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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. Happy ( late ) birthday.
  2. Came down with some fierce nastiness on Tuesday and spent the last two days in the hospital. Apparently if your body starts rejecting every fluid inside of it through every possible hole, you should probably call a doctor and not try to just tough it out. Turns out if I had tried to be a badass symptom ignoring powerhouse for about two more hours my chances at biting it would have jumped up from "chance of" to "anyone got a forklift and a piano box?". Also saw a picture of my old orange cat mid-roar. It was pretty boss.
  3. I have snapped toilet seats in half. And I have absolutely choked a toilet so badly with a brick of my man fudge that a plumber had to get involved. Luckily with only the toilet.
  4. I used to be pretty goof st typing ewith my eyes closed. VBut juding how these ketystrokes feel, this one is tgoing to be a traomwteck.
  5. I only got one shot in all my yearbooks that wasn't an official school picture. And it was of me creating a crudely drawn butt on one of the school computers in mspaint.
  6. I get it, it's funny to play sounds automatically. But this shit's the reason I have adblock. Fully expecting to get autoplays in this thread. Still hoping the right people will see it and tell me why this is a thing.
  7. ... you.
  8. I've always wanted to get some chilled blue carrots. And I don't mean smurf dicks I mean actual blue carrots. That seems like it would make them more fun to eat or something.
  9. I was so excited when we got an Atari. No I wasn't. I didn't know what the hell this stupid mass of boxes and bloopy music was supposed to be. I was 2.
  10. I'm mad. The 3DS digital version isn't up yet. They need to do something like give it to us for free since we had to wait or something.
  11. Everybody always wants to pet the cat that always runs away because it just somehow seems fluffier.
  12. Saw a couple of guys outside my apartment this morning painting the inside of their shorts over this lady with a gigantic turd cannon on the other side of the parking lot. Gross.
  13. The last time I rented porno, the cashiers changed shift while I was in the porno movie room. When I came out, this red-headed girl with amazing honkers that I went to high school with was running the register. Walked up, paid for my titty videos and had a nice little convo about what she had been up to since high school. Didn't get laid, though.
  14. Yeah. I'm seeing a lot of that while reading up on them. Getting the heebie jeebies. I grabbed what was left of the spider on some paper to look at it and the fan blew the corpse into my tea. So there's that. I'll just go with not poisonous since two sources have suggested that might be the case and try not to lose any sleep over it.
  15. Southern US. Yeah, I've been going through all sorts of sites looking at pictures. This guy was definitely too thick to be a recluse. I keep seeing similar images in the wolf spiders, but they are all just a bit too far off. I kinda wish I hadn't of smashed it. Just so I could have something to do right now figuring out if these things are a problem or just a nuisance. I wonder if I can train them to eat bedbugs. I will fucking sleep with one of those fuckers on my forehead if it gets rid of that shit.
  16. I've been seeing these little assholes skittering around corners a few times since I moved into this apartment. I got a really shitty picture of this one before he accidentally turned into a pile of smashed goo. Probably should have picked him up on some paper and got a better picture but fuck this guy. About the size of a quarter. Black body with brown stripes down the ass from what I can tell. Either that or it's the ass that's black. Got no idea what direction it was facing. Been seeing thick solid brown ones, too. But they are always dead. Any one of you know spiders? Should I be worried that they are going to carry my father away in the night?
  17. I frequently struggle to push a loaf through for pinching.
  18. I am both screaming in terror and rubbing one out. Also:
  19. Depends on the condition and if you can find somebody desperate enough to buy it. I saw some PS2s going for $50. I could have a pizza party.
  20. Yeah, I just read up on that. Good to know it takes pretty standard sized HDs. So I'm not totally SoL. Just going to have to wait a bit and either buy an HD which shouldn't be expensive at all, or pop the 200 GB out of my old computer after bleaching the hell out of the contents.
  21. Bills and this stupid bedbug resurge BS. Plus I have to keep part of my monthly income for food and any random expenses. I only had about $100 to play around with. Could have waited until next month and passed on a few trips into town. But I like funneling my disposable income into the furnace.
  22. Well those of you who are in to that sort of thing can take joy in me wasting my fucking money, then. What else is new. Maybe I can use it as something to shit in when the bathroom is occupied. What sucks is that I asked my nephew how big the install was and he said it was "only a couple of gigabytes", so the 12 GB would be OK since I don't plan on loading up on games. And since I trusted the little shit instead of googling it ... well. My fault for being a fucking idiot.
  23. Yeah, but I only had a budget of around $100. The best price I could get on a used PS4 was around $200.
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