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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. Hopefully you get melanoma along with your hepatic failure.
  2. Happy birthday. Ask fuggs for some DAP
  3. One of the best children anime ever made, truly said. DW had totz oreimo vibes.
  4. #fuckoff #justiceforfuggs
  5. Just go for it. Smash that intelligent MD puss puss. #YOLO
  6. She liked to show off her vagina . . . she also gave me permission to post pics of it, so I did quite often. I don't remember why she got banned for good. It wasn't undeserved with her shenanigans, but the mods were probably just tired of her.
  7. She's still alive. She's just permanently banned from here.
  8. Do you remember fuggs? She died.
  9. Oh yes, my friend in Mogadishu, Somalia managed to find a safe place with good satellite reception to watch the ceremony. He loved all the JRPG music playing, LMAO
  10. It was very fitting, lol Can't wait to hear them compete to Uematsu and Kondo.
  11. nabs took my answer . . . so I'll be more specific and say Oprah Winfrey.
  12. Can't say I have. If a book on Japanese kanji counts, then I suppose so. No. Sigh. Have you ever intentionally fasted for a sustained period of time for a reason other than a medical one?
  13. No. Have you ever successfully followed through with a new year's resolution?
  14. Pat lifted the DF post requirement shortly after the last time I bumped this . . . coincidence? 😱
  15. There's a lonely crossdressing janitor who is gonna be rich from his pension soon, if you're interested in getting to know him.
  16. Reminds me of argonians from the Elder Scrolls.
  17. Shit, my first account would be 16 too . . . Michael Jackson's court case was the biggest topic of babbling at the time. And the place was full of teenagers, myself including. Times change.
  18. They don't even care if you show insurance cards or not. I personally know a few undocumented residents that got the shots. But do whatever feels right for you, of course.
  19. The game reminds me of old newground flash games, as it's created by people from the site's heyday. I wish I had known about the kickstarter, as I would donated. The fully fledged game is supposed to come out next year, but kickstarters never release on time.
  20. I'm on mobile, and had to google the thorn letter . . . so fuck it.
  21. That is still pronounced the same as the. The th sound wasn't standardized being written as th yet during th time it was written as ye. At the time, the sound was still represented as thorn, Þ, and the letter was not used in Germany, where the printing press was invented. So they temporarily settled writing the as ye. The more you know . . . and god do I feel like a fucking nerd right now.
  22. feces and guffaws, now that's a real ring dinger (kill me)
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