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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. Finally the first person to acknowledge fnf. So now I can post this
  2. The English definite article, the word the. The most commonly used word in our language. It doesn't even have gender, unlike say French. Yeah, so much for being progressive, you baguette-sniffing gender-assuming shitlords. Anyway, the word "The" represents English nicely by graphemes (letters) and phonology (sound). "The" contains "t" and "e," respectively, the most common consonant letter and the most common vowel letter in the English language. The "t" combines with "h" to make a voiced fricative, or rather the "th-sound." English is one of the few Germanic languages (i.e. German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, etc..) to retain the th-sound. The "e" in represents a schwa, or rather uh sound, which is the most common vowel sound uttered in English. It's like the word "the" is presenting English's most common alphabetical and phonological features while also showcasing one of its peculiarities. Well . . . not really a wall a text, but I never thought I'd be given context to write this tidbit. Thank you, @Kudasai
  3. 45 as well Just bundle up and you're good. Plus, it reminds me of that one excerpt from Moby Dick that one cannot fully appreciate the comfort a blanket gives in front of a fireplace i.e. warm air, but one can with cold air.
  4. Congrats!
  5. I wouldn't call myself a fan, but I do enjoy their music.
  6. Well after six years maybe it's time to tie the knot . . . and make everything even more disappointing.
  7. ebooks My county's library system has a huge e-book collection. Especially useful during a pandemic; you don't have to physically go to a library to get your book, and you don't have to touch anything anyone else has. I really only prefer physical books if it's heavy on illustrations.
  8. bnmjy

    Pipe Dream

  9. bnmjy

    Pipe Dream

    The origin of this phrase is from smoking opium, but whenever I hear it I always think of Mario going into a pipe into another level or world.
  10. Taiwan has had the best covid response in the world. It warned the world of the looming threat in December 2019, but no one listened because of China's involvement in the WHO. Fuck China.
  11. To the Asian whore or the black wildebeast that interrupts? I already know. 😉
  12. I'm not telling you my age that easily.
  13. Home watching Rugrats and pooping my pants, I imagine.
  14. bnmjy


    I remember her mentioning the stank before too . . . dry stank 40 year old hooha 🥰
  15. Damn, for once I feel bad . . . there's no life in his eyes.
  16. I love jogging to this song
  17. This has the same flair as spindack and feaglesnork.
  18. I dunno, some landscaping company mows my apartment complex's lawns. Gonna go nabs here and mention that the American ideal of every house having a lawn is very bad for the environment and should die, especially if one lives in a dry region prone to droughts.
  19. . . . janitors seem to have a proclivity for masochism.
  20. You need to go suck on fugg's swollen toes and beef curtains.
  21. I have to mention this again, but according to these polls we beat Biden's goal of 70 percent having at least one shot by 2 months. I'm really proud of this. As it stands now, the US will not pass 70 percent by July 4. The current rate is about 66 percent. The good news is that the US will reach 70 percent some time in August.It has unfortunately come to the point where most of the currently unvaccinated will most likely never become vaccinated.
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