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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. I wouldn't say they're nightmares, but I occasionally get dreams where I'm smoking cigarettes again. I then wake up feeling fortunate that it was just a dream and I'm still a nonsmoker.
  2. I'm sure Nabs also recalls you saying that you had little money for groceries. If you're using doordash for grocery delivery that'd be one thing, but you're clearly using it to order from restaurants. I mean, it's your money so do as you please. Just don't go expecting sympathy if you complain again.
  3. I've delivered to quite a few people who stated they had covid. So there's that too.
  4. Should we subject them to . . . never mind. Edit: I'll even be nice this time. Behold, the matriarchal but not militant aliens, the asari.
  5. Why? It's easy money, good for the short term.
  6. Obviously. It's not like I plan on doing it forever. For most of I've been driving, it's just been a side hustle.
  7. lol, I've been a doordash driver for nearly two years now. They all fucking suck, to be honest. Go pick up your food yourself or just cook.
  8. Mononucleosis.
  9. I tried playing 3 after having played Vice City and San Andreas. I really don't recommend it.
  10. Nature. Our food sources are still completely dependent on the precarious forces of nature. Also, I don't think humans can move the Earth's axis quite yet, but a powerful earthquake can.
  11. I agree. I'm just saying, the burgers are well done when they go through the BK broiler once. Twice, the burgers get so small and burned . . . it's beyond well done. Just burnt shit. I'm guessing it's the contrast with the juiciness from the lettuce and tomatoes? Still, an abomination.
  12. Most fast food places cook their burgers well done, fyi. When I worked at Burger King, some people asked for their burgers to be run through the broiler twice. Fucking weirdos.
  13. My brother-in-law used to eat well-done steaks until he met my sister. Now, he prefers them rare, and he complains at restaurants if they cook it too well. Ridiculous. He still won't try sushi either. Pussy. I do like my steaks medium rare, but I don't care if it's accidentally cooked a little more on the medium side. Plus, I like chicken and seafood much more than steak.
  14. This wasn't made to be humorous . . . but I stilled loled
  15. I'm just saying, in real life blackjack dealers have set rules, like the amount of decks being used and the minimum number they can play. In New Vegas, cards magically appear based on a single number. It's not a valid comparison.
  16. lol, Blackjack in New Vegas is completely rigged based on your LUCK stat. You can win nearly every game and know nothing about Blackjack if you have 10 LUCK.
  17. But there's no fun in that. The point is to hit where it hurts. I at least won't insult Miyamoto.
  18. The way Nintendo has been going on with its copyright laws lately . . . I'm ready to shit on them whenever I can.
  19. You definitely saw this.
  20. Happy Birthday . . . you fraud.
  21. VR could also be cool in Vice City. Just make the main color scheme neon pink and purple, and voila. You got yourself a vaporwave experience complete with 80s music and shitty early 2000s polygon graphics.
  22. Time to push a guy in a port-a-potty into a ditch and bury him alive with cement because your sister hates being called the hoe that she is . . . in 4K.
  23. I go in to prepay for gas all the time. I know my tank has 15 gallons, and I estimate how much I need based on the fuel gauge. I got shit credit, and I'm only willing to use credit cards on those pay at the pump machines. They're very susceptible to card skimming (it has actually happened to me before when I had a Discover card). Since I'm stuck with using a debit card, secured credit card, or cash, I just go inside to pay. Why don't you go look that up how much gas your tank holds? All car manuals are available online nowadays.
  24. I hope it's a new iteration of Totally Spies!
  25. Maybe you should work more towards gaining more trans friends and put love on the backburner for now. I just hope the fact that most MTF trans people are into men isn't offputting for you.
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