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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. So much buttermilk....never again.
  2. The zebra was, strictly speaking, not a candy mascot. He was the mascot for Fruit Stripe gum ("Yikes! Stripes! Fruit Stripe Gum!"). He was annoying, and the gum was disappointing.
  3. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written by deists and Masons. A theocracy was never their intent.
  4. According to keffals, of course. Wonder how the police are doing with the hard drive they confiscated?
  5. I hate other people's children.
  6. Actually, a fair number of the ones in the threads I follow - I was surprised to see how many pages I'd missed. I can't speak for the whole site, though.
  7. Well, we're down again. It was a good few days. Apparently, the site was hacked; again, I don't understand the technical stuff, and I'm not sure if the onion access was affected, so don't hold your breath re the mthor on the dark web adventure.
  8. the squirrels have been stealing our tomatoes.
  9. I won't be diving depths, I have an address to go to (cue Bugs Bunny and a wrong turn at Albuquerque...)
  10. You either die a hero or live long enough to realize that you really should have planned better for retirement.
  11. The keffals thread is locked, and registration is closed to the general public, so that may help. Edit: I hope it does, or Grandma's heading for the dark web.
  12. For the moment, anyway, and also on tor. But it's a step in the right direction.
  13. We're back. Live free or die.
  14. The Hippocratic Oath is not legally binding, unless an oath made to the gods Apollo and Aesculapius are considered by the court to be so. It is considered to be a guide to how a moral physician conducts himself. It is not "ours," seeing that Hippocrates himself was Greek, and it is cited by physicians and their critics all over the world. Finally, the UK's NHS is run by the government. This was an administrative decision, not a clinical one, and I'll bet my bottom dollar that clinical staff is just as pissed as the patients about the delay of essential services.
  15. 🍻🎂🎉🎂🍻@ both of you (I'm not late, I'm early for next year)
  16. Really late 🎉 🍻🎂🍻🎉
  17. Quantum Leap? Again? Are there no new ideas anywhere?
  18. He may get it - I've been living with two corgis for four years now, and they're a real tripping hazard. (Especially in the kitchen - they materialize right under foot whenever I'm cooking.)
  19. I was, too, but he's still sharing a residence with Fergie, who likes dogs and knows the corgis. (Although Andrew may deserve corgis - if you don't know them, they can be total shits.)
  20. 🍻🎂🍻
  21. The Hitchhiker's Guide is disappointing - it should just say "DON'T PANIC" on the front.
  22. I'm so traditional - coffee and cigarettes have been my staple since 1980.
  23. No big deal. I just wasn't sure if it was a problem with the tab or a problem with me. As long as there's an escape route, it's all good.
  24. @Raptorpat I don't know if it's just my boomer phone skills, but when I clicked on the garden tab accidentally, I found that there's no tab back to noise or home; the tab at the top of the garden page leads back to the garden. It occurred to me to use the back key (although I'm not going to say how long it took) which got me back to where I'd been, and I haven't tried it on the computer yet, but this might bear looking at (although I'm willing to concede that maybe I'm too old to be allowed on the internet.) Thanks.
  25. Found it ! Happy Birdday, Bernie!
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