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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. In this house we stan Moocy, no exceptions. Demon Slayer- Oh no he's got rabies. Why will you fuckers not just die. Try aiming for their dicks instead. Bro nobody fucking cares there's like twelve other hashiras. Oh right, we're in the middle of a fight. Nezuko gets to do things! I completely forgot about this whiny sack of shit. Nezuko sweetie fix your shirt. NO MY BABY. Meanwhile this guy gets waterboarded. Local boy too wholesome to die. To the right, take it back now y'all. No seriously what the hell is wrong with this kid's face. GUN. Cue the sad trombone noise. Of course this thing is immune to both swords and guns. I don't care about his tragic backstory, show. Is he gonna get PTSD about his tiny mom from this tiny demon? A garbage dad, you say? Sorry kid your mom's dead. Oh these are the fucking Children of the Corn here. And then everyone died. Congratulations your mom's a demon. Wasn't this basically Tanjiro's backstory? Honestly if my mom snapped and just started killing everyone I'd probably assume they did something to deserve it. We can't blame me for that garbage dad's death. So why the fuck does your face look like that? It's fine, Tanjiro's here to do everything. This is like the fifth time this dude's died in this fight. One Piece- Still laughing at his squeaky little voice. And fuck you too, random citizens. Protect Moocy at all costs. GET OFF MY COW. These random mooks are having a rough day. Usopp accidentally starting a cult is genuinely one of my favorite things in this entire show. Hey there Cabbage. They're all so fucking stupid I love it. Hearing Pica shriek "I'LL KILL YOU!" seriously has me laughing out loud. New plan, cheese it! Moocy for next Strawhat. Again, get off my cow! Joke's on you our boy's immune to blunt force trauma. Well that guy's gonna need a facelift. Fujitora made the rookie mistake of underestimating a cult. I really hope that snail didn't get blinded just to match its owner. Kyros hopping across the street is still unreasonably funny to me. You can do it Dilf I believe in you. Bartolomeo continues to be an absolute goddamn mood. You can just let them take Rebecca. Meanwhile I guess we just have this decapitated titan in the middle of the street forever now. Guys maybe we shouldn't trust Zoro to be the one to locate something. Don't hurt Moocy! God Zoro's so cool. What factory. I don't know what it is but somehow One Piece is the only show that can really pull off the "loud idiots bickering with each other at the drop of a hat" trope. MY WIFE. I would take a bullet for that cow. In case you forgot, Law's still here regretting every moment of his life. I like that Franky is the only one who actually remembers that factory. Pantsless Fight, continue! Kyros has some ridiculous balance to stay upright on that one leg. Date me Kyros I'll get your daughter some pants. Don't underestimate Zoro like that, dudes. He's so goddamn cool. Law's seen some shit. Tell us about your PTSD, Traffy. Barto, still having the best day ever. Oh hey, Viola. Amigo look around the criminals are the only ones doing shit around here. Always remember, fuck the government. Your highness, meet our lord and savior Pinocchio Jesus. The tontotta are so precious I'd die for them. For fuck's sake don't trust Rebecca to do anything. On the flip side I would trust Bartolomeo with my life without a second thought. Everyone loves Luffy. One day the mooks will collectively learn that bullets are useless against a kid made of rubber but today is not that day.
  2. I am not immune to a basic "this big guy has a silly voice" joke. Demon Slayer- Still kinda rooting for the fish monsters here. We need a sword immediately so let's stand here chatting for five minutes before we grab the sword. Never trust shit from the Pottery Barn clearance shelf. Boobs, finally! I don't think that guy coughing up blood is doing okay. Wow these guards are a fucking embarrassment. Ooh cool whip sword. I change my mind I'm rooting for Boobs Mcgee entirely in this arc and no one else. Oh right, Tanjiro was doing something. I hope the rest of this fight is just the siblings trading off who gets to be unconscious and who gets to haul the other one around like a sack of potatoes. This could be going better. Hold on bro let her cook here. Yeah sure I got time show me your shitty art. Your art is ugly! Are we supposed to know who literally any of these people are with identical masks? Oh, it generates those ugly vases. Those fish are really going through it. Fuck off nerds. Poison spikes, never seen that before in this show. I hate all his creepy little baby hands the most in this design. So now that Nezuko's good and pissed off y'all can actually do something. EXPLODING BLOOD SWORD does sound cool as hell. I mean that one guy also had a strong desire to bone three women at once and I support that more than the saving lives thing. Eat shit, douchebags. Alright that final attack actually was cool as hell. We beat them with the power of friendship and this gun I found. Congratulations your new friend's a demon and you're gonna have to put him down like Old Yeller. Not really an appropriate time for after-credits shenanigans, guys. One Piece- What factory. Fujitora's a good dude. I like that he just drops Law like a bag of dirty laundry. Who's that? Oh my god his voice. These henchmen have way more willpower than I do, I'm already cracking up. MY WIFE. God I love Baby 5. That's a hell of a backstory, my dude. That's surprisingly heartwarming coming from him. Usopp's not having a great time today. I need to know what kind of glue Rebecca's using to control her tits. Me too, Barto. Doflamingo's gang doesn't get to have any fun here. Oh right, Franky's still doing stuff. The tontottas dropping Usopop is never not funny to me. Bartolomeo is genuinely the best character in this arc. That was close, Rebecca almost had to do anything in this fight. Meanwhile I have zero memory of what Kinemon is doing here. Fuck these buildings in particular. I'm pretty sure that's a titan. Alright gang:D remember you gotta aim for the back of the neck. That voice fucking killed me. Oh no you hurt his feelings. The Gay Agenda there skipping down the street is also hilarious. Law, still having the fucking worst day. Luffy you're made of rubber you literally can't be squashed. I wonder how many times Usopp's broken his nose throughout the series. Fujitora's blind ass has to be so fucking confused about what just happened. Law's fine he only wishes he was dead. Oh hey Harry Styles. I swear I'll stop trying to kill y'all now. HAT! Oh hey thanks Cabbage. You give that boy a 10-pack of McNuggets and he'll destroy your local government for you. "Cabbage, his parents really named him that?" Oh yeah random schmucks this'll go great for you. For the love of god don't let Zoro go off alone. Oh hey Angry Santa. My guy just tell him you're friends now. Oh hey thanks Angry Santa. Oh hey thanks giant man. Oh hey thanks egg king. Oh hey thanks random guys. Everyone loves Usopp. There are zero brain cells in this scene. Here you go, have some dudes to fight. MOOCY! I love that cow so fucking much. They're all so goddamn stupid. Pica's having a mental breakdown, guys. That voice is genuinely ridiculous. They helped!
  3. Between Garp, Kuina's dad, and now Cobra, can confirm that Dilf Piece is real.
  4. Genuinely never thought we'd see the end of Naruto on Toonami. I mean I'm 100% not because I jumped ship years ago, put props to anyone who stuck around. Demon Slayer- Still rooting for the child-eating fish monster here. Okay so the fish monster is also immorta- oh wait guess not. Not now kiddo we've got shit to do. Yeah sure he's got super amnesia. Meanwhile Tanjiro is dying, again. How does this boy have any organs that aren't shredded beyond function anymore. This is the old "Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?" conundrum at work. Nezuko in her contractually-mandated five minutes of screentime this week. That guy's not having a good time. GUN. Can't fight if you've got your sword stuck in my organs, huh? Seeing that pistol in action around all these swords is endlessly funny to me. I feel nothing for this guy. Local dumbass too angry to die. Ride the lightling, bitch! NO MY BABY. Well now you've just got her pissed off. I forgot she could do the fire thing. I'll give this show one thing, at least it's equal-opportunity with its violence. Are the bullets magic or is he just constantly reloading offscreen? That seems like some surprisingly accurate bird science. And then Tanjiro electrocuted himself trying to free his sister. I wish Nezuko didn't have to turn into some weeb's big titty waifu to do anything cool. Whelp, they're dead. That's a lot of fish. BOOBS AHOY. Girl how are you not falling out of that top. They managed to do an entire episode without doing the poorly-timed painful attempt at comedy. I don't even mind the stupid gag bit here at the end. One Piece- Seriously Robin you can just leave Rebecca there. Law do you think this boy ever knows what he's doing. Joke's on you Luffy will fight literally anyone if you give him a 10-piece box of nuggets. Meanwhile nobody's having a great time here. You're a doctor you can just cut off your own hands to get the cuffs off, don't be a baby. YEET. Law regretting the choices he's made is my favorite running joke. Sorry boss I got turned into a marketable plushie. I love Koala so much she's adorable. Girl's got some moves. Yes some of those are cries of rage but no dude I'm pretty sure a lot of them are just cries of terror. Well gang let's all sit back and have some wine. I appreciate that everyone hates Trebol. Unmedicated Grandpa still cracks me up. I may not understand these bitches' thirst for this large baby man but game recognize game. Stealth Franky doing a surprisingly great job here. Hey do y'all see an inflatable lunatic carrying a man who's 99% regret? Zoro getting lost is my other favorite running gag. "Some weird swimming man baby grabbed me!" The ultimate attack, a man in a leotard being hideously obese. I genuinely like Fujitora I hope he doesn't end up being an asshole.
  5. Franky's cannon hair continues to be delightful. Demon Slayer- That solves our sword problem, arc's over. This show has such a weird, tonally inconsistent, and poorly timed sense of comedy. What in the fuck. This is supposed to be funny, I guess? I have zero memory of this guy. I truly hate this child. I told you we already have a Bakugo and he's dressed like a feral hog, we don't need a discount version! Tanjiro kiddo what the hell is wrong with you? Nezuko time! You're a sweet kid but that guy fucking hates you. I miss Tits McGee. I'm sure that vase isn't some kind of trap. Aaaand you're dead. Oh right, these weird jackasses are in the plot. We get it, he's a certified good boy. Looks like Nezuko is gonna be the single bright spot in this arc. For the love of god just kill each other already. Hey look, the plot's happening. Bro you're the one who crawled in here to fight us. Every time Nezuko gets to do something I smile and clap my hands like a small, delighted child. Well that was easy. Cut his head off and he develops a new personality. Fingers crossed that these two are less annoying than their original form. GUN. Okay the super gun is a genuinely fun idea. Ah shit we've got a hydra situation. Alright Nezuko time to grow wings. And then everyone died. Meanwhile, fish. Yeah sure go ahead and let it eat this shitty child. I said let it eat the shitty child! One Piece- Whelp, we're fucked. This is why nobody likes you, Doflamingo. I like Fujitora he's a good dude. What factory. Kinemon no she's like sixteen. Me too Barto. Holy shit, Sniper King is Usopp? Y'know what I'm genuinely happy for Barto here having the best day of his life. Hey everybody looks like you owe Riku and Rebecca an apology. On the other hand I do like money. Uh hey guys you forgot to turn on the subtitles. Alright boyfriend let's see how well you can use that new devil fruit. Fujitora must be so goddamn confused right now. Holy shit good job Usopp. I can't believe this cult is already falling apart. There he go. Yes Doflamingo is an absolute bag of dicks but he's so cool. This random guy's right, it might be bad to violently murder your king who you just found out was innocent of the heinous crimes you blamed him for. Yeah sure bring them in alive so Doflamingo can personally torture them to death. Oh hey, somebody remembered the factory. "Talk loud get plowed" genuinely made me laugh for a solid 30 seconds. Great job at the stealth, Franky. Trebol continues to be the most viscerally disgusting character I've ever seen. Great plan leave the factory unguarded, nothing can go wrong with that. Robin you know damn well asking Zoro for his location is a moot point. Good news Rebecca your dad is hot as fuck, I'm your new mom and we're gonna get you some pants. New objective: put that flamingo on the endangered species list.
  6. I completely forgot about all of that so thanks for the recap. Even at my most weeb I'm not gonna care about Rick & Morty. Demon Slayer- Don't all the hashira know about Nezuko? Is this guy a hashira or am I confusing him for a different character with a near-identical design? Oh, he's a douche. If you've made Tanjiro hate you, you've really fucked up. I don't know what's up with this show constantly going into Wonky-Eyed Silly Mode all the time. He absconded with our village sex doll. Obviously he has six arms to jerk off six dongs at once. Tanjiro every face in this show looks damn near identical. Oh, I fucking hate this crow immediately. Thank god I'm never having kids because I wouldn't wanna saddle my descendants with any of my memories. Y'all better bring back the boobs before I lose interest. Fuck off, guy. This bitch bird has the exact same vibes as that bitch fairy from Black Clover and I hate that I remember anything about that show. Surprise kiddo, it's a training arc. YELLING IS SHORTHAND FOR COMEDY RIGHT? Oh great he turned into a Twitter comment feed. Am I supposed to like anybody in this arc at all? God I miss Inosuke. What the fuck is going on. I swear I'm really trying to give this season a chance but to my core I am a hater. Stop breaking all your swords! It's a pinata full a swords. Oh that sword's definitely possessed. One Piece- Thank god he's hot because I am contractually obligated to simp for Luffy's buff older brother with fire powers. We've activated Law's PTSD. Time for some well-deserved violence, gang. Obligatory fuck you, Steven Tyler. There are definitely characters I hate more than Trebol but none give me such a visceral feeling of unwavering disgust. Ah hell now there's two flamingos. No seriously what the hell is going on here. And then Luffy died. Okay new plan let's get somebody with a giant pair of scissors in here. Well clearly Doflamingo's real power is triggering everyone's PTSD. Don't ask questions just take the excuse to skedaddle. Oh this isn't gonna go well. Law, still chained to a chair and having a Vietnam flashback. Whelp, we're boned. Quick somebody start digging a tunnel. Fujitora says no to whatever the hell's going on. Good fucking luck, random civilians. Hey now running off with the entire damn castle is cheating. I don't think cities are supposed to move like that. "Eat shit, citizens!" Neat, let's kill a dude! Oh fuck you, guy.
  7. Thank god somebody hot got the fire fruit because my love is contractually obligated to go with it. Demon Slayer- I have zero memory of what happened besides that large man with fat tits and three wives. So do we know what happened to this guy's face? Hey didn't you kill my boyfriend that one time? I hope everybody's impressed by this sweet elevator animation. Oh I don't like whatever this snake weirdo is. I hate all of you already. I take it back, cautiously optimistic that this one I might fuck. Oh hey, is our main villain actually going to do something this season and also wasn't he like twelve last time we saw him? The who and/or what now? I am deeply uncomfortable with whatever this baby-handed freak is into. Just show me his face is this one fuckable or not? Oh nevermind, I can't fuck that. Hey who wants to join my cult. Is this a flash forward to grown up Tanjiro or a flash back to his dad, I can't tell. What the fuck is happening here. That's a hell of a long nap, kiddo. Show me my loud idiot son. MY FERAL HOG SON. Show I don't care about this jackass. Wacky faces and shouting are the key to comedy, right? I have zero memory of any of these people. Oh thank god, Zenitsu's not here. Legend has it he's banging those wives nonstop to this day. MY FERAL HOG SON, AGAIN. Inosuke continues to be the single bright spot in this show. Y'know what I'll allow this random honey badger explanation. Should we know who this cat is? I wonder if Nezuko gets to be in the show this week. God I hate Zenitsu so much. Maybe you should stop throwing swords during your fights. This seems unnecessarily secretive. Yep this sure is a generic village alright. Hey boobs. This old man is already annoying me. I could have just watched an hour of Forged in Fire with my dad, show. Boobs ahoy. Shut up. Do we know this guy? Sorry dude we've already got our Discount Bakugo and he comes with a fun pig mask. Oh hey, Nezuko exists. We do all love Nezuko. I respect a girl who can eat. Okay she's a mood. Is the secret weapon another sword in the swordsmith village? The dude you're looking for is dead, calling it now. Who's this asshole? We have the same earrings, we must be related. Words cannot express the pure sense of dread I feel at the realization that Inosuke isn't in this arc. MY FERAL HOG SON, LAST TIME. One Piece- For the love of god show me if this man is hot already. You can just drop Rebecca in the water. Koala! Meanwhile Usopp accidentally starts a cult. Dismantle the oppressive establishment board by board! Fuck off, Jesus. Fuck off, Steven Tyler. Joke's on you he doesn't have bones right now. Oh hey, that guy. No don't have him put more clothes on. Barto is a gift we don't deserve. HE'S HOT YES GOOD. Or as I like to call him, my replacement boyfriend. Just twist that knife, show. They did remarkably well for themselves as three kids wailing on grown men with pipes. Tiny Ace, before he grew up to be buff as shit and then died. He may be my new boyfriend but I am 100% shipping Sabo and Koala. FISH PUNCH. Guns are bad, y'all. Oh right, shit's going down on the street. Meanwhile, Franky. Meanwhile meanwhile, Zoro's lost again. Every time Kinemon shows up in that outfit it cracks me up. Me too, Koala. I forgot Robin spent the time skip hanging out with the revolutionaries. Barto, having the best day ever. Holy shit, Sniper King is Usopp!? And mow, more dilf action. Snap my neck and throw me out a window next, I mean what. My wife! Law, still having the worst fucking day. They're all idiots, I love it. Oh, that's not good. Well that sounds ominous as shit.
  8. 1. Calls self Toonami Guy 2. Is a constant, unrelenting killjoy about everything related to Toonami at all times 3. Playing the role of Internet Tough Guy on an extremely niche cartoon message board is cool and doesn't just make you seem like an annoying chore to interact with, right guys? Anyways, cut the bullshit and bring back Perfect Hair Forever.
  9. "One cock to save the world" is a slogan that I need on multiple pieces of merchandise. 10/10 this looks hilarious.
  10. How many times must I watch an attractive man with fire powers be fisted through the chest on this block?
  11. TFW you black out from the extra spicy hot sauce and wake up as the leader of a brand new cult. One Piece- I wonder how many times Usopp's nose has gotten broken in this show. Eat shit, small child. Thanks for the focus on Robin's tits and ass returning, I'm not even saying that srcastically. Lot of Pinocchio moments going on here. Man that guy with the arm really lucked out at the last second there. I genuinely enjoy Senior Pink. I'm glad Doflamingo is having a shitty day now. Somebody get Usopp some water asap. That guy's shirt cracked me up. Oh right, Zoro's still here. I love these dumb little bastards so much. He is not One Poco! Lot of fights going down right now. This entire country's gonna need some therapy after today. Everybody hates Doflamingo, but for real this time. Oooh that is one angry flamingo. Meanwhile Law, having a slightly better day than before. DILF DILF DILF DILF DILF DILF DILF. Man that dude has some incredible balance with only the one leg. I hope Franky hooks him up with a cool new cyborg leg after this. He's so cool. Well damn that was easy. Date me I'll buy your daughter some pants. Luffy's just mad he didn't get to punch him. I really wish I liked Rebecca more but I'll put up with her for her hot dad. Sweetie get up you're in the middle of a life or death fight. SHOW ME YOUR FACE ARE YOU HOT. I love Bartolomeo so much. Goddamn he's cool. Koala! Oh right, the murder fish. Not now, Steven Tyler! Maybe y'all shouldn't have put the fruit on the chest if you didn't want somebody eating it. Save Barto he's the best. Please be hot and fill this Ace-shaped hole in my life. Stop teasing me, show! Can somebody kill Trebol now? Boot. I hope you're taking him to a hospital. Have you heard of our lord and savior Pinocchio Jesus? Fucking fantastic timing with that spotlight. And that's how Usopp accidentally started a cult. No but seriously please get our boy some medical attention. What factory.
  12. DILF DILF DILF DILF DILF- One Piece- I love it when Usopp grows a pair and gets to do something. Beat up that child, Usopp. Everyone hates Doflamingo. Flashback time! That's one big 9th grader. Riku's a good dude. Here child, come murder people for public entertainment. Calm down kiddo it's just sports. So then, these spectators have always sucked. Shut up king you're not my real dad! You win enough fights and people start liking you. Someone give this guy a hug. Well I guess you got your wish eventually, buddy. Ricky is still a hilarious name to use as an alias. Oh he got real hot. Me too, fangirls. Rebecca your mom sucks. Date me. Don't we all dream of a large shirtless man launching out of the ocean to save us from our problems? Aww this is cute. Just let them get married who gives a fuck. And then she died. Get that dick, girl. That sound you hear is me chanting DILF DILF DILF DILF DILF like the Bill Nye song. Awww this is so cute now the inevitable tragedy hurts even more. Shit's on fire, yo. Dilf no save yourself! This is why everyone hates you, Doflamingo. Oh hey, Monet. That man's weird choice of syllable emphasis makes me irrationally angry. I hate this child! Oh right, there's probably a reason why Solider only has one leg. Doflamingo's having a great time here. Hey dude I'm gonna kill your family why don't you join me? Kyros is so cool. THIS SHITTY KID. Obligatory fuck you, Steven Tyler. This was one hell of a delayed Monkey's Paw ironic wish. Oh right, the aforementioned tragedy. Oh man she died having no memory of her husband that sucks hard. Poor dude can't even cry. Oh right, this episode was supposed to be about Usopp. Meanwhile, this building is not structually satisfactory. Beat his ass, boyfriend! I KILLED MUFASA. I wish I liked Rebecca more. Girl definitely got that massive rack from her dad. Even Franky lost, this is a terrible day! I love the Tontotta so much. Everyone loves Usopp. Goddammit Usopp! Not the nasty spice grape. That grape would 100% kill me. That face. That'd be my reaction too. Somehow, he won.
  13. It turns out that if a man is hot and stupid enough, I am willing to overlook him walking around covered in shit. Zombies- Seriously guy, fuck off. How dare other people be happy, am I right? Sorry buddy, your dad's dying. Good dads aren't allowed to be happy in anime. This is clearly not a trap for the terrible douchebag. Oh right, that one girl was a makeup artist. Yeah sure this counts as cosplay in a pinch. Now beat this kid's ass. Yes it's wrong you stupid asshole! Ahaha, get fucked loser. Sorry show you're not gonna trick me into having empathy for this sack of shit. They were literally trying to be your friends, jackass. Uh Akira you might not wanna get to close to his mouth. Hey look, he actually did one decent thing in his life at the very end. Why is this man still covered in shit. WEEB AHOY. Ah shit, we're fucked. Oh my god it's that guy! I'd die for you, old treehouse man. Boyfriend you're gonna scrape your balls again. Yes the giant censor bar is funny but please douse that man in disinfectant already. Don't worry, I can hate him enough for both of us. Awww dad. I'm glad Treehouse Man found a new home. God he's hot. Oh right, the tragedy. Aaaand I'm crying. What. They got me there, I'm not even mad. Boyfriend just whip your dick out again. I love these idiots. I could do without the buttchugging, thanks. Where do y'all keep finding gas for that RV? One Piece- Trebol is the fucking worst. Oh no, Robin. Meanwhile Franky's still having a great time. Meanwhile meanwhile, Viola's not having a great time. Goddammit Usopp don't fuck this up. Get your ass back there, you jackass! You poor gullible little bastards, he's ditched you. I can appreciate how much Sugar hates Trebol because girl, mood. Wall-eyed Leo there is really going through it. I too believe in the teachings of Pinocchio Jesus. Sometimes Usopp really sucks. Oh no, my babies! And some say, Usopp's balls grew three sizes that day. GODDAMMIT USOPP. And now they're all crying, great job. FINALLY. I love it in an arc when Usopp grows a pair and gets shit done. Please kill Trebol. We stan the hero Usoland.
  14. Tonight's theme is Good Dads Are Suffering. Zombies- Oh right, this douchebag's here. Ah shit your dad's about to die. I hope the dog's not dead. DOG NO. Congratulations boyfriend you have now adopted this child. Oh fuck you, guy. Please don't kill my boyfriend. Please don't kill my big titty weeb. Horse no! Well she's got a chainsaw, we're kinda fucked here. It's fine, the old people are ready to die. Oh I do not like where we're going with that ugly fucker. I love our good boy. Oh this is gonna hurt. We get it show, these people suck. I am deeply uncomfortable with this. Maybe you'd have more luck with women if you weren't so gross and weird. Girl you take this opportunity and run the fuck away right now. God I love this weeb. It's not everybody else's fault that you suck and are terrible. Beat his ass, boyfriend! Goddamn this is my dream man. Boyfriend that was a read dumb idea. BOYFRIEND NO. I don't know what I was expecting with that setup. Shut up and run, boomers. Shizuka sweetie this dumb bastard doesn't understand half those words just run. FUCK YEAH, GRANDPA. Surprise assist from the boomers here. I'd die for you, weeb. And now it's time for everything to get depressing. I genuinely was not expecting for this horrible little douchebag to do anything helpful- YOU SON OF A BITCH. One Piece- Obligatory Fuck You, Steven Tyler. There's something very funny about the guy who always gets lost fighting a sentient building from which he can't escape. Blink, motherfucker! Aim for his brick dick, probably. Who's this douchebag? Please don't blow up this nice dad. Fuck you, guy! Lady you're barking up the wrong tree here telling Luffy not to fight a dude. And then he exploded. WINDOW, GO. I forgot Kinemon's outfit and genuinely cracked up there. Viola, Luffy literally doesn't know what the concept of having a plan is. Meanwhile, my wife is here and Law is still having the worst fucking day. Soldier having only a slightly less terrible time here. Oh no our adorable little friends. Leo is precious and I love him. For fuck's sake Usopp grow a pair and help them. Just have Robin sprout some extra arms and choke that kid out. I would give up immediately if I had to get within 20 feet of Trebol. This is the most adorably sad fight I've ever seen. We're doing it! AW SHIT THEY GOT ROBIN. Our team officially has zero brain cells now.
  15. Dang it we were so close to timing that reveal about Rebecca's dad for actual Father's Day. Zombies- I'm sure that girl did the best she could with his hair. My boyfriend is going to plow at least one of these cute girls and probably get her killed. This is going so well, it's gonna hurt when that douchebag destroys the village. Meanwhile Shizuka is not having a good time. Please let this be the one time my boyfriend doesn't whip his dick out. Oh my god look at that big dog. God I love this idiot. Date me. Meanwhile our weeb is having the best time. I hope she gets to fight a zombie bear. For a second there I almost forgot this guy is here and fucking sucks. Your dad's dying, buddy. I like the pig-shaped stove there. Senku would support this old man's dream. Why do I feel like I'm gonna be crying by the end of this. Oh right, the plot. I hope all of these dickbags get eaten. And here we are, a guy so trash even I won't fuck him. YOU ARE THE WORST. Where the fuck did you get dynamite!? This is why we can't have nice things, show. God I love this weeb. Thank god that dog is okay. No seriously, what the fuck is your deal? Oh yeah, how dare some dudes be happy. Akira is a good boy. OH NO WHERE'S THE DOG. One Piece- Wouldn't it be funny if Trebol just accidentally squashed Sugar with that boat? Meanwhile Rebecca's here to suck at this. God I hope Sabo's hot under that mask. Oh fuck you, Steven Tyler. Man, I really love that outfit on Robin. Did we just get crushed by a big duck? OH NO MY BABIES. Goddammit you trusting little bastards! Honestly I'd probably choose burning to death over being covered in mucus any longer. Shit's on fire, yo. At least he saved that terrible grape. I'd die for the Tontotta. Meanwhile meanwhile, we're still losing to Unmedicated Grandpa here. Previously, Doflamingo fucking sucks. I'm sure this Kyros guy won't be important later. Soldier is best dad. I kinda hate Rebecca a lot. Solder, out! Yes yes we're all very surprised he's the gladiator, just show me if he's hot.
  16. Tonight's theme is Fathers Having A Bad Time. Zombies- I hope his parents aren't dead. Your friend's gonna fuck your parents. Here's hoping nobody steals your trailer. Look out its' a feral hog! God I love this weeb. I've known this man for 30 seconds and I would die to protect him. Fuck it let's build a tree house. What are the odds we see the Zombie Lorax next? His son's definitely dead. Oh now this got depressing. Someone hug this old man right now. Okay that is a really sweet tree house. Somehow they found a way for my boyfriend to get naked. Happy Father's Day, y'all. Your family is safe by virtue of being an absolute pain in the ass to visit. Oh I got a real bad feeling about this. What. Oh thank god they're okay. Way to ruin a moment, asshole. Bea's having a great time here. Akira is a good boy. Oh fuck his dad's dying. Who's this douchebag? Oh no what the fuck are you doing. Yeah we get it being a grownup sucks. Oh this is the evil version of the gang. I hate this boy so much. One Piece- God Zoro's so cool. You've left him on his own, he will never be found again. The floor might not be lava but it is an ugly man's punchable face. This episode is brought to you by the letter G. Speaking of Father's Day, Soldier is not having a good one. Oh hey look, it's a factory. You loeave my adorable fairy friends alone. This makes me sad. I need to kill that man with my bare hands. Thank god Robin's here with the brain cells. Trebol is one of the most viscerally disgusting characters I've ever seen in a show. For fuck's sake Usopp grow a pair and help those adorable little bastards. In case you needed the reminder, kids suck. Alright guys Plan B just jam it down her gullet. Oh my god they're so dumb. Well, at least they're adorable toys. Well this plan went right the hell off the rails. Robin, out! Fuck this swan boat in particular.
  17. I welcome our new Big Titty German Weeb Queen. Zombies- I just pulled a muscle watching that yoga. I love this dumbass and his stupid suit. Player 2 has entered teh game. WEEB. She gives me the same vibes as that one guy from that episode of Champloo. Dang look at the cans on that weeb. Don't kid yourself her reason has to be way dumber than that. Y'know what I can respect her dream for unlimited food. If our sushi chef is dead I'm gonna cry. Oh my god there's two of them. Please tell me he-yes thank god they found a way to make him naked. This may be my perfect man. Whelp, we're boned. I would die for these idiots. Did we always have a drone? Thank god Shizuka's carrying the team's only brain cells. Good job gang you've earned this. I'm happy for her. Awwww this chef is so sweet. I love this weeb so much. I'd be rooting for my boyfriend to get laid but i don't want him to kill this one too. Oh right, for a minute there I forgot that Shizuka's personality sucks. They're so fucking stupid. We don't deserve this big titty weeb. Stupid cockblocking zombies. You're in an ongoing apocalypse stop playing hard to get. Aww this is a genuinely nice moment between these two. Cockblock part 2 but at least this time it's funny. One Piece- Doflamingo must really hate that kid if he stuck her on a team with Trebol. Usopp is not having a good time here. Leo is a good boy and I love him. Meanwhile, fuck you Jesus. That's a lot of fish. Not today, fish! Great job Rebecca you tried and immediately failed. Beat his ass, replacement boyfriend! Goddamn he's cool. Barto is an eternal mood. I like that somebody's just how realizing hey that's not Luffy. I wish I liked Rebecca more but I also wish she didn't suck so bad. Meanwhile, fingers crossed that Toy Soldier turns into a hot dilf soon. Look out, grandpa's off his meds again. What. Meanwhile meanwhile we join our fight with a sentient wall already in progress. Oh right, Kinemon ran off too. Wicca's not having a great time today. Oh my god please tell me he's dressed like Doflamingo. Meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile, Franky is actually having a pretty good time here. Senior Pink says fuck the police. "He's all strength and no pants" might be my favorite line of this arc. God Zoro's so cool.
  18. Every once in a blue moon I look at a character and pat myself on the back for having the bare minimum level of standards. Good job, me. Zombies- Puppy! Wow, a dad so garbage even I won't fuck him. This guy's asking very important questions here in the apocalypse, can you fuck the zombies? I'm gonna enjoy seeing this douche get murdered by zombies. You're not my boss! I am deeply uncomfortable. Oh this girl was fucked up from birth. I am extremely concerned for the adorable puppy. PUPPY NO! Somebody please kill him. My inner rage is screeching like a rabid howler monkey. Meanwhile is my dipshit boyfriend okay? These random baseball boys are about to get everyone killed. My dipshit's back! Goddammit Akira grow a pair and get out of there! Our boy's got some serious battered wife syndrome. Hey, she's finally kinda likeable. Now get yourself a puppy. I'm proud of you, buddy. Genuinely surprised this jackass didn't immediately hit him with a bat. And now everyone gets murdered by zombies. Everybody get in the van. My boyfriend gets every woman he touches killed so maybe he'll cancel out my own curse. Please just let him die. Maybe get off the truck before you blow it up. Fuck off and die, douche. One Piece- Can you really call it a stupid disguse when it fooled you too? Wicca no! Good news you won't keep getting lost but bad news you don't get to ride in Zoro's tits anymore. Genuinely surprised Zoro managed to follow a single direction. I'm sure this is normal. Uh hey I think your wall's got a tumor you might wanna get that checked out. Wall dude, go! Quit lookin' at me with them big ol' eyes. Let's try an experiment, can you punch a pile of bricks right in the nuts? It'll be fine, rubber's immune to blunt force trama. Meanwhile, the pantsless fight continues. I'd tell these hoes to have some standards but we all know I don't have the kind of track record to back that up. Play Freebird! Franky's GUN HAIR constantly cracks me up. Stop drop and roll, Franky! Oh no his hair's ruined. I like that they actually give him time to do his hair. Meanwhile meanwhile, Usopp is trying his best. Harry Styles is not having a good time here. Ah fuck Trebol's here. That sound you hear is my entire body cringing in visible disgust. Surprise, you're a toy now. Having everyone forget about him is a special level of hell for Cabbage in particular. New plan, poison this child. As someone with the spice tolerance of a six-month old baby, that grape would absolutely kill me.
  19. I don't care how sparse the block gets you're never gonna make me care about Superman. One Piece- After half a month off this recap is genuinely helpful. God I hope Sabo is hot under that helmet. I like that nobody notices Lucy's wearing a whole new outfit and his giant chest scar has been hastily drawn on with a sharpie. This announcer's having the best day. Fuck you, Steven Tyler. One of you could just knock him into the water while he's doing his stupid little dance here. In a surprise twist, Block D will never goddamn end. That's a stupid power. CHUNGUS FISH. Okay so we gotta kill this one particular fish. I'm gonna just preemptively declare Sabo as my replacement boyfriend. Those fish could feed a normal crew for a week and Luffy for approximately six minutes on a good day. Meanwhile, I give it 40 seconds before we lose Zoro again. Yeah they're looking super inconspicuous in their giant furry mascot outfits. People really need to sop expecting Luffy to not bulldoze his way through in the most violet and destructive way possible. Our boy absolutely nailed this stealth mission. Doflamingo, also not noticing how Lucy grew six inches and suddenly turned blond. Oh hey, my wife! Good, we've freed Zoro's tits. I miss my dipshit naked boyfriend and his zombie-related shenanigans.
  20. Toonami, wishing us all a Happy Mother's day with the show focused on the gruesome murder of a mother within the first 15 minutes.
  21. Ninja- This is why you don't give nuclear reactors to techbro douchebags. We shall bring peace to the world by violently murdering a whole bunch of people. Meanwhile, 30-50 feral hogs. I hope he's trampled and eaten by pigs. Okay props to Oiffer Retirement for just t-boning a plane. The world's most exciting chase sequence between an insufferable nerd and an old man about to collect socail security. Eat shit, techbro. Officer I Wish He Was My Dad has zero competion for MVP of this show. BEAT HIS ASS. Thank you, finally! He's only got one eye just go for his blind spot. Oh right, that guy's still here. I could have sworn they said everybody only has one Secret Art but also that everybody seems to whip out a new one every other week. Open up, it's time for another dose of extensive PTSD. Surprising non one, Third Wheel is slighly less of a jackass than previously depicted. He abandoned the ninja cause to get laid, what more of an explanation do you need. Don't take her ninja advice, if she was better at her job your kid wouldn't have died. I'd suggest a Secret Art drinking game for next week but I can't afford the alcohol poisoning. Their suits really make me want to watch Gurren Lagann. "I may have lost but there will be other ninjas in Ninja Kamui season 2." Why the FUCK is techbro still alive. I'm glad Officer Three Days Til Retirement managed to survive the series. So you might wanna get Third Wheel here some actual medical attention. The fuck is he gonna do now, he's got one arm and no non-murder skills. Zombies- Now that is some fancy Rich People Shit. We're gonna have to go outside if you wanna find food and/or girls. Ah dang I hope his parents aren't dead. Babe you don't need underpants we all know you're gonna have your dong out within 20 minutes. Oh shit we're getting an RV. The hell are you doing here? God I hate her. Don't bring her she sucks. Oh my god take the tank one. I overestimated how long it would take him to whip his dong out. Get the cool one you joyless dork. I hope y'all had enough sense to bring some gas. Covid caused the zombies, got it. FUCK, WHEELS. Is my dipshit boyfriend okay? Who the fuck are you guys? Are you fucking kidding me! How the hell are you still alive. What's the catch you fucking creep? Honestly I'd rather just die. Get that shit in writing first, buddy. His dick's probably got road rash. BEER. Oh my god you sweet dumb baby he's gonna murder you. My brain is shaking in violent terror right now. Ethics aside, using zombies as packmules is a pretty good idea. Surprise, everyone is traumatized. One Piece- I can't believe this match is still going. What the fuck happened here. Calm down guys I don't think Rebecca did all that. Was...was it Jack the Ripper? Surprise, Harry Styles has a superpowered evil side. Oh, so he's like if Zenitsu didn't suck ass in every conceivable way. Where the fuck do you think she's hiding a pistol in that outfit, up her ass? Meanwhile, the pantsless fight. I love Franky he's so fun. Ladies have some standards. No shit the pacifier's not to attract women. Kinda want these two to be best friends after the fight. Meanwhile meanwhile, everyone hates Doflamingo. Law, having the worst fucking day. Oh yeah I'm sure none of the other Straw Hats are doing anything important right now. What factory? Wicca honey you should know better by now that you can't give Zoro directions. They will be making a huge scene within the next 30 seconds. Quick, hide yourself in Zoro's tits! Back by apparently popular demand, Steven Tyler. I don't think that's the same Lucy. I like the scar drawn on his tits. Show I need to know if he's pretty or not. Lady there is not one word of that explanation that will stop Luffy from busting in like a Koolaid man. Meanwhile Franky's having a great time. Incoming, FAT. Genuinely surprised he didn't find a way to turn his hair into an actual functioning cannon. Weird oversized baby man goes surprisingly hard. Gotta admit, he's starting to grow on me. Why does the fat guy have a giant beaver tail? Ah shit now the cops are here. Somebody please get Law a bandaid. Fujitora, one of like five actually good marines. Beat his ass, grandpa! Hey you can beat up the flamingo all you want but leave my wife Hancock out of this. Props for that blindness pun, old man. Sweet, secret door. I still need to know if Rebecca's dad is hot. There he go. I'm glad Koala grew up to do cool shit. I like that no one notices Lucy suddenly got like six inches taller and a completely different outfit. Show me his face you cowards.
  22. As far as titles go I don't think there's any topping "Ace Dies!" for spoilers. Ninja- Of course the answer is murder, the fuck else you think he was gonna do? Congratulations show you finally remembered what I'm here for, violent man fights. Ah hell it's a sharingan. I gotta admit, a ripped unkillable man is right up my alley. Alright yeah that's fair to be murderously pissed at him for getting your face the Todoroki treatment. In his defense, he defected to get laid. My dude I'm pretty sure he's been in love with you this whole time. Lady it's thinking like this that probably got your son murdered by ninjas. I like that Officer Retirement keeps calling him Ducky. I hate Techbro Douchebag so fucking much. Oh yeah I'm sure your minions are gonna kill the head ninja with no problem. I mean if the two asshole squads just kill each other off then that takes care of like a solid 65% of our problems. Wow I can't imagine how the feds managed to track down the fuckin' Titty Truck so fast. You dumb motherfucker you shot your own hot lady bodyguard. Ma'am throw me over your shoulder and carry me like a dipshit sack of potatoes next please. Well at least somebody in this show is having a good day. Lady don't throw your life away for this douchebag. GODDAMMIT. Maybe if Mari wasn't such a shitty nina her kid would still be alive. Zombies- Is he just gonna stay naked for the entire series because this is gonna get distracting. Meanwhile, constantly farting zombies. I love their friendship. Shit's on fire, yo. The zombie firefighter trying his best got me. The dog also being a zombie makes me sad. Ah crap, subway zombies. Hey look, found yoursel a girlfriend. This checks off like four boxes. Oh my god they're flight attendants! This is fantastic. Oh right, the cannibalistic undead hoard outside. I like this angry dunk one. Get it, himbo. NO NOT THE TEQUILA. Date me you weird naked man. If i learned anything from Chainsaw Man, it's that you shouldn't make out with somebody drunk enough to barf. Ah fuck that guy's gonna ruin it all. Please don't kill my drunk bitch wife. Damn our himbo didn't waste any time. Aw dangit she has a boyfriend. Whelp, hot drunk one's dead. "Too deep in a post-dick stupor to dodge a zombie" is how I want to die. The service industry is dogshit indeed. Son of a bitch all the girls are dead. Yeah you're gonna wanna get out of there before she zombies out. This show strikes a fantastic balance between hilarious and depressing as fuck and I'm here for it. You gotta become a flight attendant to honor her memory. FUCK YEAH, FREE TV. I have no interest in being a flight attendant and will laugh at anything, date me. One Piece- Law's day, somehow getting worse every 20 minutes. Nothing to see here, regular folks. Momo sucks you can go ahead and take him. Oh hey, Fujitora. There is exactly one functional eye in this fight. I like that Fujitora cares enough to evacuate the citizens. Meanwhile Law, bleeding out on the pavement. Bye, Law. Well Kinemon he just got his ass beat and shot so probably not doing well here. Wow, shocking that the bad mustache didn't fool anyone with upwards of three braincells. Everything's going straight to hell. What the hell is that?! All aboard the SS Diabetes. Wait why does the boat talk what kind of fever dream is this. Fancy Eggman is somehow the weirdest guy in this show. You should just let them have Caesar. Oh they want to kill him, definitely let them have Caesar. Cheese it, gang! Franky's gonna be so pissed if the Sunny explodes. You can just let them have Momo and Caesar. Now get out of here. Sanji you got like half your bones broken approximately 20 minutes ago the hell you think you're gonna do? Everyone hates Doflamingo. Meanwhile, oh my god this tournament match is still going. Oooh who's this new guy? Oh that title makes me think I'm gonna be crying by the end of this. Everybody fucking hates you, Bellamy. I'm sure we're not supposed to like this wacky little twink but I appreciate him kicking the shit out of someone I hate. Barto no just let him get kicked to death. Not now. Steven Tyler! Barto you're a good boy but just let him get murdered. I enjoy watching Bellamy suffer. Maybe sempai would notice you if you didn't suck absolute shit. Toy Soldier is a good dude and I hope his real form is hot. What factory. Man, everybody suddenly getting a decade of secret memories back is gonna fuck up this place somethin' fierce. Now, beat the shit out of this child. Oh god not that nasty creep. She's like eight, just punch her in the skull. Usopp, heroically volunteering to fight a child. I love Franky's hair. Luffy my dude just punch a hole in the wall. On second thought, pairing Bellamy up with Luffy's biggest fanboy is probably the worst thing he could imagine. Barto is my spirit animal. You're barking up the wrong tree, Bellamy doesn't know what it's like to have friends. I would trust Bartolomeo with my life. Hello guy are you hot. Is this Luffy's secret second brother who never shows up? Man I hope he's hot because my thirst is contractually obligated to transfer with that fruit. SHOW ME HIS FACE GODDAMMIT. What are they wearing. And then they were furries. Oooh who's this. OH MY GOD KOALA'S BACK! Hey look, I'm crying.
  23. Economically, the best value is pirating. There's no shortage of sites that upload both dubbed and subbed episodes within a day of their release. And if you're wanting to watch live, it's not too hard to find a stream for it. Alternatively, call the cable company and tell them you want to cancel. They'll send you to the Retention Wizard who can give you a steep discount for the next 1-2 years. Proceed accordingly depending on the wizard's offer.
  24. Ninja- Show I don't care about the third wheel's tragic backstory. Oh I am extremely uncomfortable with some of the implications here. Look buddy some of us need an unsafe amount of radioactive liquid waste to start the day. Wait if ninjas don't have graves then what the hell did you do with your wife and kid's corpses? It's encrypted with the stupid karaoke song isn't it. Someone please punch this douchebag's skull in half. Don't you start bringing offbrand Tiktok into this. Why does Mari always sound like she's reading her lines right before her lunch break and just wants to clock out in the next five minutes? It is way too late in the game for me to drum up any interest for this guy that I can only describe as having vaguely Sasuke-ish vibes. Okay, "raised by crows in the mountains" is admittedly a new one. Yes yes you were all good friends until the other two started fucking like rabbits and abandoned you. Nerd what are you even doing here, just go sit in a corner and work on the computer.Officer Three Days Until Retirement did not pick the smartest move here. Is the discount Linkin Park soundtrack the best soundtrack choice here? Oh lord now the robots are Naruto running. I agree, you really should have just killed that guy years ago. Zombie- Thanks, suspiciously nice club owner helping this traumatized child. Okay yeah I can fuck with this. Meanwhile our business boy continues to live his best life. Honey no don't do the sharpie beard. Oh thank god the internet's back. Meanwhile, he's having the worst time in the club. Dude just kill the zombie. The fuck you mean there's nothing in the bondage room you can use to fight your way out? I love how totally unconcerned he is with goddamn everything. You should have listened to your cute friend and quit years ago. Sorry your dramatic final stand is interrupted by the world's most obnoxious car horn. The grownzombie man in a slutty sailor girl outfit made me laugh. Good job, business boy. Friend surprise! Hug it out, idiots. Oh right, the zombies. This man is too hungover for this shit. I'd die for you, business boy. You're living through a zombie apocalypse, you'd might as well stop giving a shit about dying. Nut up, man. Amigo now is not the time for your heartfelt moment! Fucking run, dumbass. YEET. Oh, I love him. You're gonna be picking gravel out of your dong. "I SCRAPED MY BAAAALLS" has me fucking crying. Naked bro bonding time. I'd like to apologize in advance for whatever happens to this hot, stupid man. Licorice- Show you can go ahead and kill the douchebag lesbians. Chisato has run out of shits to give. Oh what the hell are you doing now. ANOTHER bomb?! Honey just use the real bullets this time. The worst lesbian, letting her partner bleed out on the floor and die. Go save your girlfriend! Oh right, she's dying. Time out, soda break! Men will literally destroy an entire building instead of going to therapy. Dude what the fuck are you talking about. It's time to kill your shitty ex, Mika. Goddamn he's cool. Joke's on you his leg's been fine this whole time. He's gonna need a hug later. Sweet, free robot heart. I hope by help you mean throwing him off a building. Too many fucking stairs. Girlfriend powers, activate! Oh nice, throwing him to his doom is what they meant by help. Now kiss you wholesome idiots. Props to this lady for taking the fall on the fake story. Oh hey, the one girl survived. That's a lot of guns. How the fuck is that guy still alive?! For the love of god somebody fuck Tits McGee. This better end with these girls making out. Shooting at each other counts as foreplay. So who's gonna tell her they ripped that guy's heart out of his chest and jammed it in her ribcage. Your ex, still the biggest asshole even after death. I love our lesbians. I'm sure that English joke is funnier in Japanese. One Piece- You're all doing so great at the whole stealth thing. I forgot fucking Bellamy is still here. And now, a wild homo appears. Okay everybody fucking with Bellamy and laughing behind his back this whole time is a pretty funny joke. Meanwhile Law, still having the worst day. Uh hey Law I don't think this is going well for you. Which one of you didn't silce your shell phone? Not now, Steven Tyler! Look if Violet's cans are gonna be that fat she can do whatever she wants. What factory. I'm sure this Kaido guy won't be important later. New priority, save Law's ass. Zoro's just salty he didn't get to play in the tournament. I keep forgetting that people forget about people when they turn into toys. I love that most of our gang is dumb as all fuck. The tontotta are so adorable and I would die for them. You buy Luffy a happy meal and he will disassemble your local government with zero questions asked. You're a good dude, Franky. New plan: fuck the government. Well this is new...false alarm, it's just Law getting his ass beat. It's fine we can call a doctor-wait, shit, Law was the doctor. Do I sense a tragic backstory on the horizon?
  25. Ninja- Offer Retirement has had enough of this shit. Hey, respect your work dad. I really need someone to kill this techbro. You heard the lady, you're gonna have to fuck that robot. Go into hiding and for the love of god get a better haircut. Well you see senator, our office was attacked by ninjas. Okay it's really funny that he schedules time off every day for his hair. I'm pretty sure this qualifies as some kind of sexual harassment. Above all else I am rooting for this guy to live and keep his daily barber appointment. Y'all literally drive a semi truck with a massive pair of titties on it and you're surprised the enemies keep finding you. Why do I feel like this nerd is going to ruin everything. Officer Retirement is having a rough day. It'll be a much bigger surprise if he survives this whole show. This counts as a sweet surrogate father/daughter bonding moment. Well damn that was a quick fight. Higan is getting progressively less hot as his survival odds increase. I can't believe they turned that guy into a pipe bomb. If nothing else, girl took that bomb to the face like a champ. Wait is the guy modeled after Jason Demarco in the show created by Jason Demarco actually named Jason and I'm just now noticing? Well that sucks. Note to self, hug my dad tomorrow. Zom- Show I already told you to stop holding up this uncomfortable mirror to my own career. I'm really happy for him to getting his life together. Sometimes day drinking is the best form of self care. OH NO WE'RE OUT OF BEER. Him ruining this couple's dramatic emotional breakdown is great. A desperate need for toilet paper is a universal constant for world-shaking events. God I would die for this boy. Oh hey, you found a girlfriend. Girl you think beer's not essential? Oh dang she's cool. Truck-kun strikes again! MY BIKE. I hope there's another bike around here. Sweet, free scooter! Sweeter, free motorcycle! Oh no they're zombies now aren't they. I forgot the zombies are an actual problem here. Get out there and live your dreams, you weird little nerd. Tonight's theme is apparently that I need to hug my dad, stop beating me over the head with it! Oh this girl is way too high-maintenance to fuck. Girl how do you not know how zombies work in movies. Honey you're in an apocalypse just get the damn snacks. I sure hope I end up liking this girl more. Lady your life has obviously not been shitty enough if you're questioning why someone would want beer in an apocalypse. Licorice- Let's go, lesbians! Chisato honey I think it's time to go ahead and bring out the real bullets. Oh for fuck's sake don't split up. Ah hell they're gonna put down all the lesbians like Ol' Yeller. I keep forgetting this guy isn't Yoshikage from Jojo. Man what a dick. Dude what the fuck. Chisato honey he literally wants to kill you. I absolutely approve of shooting him. Takina is the girlfriend we all deserve in life. THIS BITCH AGAIN. Stop fucking shooting at the lesbians! Now steal his organs while they're still warm. Your girlfriend's gonna fucking kill them. Furry loli has become such an unexpected MVP of this show. I can't believe the final villain if this show is the damn genderswap boy version of the squad. You can go ahead and kill this particular bitch lesbian. I hope Tits McGee finally gets laid at the end of all this. Damn can't a hideously ugly lady take a shit in peace? Oh hey, Chisato's here. You probably could have used literally any other color for the non-lethal bullets so it doesn't look like you're murdering people. The Pac Man simulator cracked me up. Eat shit, robot douche. One last gag about his door. What on earth? Okay that's actually brilliant. And a happy ending for all-wait what do you mean the show's not over. Oh what the fuck now!? One Piece- Riku's having a real hard night. Oh no, not Vergo. Wait is that Violet? Oh hey, pre-harpy Monet. I forget, did we know Violet was the princess? Man this is a weird gang. The guy in the LET'S BABY shirt makes me uncomfortable. Well this is depressing as shit. Look I know they're all traumatized but I refuse to believe anyone would look at that slimy bastard and believe he's a good guy. I hope that horse at least had an alright time. Guys he's literally doing an evil cackle at your horiffic experience, do y'all not see that? Meanwhile, this fight is still going on? Franky is a gift and we don't deserve him. Gee I wonder who's secretly been Riku this whole time. That slinky dog getting cucked by his wife's new boyfriend is unreasonably funny to me. Time for a full on revolution! Great job guys, you fucked up this country. And then everyone was toys. Bartolomeo tried his best. Great job at the stealth thing, Luffy.
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