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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. I had the same sentiment too. It has gotten to the point where less than 20 percent of people wear masks in most places, and I just felt like an idiot wearing one at that point. I am relatively healthy and vaccinated after all. Yeah, I feel bad for anyone living in the South and taking this pandemic seriously.
  2. Poll is closed. I'm glad to see a high vaccination rate. I finally stopped wearing my mask in public since yesterday, although I could have stopped much earlier according the CDC. I just wanted to wait until the vaccination rate was higher, and niw in my state over 75 percent of adults have at least one shot.
  3. Not really, but I have no qualms with you interpreted as such
  4. dismember
  5. Bump, poll closes in two days.
  6. bnmjy

    HBD K_N

  7. Does this apply to condoms too?
  8. Which is when you use polyurethane.
  9. I seriously wonder if you've ever been in a real relationship.
  10. Friendly reminder to KEEP BOTH SETS OF LIPS SHUT
  11. lol, I just had a tuna sub from Subway about a week ago, and when I bought it I was thinking of this ordeal. Maybe this is a PR stunt for Impossible Foods or something . . . or maybe it's just something like horse meat. Whatever the case, it tastes similar enough to "normal" tuna salad.
  12. I mean neither do many actual musicians, like Madonna, but it's sometimes more about the experience than witnessing raw talent.
  13. ngl, that was pretty amazing.
  14. lol, quite a personal thing to reveal. I almost envy you. I like being a hermit, but at the same time I like being productive in the real world.
  15. So as I stated before, Biden wanted 70 percent of adults to receive at least one shot by July 4, 2021. We beat this goal by two months (previous poll ended May 1st): Let's see our vaccination rates now. I also added a few extra questions.
  16. Kama Sutra ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  17. lol idk or care He has been awfully quiet ever since ge started his new job.
  18. @ghostrek god dammit, liking my post doesn't answer the question. forget it.
  19. Most of these tik tok gen z girls have no idea what the fuck yahoo is anyway. Once again, no teenage pussy for you.
  20. About time you started smoking pot.
  21. Honey, I've been here this entire time and I was born in Okinawa. Of course, my personality is shit and I'm antisocial af. Anyway, she's just a person. Don't put her on a pedestal just cause she's Japanese and you like her culture. She apparently likes you enough to be your friend. This all actually sounds more promising than your previous boy troubles. Good for you.
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