoot it. Awww she's cute. So why is she wearing a melon on her head. I love this child. Wait how do you know what that is. How does Ruri know that??? I don't think that's how the story goes. Calm down dumbass, he's already married to science. Could you just combine like three fires to make it hotter? SCREAMING. Aww melon girl. Give Deku the fancy spear. Congratulations you've found a new dumbass. I'm adopting her. SHERLOCK MELON. Suika is the best. MANLY. Hellooo girls. Me too, girls. Ya gotta seduce the girls, Senku. I can also be pressed into servitude with food. PUPPY. And then it was Food Wars. Alton Brown would be proud. Now I want ramen. And you're not having a proper bowl of ramen now. What. This is great. Calm down there Senku. Fire Force- Hi boyfriend. Holy shit does Cap'n Sexy actually get to be in this episode? They look so young. Oh this flashback friend is definitely going to die. Welcome to Texas, get your gun blessed. And then he died. Oh hey, boyfriend finally shows up in his own flashback. Here's some douchebags. And when you get enough points, you earn a free pizza! Why can't the show just be about these two. Sometimes the kindeset option is just to shoot someone in the head. I'll start my own company, with blackjack and booze! Welcome to our shitty hovel. Maki is my girlfriend. It's a good thing Cap'n doesn't get screentime or I'd have gotten him killed already. I honestly don't remember if we already know this guy or not. Hey Benny, looks like you're on the wrong side of the river! These are some creepy twins. I'm only halfway sure I know who this guy is. This is only slighty preferable to the Soul Societey alarm system of smacking two blocks of wood together. Do you really have to destroy half the village to take down one fire monster? Your method is just to guilt trip the monster until it dies. I mean, I can think of worse ways to die. Food Wars- Eat shit, you asshole. I'm not lucky enough to see him get kicked out. I disagree about presentation, my fat ass makes a beeline to the mac & cheese station at every buffet and never looks back. I hate this albino already. Okay that's actually a pretty cool idea, you albino witch. Moo. Calm the fuck down it's just eggs. I enjoy watching Soma suffer. I miss hot dad. The jello jiggles less than the tits in this show. He just did like 90 plates in three minutes, 100 more sounds fine. I hate this albino bitch. Of course Soma pulled something out of his ass that's better than everyone else. I admit I do love that onion volcano they make at the Japanese restaurants. Success bros. I'd laugh so hard if he got to 199 and failed. This show does't let me have any fun. Shut the fuck up, albino. The hell, are they sisters? Hi Sasuke. Don't fight I hate you both. I could just be watching reruns of Cutthroat Kitchen right now. This definitely sounds like a trap. I hope the cleaning staff gets paid well for dealing with the aftermath of the mass orgasms. Demon Slayer- Time for watch more terrible things happen to adorable children. He's the Little Match Girl. He's gonna come back to his entire famiy slaughtered isn't he. Oh FUCK that sounds ominous. Yes hello I'm adopting this child. Ohhh this is gonna hurt. Aaaaand everyone's dead. Oh look, I'm already crying. Someone hug this boy. That's not normal. Crap she's got rabies. Sorry kiddo you're gonna have to axe your sister in the neck. Wait don't stab her she's okay! MY WEAVE. Get a muzzle on that girl, stat. Um honey she was trying to eat your face two minutes ago. Wow, rude. Dude's got some crazy grip strength to keep her stuck in place like that. Well the important thing is you tried. LET ME AXE YOU A QUESTION. Awwww she's protecting him. This is my daughter please don't kill her. Ohhh this hurts. Okay the feudal-era gag kinda cracks me up. Huh I guess shes like a reverse vampire. They buried their family. Clover- I just saw a seizure warning, what the fuck is going on now. No really who the fuck is that, I have no idea if he's a new character or not. Is this a Slowpoke gijinka? You can understand this mumbling fucker? Great he's a Disney princess. I hate him already. Yami, continuing to give zero fucks. MY BONEITIS. Throw as many tragic backstories at me that you want, I still don't feel anything for these people. Oh, someone more pathetic than Mumbles. What kind of dumb fucks just leave the priceless magic stone sitting in the middle of the room? And then the house was a mecha. This seems like a move that's going to drain your energy in two minutes and then leave you useless. You can't hurt Asta because he already sucks. Yami's gonna be pissed if you just launched his bathroom across the street. WHY DO YOU ASSHOLES KEEP SCREAMING. This is the worst kaiju fight I've ever seen. Clone jutsu, go. Now can you transform this dumpster fire into a decent show? You people are goddamn awful. Yami's gonna fucking kill you all for wrecking the place. Hi, guy who's definitely not dimestore Griffith. Leave that nun the fuck alone. Lupin- Hi granny. Oooh murder mystery time. Lady I feel like you could have called in an actual detective for this. Old man killed himself, calling it now. That balcony is definitely suspicious and is gonna play into this somehow. Okay but the facial recognition stuff doesn't inspire much confidence when we've seen criminals like Lupin just casually print a photorealistic mask in about five minutes flat. Bang the cute maid, Lupin. Why don't you rich murder investigation people ever invest in fucking generators? Granny this was maybe not the best plan. This is definitely not Lupin, he's got glasses. The maid did it, calling it now. Granny shot herself in a convoluted plan, calling it now. If you just blindly accuse everybody you'll automatically be right. Dude's drunk as shit. Everyone's in on it together, calling it now. Still not sure why she'd pick the shittiest maid. Oh shit it's the drunk guy. GUN. Hey maybe it's that guy with the gun hding behind the drapes. TWINS. Wow that's horrible, he kinda deserved to die. Holy shit that was Lupin all along.
  5. If I remember right, the woman's post said they'd both been drinking that night. There's probably just not enough proof going either way for the companies to break his contracts and recast. Okay but it's really not anymore though. These days actors can essentially telecommute a performance from the other side of the country without much issue. Like, FUNi and Viz aren't sharing custody of Matt Mercer and constantly shipping him back and forth between studios so he can do both Attack on Titan and Jojo. Laura Baily didn't have to drop her Disney work and move her family back to Texas so she could be in Fruits Baskets again. Patrick Seitz is some kind of elder god who can just be summoned at will to any recording booth with a sufficient goat sacrifice, and thus mortal concepts like distance mean nothing to him.
  6. I was just gonna get home from work and get off to slutty Vault Boy but you do you.
  7. How much thirst do I have for the new season of MHA tomorrow?
  8. I genuinely forget that guy even exists when I'm not looking directly at him. Dr Stone- Hey look you found a friend! Yeah I'd say "What turned everyone into stones?" is a bigger question. These hypotheses are amazing. WHAT IN TARNATION. Okay so figure out what you have in common with these specific birds. Senku/Science is my OTP. The secret is shit. Aww he tried to wake up his friend first. Senku's reaction faces are incredible. Alright buddy you're losing me with the science talk. It's hardcore that he bit his thumb open just to write that equation on his shirt. Try mouth to mouth again. HE'S OKAY! Welcome to the stone age, where the points don't matter. HUGGING. Shut up and do a group hug. SCIENCE FLAG. Y'all might wanna put some distance away from Kars. Hey there whatcha up to? Great you broke her. I love this wholesome dumbass. This sounds like a real bad idea. Oh my god I can't wait for the robots. Meanwhile those people are definitely running into Tsukasa as we speak. It seems like an obvious problem here is that Taiju is too sweet to lie. Awwww. Fuck you, Kars. Oh hey she's cute. KICK HIS ASS. I like her. Oh shit did somebody not get stoned back in the day? You made a new friend! Soap is the real MVP. Bitches love pulleys, Senku. GET IT, SCIENCE BOY. Shippin' it. "He hit me with a tree." Is your sister also cute? Senku no you have no muscles. Well at least he tried. CAR. Oh shit they have a dog! Hellooo women. Does somebody just go in the recording booth and punch Justin Briner in the balls before he does a character? Kohaku has zero goddamn chill. BUBBLES. He blinded me with science. That's a Joestar technique right there. Oh shit he knows some things. Burn the witch! Well kido the important thing is you tried. Stop ruining all the fun, Senku! Oh my god. Aww he's like a baby science boy. Eat shit, Kars. Oh my god boy you are going to lose so hard. Look at all the science! Aww look you made another friend. A philosopher's stone, you say? Okay that spear is fucking awesome. He's not gonna get your video game references. Aww that's sweet. Oh dang her sister's cute. Well it's a long story. Whelp she's dying. Tell him about the smartphones. Stop crying you baby. Alright I love this kid. Hell yeah time for DRUGS. Fire Force- Hey there Cap'n Sexy. Oooh he looks nice in a suit. I hate you, lady. There is exactly one good woman in this show. Please get your gun out. Oh god why the fuck is Tamaki here. I'm never gonna remember any of these people. Alright I kinda like this guy who hates everyone. Oh right that one guy exists. No, lock him up. He's absolutely going to get captured before the end of the week. Yes take off your clothes. Wow what a surprise that evil guy showed up the moment you left him alone. PAPERWORK, GO. "Could go poorly, probably will" is how I feel going in to work every week. I want to die. Yes I agree go see the captain. Maybe they'd trust you more if you weren't constantly pointing guns at them. Why can't Cap'n Sexy be the one with the nudity powers. I like the mascots. Of course you can trust the creepy arsonist who appears randomly to threaten everyone. Yeah you're gonna have to kill your brother. Food Wars- We went into Jojo for a second there. Oh hey, seh actually passed a challenge without Soma doing all the work for her. Who the fuck is this? Why does Soma wear a completely different uniform from everyone else? Eggs for breakfast, groundbreaking. No really, are we supposed to like Erina like, at all? I miss his hot dad. I fucking hate Megumi. The bros continue to be the most tolerable characters. Who the fuck is this slutty albino? Is every show on the block required to have a Sasuke lookalike? Why aren't you playing with your balls. "I'M TRYING TO BE A CUNT TO YOU, DON'T YOU GET IT?" Goddamn kids. Oh yeah nothing gets me pumped for the day like a fucking salad. Big deal if I had a quarter every time I got propose to because of my cooking I'd be rich. Bitch shouldn't you be cooking food or something? I've literally never had eggs benedict. Honestly Denny's sounds better. Wow I bet he's totally failing and isn't going to pull a win out of his ass within five minutes next week. Clover- Everyone has a better day when Asta's not there. Hey there, other Cap'n Sexy. Fuck you, sister fucker. Charmy really is the best character in this show. They're silently juding you for wainting to fuck your child sister. Is this filler? He's gonna go make a sex doll of his kindergarden-aged sister. I hope these zombies kill them. Holy shit, there's an actual plot in here? I have no memory of this scene. Forget what he said, please kill him. Oh hey, she actually did something. Yami's gonna be pissed if you fuck up his bathroom. I don't give a shit aobut your backstories. It's annoying that the show can't decide whether to give him subtitles or not. Oh hey he can speak at a normal volume. Oh god what the fuck now. Who the fuck are you?! Lupin- Never trust a man with an eyepatch. Man these guards are awful at their job. Meanwhile, thiings go horribly wrong. Hiiiii Fujiko. Oh that sounds ominous. So does nobody here notice that she's white? Awww, this is sweet. Dolma honey you're going to get yourself killed. Man he moves fast for a guy with so many wounds to the gut in this series. Oh hey Goemon. Oh hey Jigen. Gee who could have guessed that dressing all your hienchmen in obscuring masks would backfire. WOW WHAT A SHOCK THIS BACKFIRED. Tell me more about the harem. Way to take one for the team, buddy. She's right, fuck America. Now somebody give that girl a hug. Can confirm, being a ruthless she-devil is great. He's right, where's Fujitits. Awww, these girls. Oh no sweetie he's too old for you. Oh honey, your boobs are never gonna get that big. Oh my god will you two just fuck already.
  9. what about the MHA rerun that ends a month after season 4 premiers? The DBZ rerun at the front might just be a placeholder that gets kicked to the end when the time comes.
  10. Oh, this is a good day.
  11. Brotherhood is 64 episodes. It's probably split like that because in the US it was originally released in five sets over the course of about a year.
  12. This just keeps getting funnier.
  13. He lives on in my heart.
  14. The hell did you manage that?
  15. Me, seeing the phrase "fire fucked" and then being sorely disappointed: The show's still at extreme risk of being fucked now because they have absolutely no buffer. If Japan fails to send over an episode to FUNi on time, which is a real risk considering how often anime productions get down to the wire, then Toonami has nothing to air the next night. I know MHA could only guarantee the first six episodes of season 3 would be out dubbed same-day, and even though they kept it up for a surprisingly long time after that they still ended up falling behind and had to go on a two-week waiting period. It's much too risky.
  16. You were right, it was Science Boy. Gen Lock- Oh good that guy's alive. Doc blew the fuck up at point-blank range I don't think he's coming back. Well, that was a lucky save. "Oh, oh damn" is also how I react to most bad news. You could always date the robot, he's got like half his brain in him. Tell him he's got a small dick and wait for him to rage out. Oh, you're fucked. YEET. Please tell me somebody combines Gurren Lagann style before the end of this. Shut up and merge. Aw fuck he just regenerates. Get it, Val. You're wasting time just get in the mind orgy. Whelp, you're fucked. Sorry dude you're never getting your dick back. And now you're dead. That can't be a good thing. Who the hell is that? I'm not being snarky I genuinely don't know who this is. Oh hey it's your ex. How many times is he gonna die this episode? MIND ORGY, GO. That went surprisingly well. Oh that's a lot of clones. Whelp, that guy is fucked. Can you still fuck in the hologram world? I still have no idea what the Union is. Dr Stone- Oh right Senku died. They could have been friends! Taiju's gonna need a hug. Fuck you, Kars. Don't you touch my good boy. Take your anger out on this rock. FUCK YEAH, SCIENCE. Eat shit, Kars. OH COME ON. Uh honey I think you're a little late for CPR. Well that's some horrifying foreshadowing. He somehow switched his neck with a fake one, calling it. Oh shit it's a rock. Now try mouth-to-mouth. That is some conveniently growing moss. Hey monkeys. Censor scribble. The monkeys. You lost me on the math 10 seconds into this conversation. I love these douchebag monkeys. You need to work on your handjob game. Fuck these rocks in particular. SHINY MONKEY ACQUIRED STONE TOOLS. Oh sweet he made a fire thingy. Suck it, monkeys. You'd think he would have gotten stronger over all this time but I guess not. RIP Bambi. Senku honey that's not how you make clothes. I like hte implication that he hand-stitched the E=MC2 into his shirt just for the aesthetic. Meanwhile, he's still dead. Fire Force- How will this show leave me disappointed and unfulfilled today? I do enjoy how that one guy apparently fights with a fucking tuba. I hate Tamaki a little more every time I see her. Bitch don't you have fire catgirl powers or some shit that are a paper-thin excuse to have your tits out and get molested? Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll all die. The what now? "Oh man I have murdered SO MANY kids for this!" And we pause for gratuitous tits because fuck you, viewers. I hate this show. How is this worse than the show where people literally orgasm on screen over cabbage? COME AT ME BRO. Look, look at her tits, we demand it! Oh right, there's still a bunch of kidnapped children here. I don't think that's how oxygen works. Why wouldn't he set kids on fire, they're weak and easy to trick. You'r'e in a cult, dude. Todoroki intensifies. Thank god at least somebody died. Hey there Seitz are you hot in this? You don't need arms. Shoot them with your magic tuba. I demand she be executed. Arthur is now Zoro. Heyyy Cap'n Sexy. SON OF A BITCH I HATE THIS SHOW. Food Wars- She made that because she's too stupid to think of anything else. I agree with everyone shitting on her. Fail her. That's impressive considering she spent half the challenge cryiing about it. I'm pretty sure your teachers know how to make sundried tomatoes without your explanation. I hate you all. Y'all do realize that Soma did like 80% of the work on this, right? Fail her. HAHAHAHAHA EAT SHIT. Is the show over now? THIS IS BULLSHIT. Okay but he's right about all of this, she lost fair and square and kick her ass out. Holy shit I don't care about this backstory. And then racism. Man why is he not the main character this is infinitely more interesting than Soma. YEE HAW. Isn't this just Ratatouille? This is some horse shit. And she's saved until the next time Soma has to jump in and save her ass from utter failure. No shit you lost you're like 15 fighting a professional chef. I don't yet hate the bros. Clover- He still in a coma? Yeah, getting a limb ripped off is usually pretty bad. Y'all really didn't figure out that guy's a traitor? You're both terrible. This is exhausting. Gee that's not ominous at all. Christ Mimosa have some standards. He's not shy he just hates you all. I'm too old for this shit. Just insult me to my face here, you absolute cunt of a show. She's so angry and I relate to that in my very soul. Someone please kill Tinkerbell. Douchenozzle just wants to see some carnage. Holy shit that guy's voice is deep. Your best plan is to use Asta as a human shield. God I hope most of them die. No, you're the goddamn obnoxious one. Murder them, fire lady. Oh I don't like where this is going. This is probably a trap. You're right, you're just gonna get in her way. Lupin- Last time, Lupin got shot in the gut again. Damn Fujiko's got some arms on her. That necklace looks great. Fuck you, monk dude. Where did she even get that rocket launcher?! Well at least she's nice enough to spare Ami. Don't trust this priest. Well this guy with the tragic backstory is definitely gonna die. It's nice that Fujiko bothered to learn first aid to help anyone else. Distract yourself by staring at her tits. He's definitely playing the cold thing for attention. God I wish that were me. PIRATE FUJI. This is a great birthday gift, thank you show. I mean, I'd also be heartbroken if I lost out on Fujiko. Oh crap Zeni you''re gonna get yourself arrested. Sorry king you're about to get shot. HEY KOOL-AID MAN. Aww they're friends now. You don't know how to throw things? YEET. Congratulations, you just killed your first truck full of people. Fujiko I love you. She's being a diversion, you idiot. HI FUJIKO'S TITS. Fucking drone. God I love her. Well this dude's about to die. LUPIN WHAT THE FUCK. Awwwwww. Wait what. GIVE ME THE JUICY DETAILS. Hero- I have an unhealthy love for that Villain Might costume. Watching that movie is just putting up with my thirst for 90 minutes straight.
  17. Is it me because they're showing All Smite for my birthday?
  18. They're not gonna air the episodes before Japan does.
  19. It wasn't just a handful of people making up lies on the internet. FUNi did an entire investigation before deciding to end a professional relationship they've had going for 20 years. Like, if Sabat says he and Vic were both guests at ShitCon 2013 and he saw McNuggets put his balls in a plate of Jello and then try to feed it to underage girls, there's a record of that. FUNi just contacts the folks over at ShitconCon and asks if they have any information about this alleged thing, and they either say "Oh yeah, the Ol' Jello Balls incident, that sure was weird. Here's the incident report and security footage about it," or "We have no evidence to corroborate that this happened," or "Sorry, we only keep security records for five years; we can't confirm or deny it," and FUNi takes stock of whatever they can get from that lead. They don't just shrug and go "Well three voice actors have shitty things to say about Vic, we'd better burn that bridge without a second thought." Also, what kind of shady de-facto shadow leader, who according to legend can build and destroy his coworkers' careers at will depending entirely on his own personal tastes, still takes two goddamn decades to oust one dude from his legion?
  20. Toonami couldn't keep One Piece going on the block. It'd just be a waste of money and a timeslot to pick up the other long-runner that looks like the generic Walmart version of One Piece and expect people to watch it.
  21. GenLock- Are these two gonna fuck or what. So they're definitely tracking Hologram Man here aren't they. Gee maybe they're using the mental link you have with your evil twinbot. And then the robot was the doctor. Well, that's convenient. This "you're all very special to me" speech rings kinda hollow knowing he recorded it before he knew most of them. Welcome to NASA. Find a way to fuck the hologram. Well this is ominous. Oh hey it's that guy. Oh shit is that ProZD? This is the ex-wife ain't it. Oh hey there's some form of backstories here. This seems like it's going way too well. At least they look cooler now. ROBOSHOGUN. She's a bunny. Whelp, somebody's gonna die. Dr Stone- GUN. Aww happy science boy. Awww Taiju. He's a good boy. Cooking show. TAIJU SCREAMING is my favorite gag. MECHA SENKU says don't make bombs. NEED A POUNDIN', BRO? Well shit. And then they blew up. Stop killing people and we won't shoot you. Fuck you, Kars. Yeah he definitely knows where you are now. WHAT. Blow more shit up! Uh maybe you shouldn't use up all your gunpowder. Oh damn that's the secret fourth use. FUCK YOU, KARS. Senku's got some balls of steel. Don't hurt her, Taiju will cry. Hey her hair looks cute. To be fair, we all love Taiju. EAT SHIT, KARS. Science boy no. There's more people! Oh hey it's a girl. Senku x Science is my OTP. Tiny Senku is adorable. AWWWW. This random old man is great. Tiny Taiju! Oh my god Tiny Senku. Aww look at the dolls. SUCCESS. Really shouldn't have used up all that gunpowder. Jesus christ. You could still be friends it's not too late. NO NOT MY SCIENCE BOY. That's it, show's over. Fire Force- Hey there boyfriend. Goddamn mosquito. Again, what is it with the nun fetish, Toonami? I can understand the guy who's just here for titties. Every time they pull the bullshit fanservice with her I age like that guy at the end of Indiana Jones. Whelp, somebody's dead. Shit's not suspicious at all. Don't blow your cover, asshole. Maybe she wouldn't get molested as often if they let her have actual clothes. JUGGERNAUT. Excalibuuuur, excalibuuuur. Y'all done fucked up now. Yeah just believe him whole hog no questions asked. Oh what the fuck now. Whelp, they're about to kill a bunch of kids. Yeah sure waste that time here while the kids get immolated. Well, thanks for kicking her into silence at least. "I'LL MURDER AS MANY CHILDREN AS I NEED!" Well, the kid didn't die at least. He's Gen Lock compatible. Or you could grow a set and fight him yourself, you pathetic waste of tits. Boot to the head. Not gonna lie, I kinda hope boyfriend gets killed off so I can drop this show sooner rather than later. Food Wars- Expel him. You look less attractive with clothes on. Stick by your decision to expel her and you'll be my favorite character. This is bullshit. He's got a point, she sucks at everything. "He'd tear us a new one, and not in a good way," dude what the hell does that mean. Oh no, she has to actually fucking work. Thank you, someone FINALLY calls them on their shit. "Petrified dimwit" is an accurate description of her. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, BITCH. Can we see your dad again instead of this bullshit? So you've wasted like half the goddamn challenge at this point. To be fair, Megumi absolutely deserves to be expelled for the complete lack of skills she's shown. No shit it has to be done quickly, you wasted the entire challenge shitting your pants. He's still doing all the goddamn work, how is this allowed? It's a cabbage hot pocket. Aging like the Cryptkeeper here, show. Just fuck the cabbage already. The Legume Magician is a terrible name. And then Sailor Moon. So are we actually supposed to like Megumi or what. Clover- Hi there, fairly decent character. Hey she brought booze! Did she always have that weird little fang? I enjoy watching Yami hate things. Oh my god you're an unbearable bag of garbage. You fucking failed, obnoxious Dandy. Wait who else got in is there another one I forgot? Stop insulting me, show. Wait the fat guy's on their squad? Kill them all, angry fire lady. Oh no what a shame Dimestore Griffith isn't here. Oh, there's Hisoka. Wait since when is he on the Bulls team? Hey Captain Sexy. Stop screaming you dipshit. This uniform kinda sucks. Nobody likes you, Asta. How do you just run out of fabric you have magic you can just make more. Oh, it's that douche. I don't know if this is new information or if I just don't give enough of a shit to remember it. Just save time and kill them all now. Oh god what the fuck now. At least somebody got laid. I don't know if these elves? are supposed to look like other people or if the character design is just that lazy. Lupin- I hope Fujiko's still in her underwear. Oh you bastard. Aww she put her clothes back on. Oh hey, it's Lupin's friend who shot him. Sweet car. Jigen and Goemon are confused by technology. Jigen can't smoke, we can't stay here. HI FUJIKO. We all dream of banging Fujiko in front a natural wonder of the world. Ami's just here to help her friend. Oh she's cute. Fujiko's tits can solve all problems. Awww she loves her. Huh, so that's how he makes the masks. SHE'S TOO YOUNG FOR YOU, LUPIN. Poor guy got uniform jacked on his birthday. This is probably not a good thing. Fuck the CIA. Ami's fucking brutal. Sweet dance moves. Oh hey Zenigata. Well now he's suspicious. Yeah this definitely isn't a trap. Hey there Lupin. Wow that's a little intense for you. Never trust a man with a southern accent. Go save your friend! That's definitely not Jigen in disguise. Oh you're gonna get shot again, Ami. Fuck you, sir. Kick him in the dick! Hey Lupin. And then he was Best Jeanist. Awwww. Aw shit. WHAT. Man, Lupin's racking up a lot of projectile wounds in this series.
  22. I can't imagine they'd keep Naked Tin Tin Adventures And Deku's There Too I Guess premieres at the ass-end of the block, especially when they'll likely be getting it only a month after it airs over in Japan.
  23. Well sure if you wanna call it that.
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