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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. That certainly was a ludicrous display.
  2. Are you sure that you just don't want to believe that so you can dig into her? Seriously. Take a look at the last few years. She's been playing this game for a long time. Just like Zeni and Bucket has been doing their thing for years. They all do it because they seek attention and for the satisfaction of getting people riled up. You guys enable it by posting exactly what they want to see. You see this whole thing is kinda like a symbiotic relationship. They get the attention and reactions they want while others get the satisfaction of being on a higher horse.
  3. Thanks for proving my point. Have fun getting attention in the cheapest of ways.
  4. Yes. You said something you know isn't true so people would attack you for it. It's called baiting. You could have been kidding about the whole thing but you haven't come out and said that. You're just letting it go on.
  5. I don't know much about it besides what was in the animated stuff. I haven't even watched the live action yet. I hear they changed some stuff around which I don't find ideal but I understand that a couple of things need to be changed if you want to cram multiple sources into one movie. Although I'm not sure why they wouldn't just remake the first movie by itself. It would have kept the neat visuals while sticking closer to the story.
  6. Because you love to incite drama to get attention. Just like the trashy court shows. Also leave my granny porn out of this.
  7. FUGGS IS TROLLING YOU ALL AND YOU'RE TAKING THE BAIT LIKE CHUMPS. Remember that this is the woman that has nothing better to do in her free time than to watch trashy court shows on TV. This is that kind of attention she likes.
  8. A movie being closer to the book doesn't make it better. Just look at Fight Club. A thing we won't talk about.
  9. I still have no idea why bologna is pronounced the way it is.
  10. You took that bait hook, line and sinker.
  11. I never understood why people would watch Nascar over other types of racing. My dad likes Nascar and he still falls asleep.
  12. Yes, but that would require more money and I'm not underneath my car enough to justify the expense.
  13. Sieg67


  14. So use a controller. I have the option to use PS3/4, Xbox360/one, 64, Gamecube, Wii remote and Steam controller. I hear the new Joycons also work with PC as they use Bluetooth but I haven't tried it. Granted the 64 and Gamecube controller are USB. Fairly cheap online. Also the Wii Remote need a USB censor bar. Also cheap. So yeah, chances are is that you already have a controller that works with PC. The 360 controller gets the most support. I play a lot of FPS so I tend to use mouse and keyboard. It makes a lot of difference when it comes to aiming. Controllers are good for emulators and racing games.
  15. I'm assuming this is part of the reason why he's your ex. One of these days I need to get my eyes laser'd because it'd be cheaper in the long run and also more convenient as I wouldn't have to worry about messing them up or falling off of my face while working underneath my car. Not being able to see what I'm doing while working on my car is a bit of an issue.
  16. I think consoles are largely a waste of money. They wouldn't be worth getting at all if it weren't for exclusives. Even split-screen is on it's way out. The only one I play regularly is N64 and that's just for Mario Kart. Believe me, PCs are cheaper. I have over 130 games on Steam + others off steam. You know how much that would cost me if those were all console games? Roughly 7k. I rarely pay over $20 for a game. Do yourself a favor and build a decent PC and don't get Alien. They're way overpriced. You obviously got spare time on your hands so do some research on components. You can build nice PC for under 1k that will out perform any console and will save you a lot of money in games and accessories.
  17. I have an extra pair of glasses to help find my glasses in case I lose them.
  18. So take the money you're thinking about spending on a PS4 and buy a graphics card. Unless you go all out, gaming on PC is cheaper than console once you factor in the cost of games, controllers and subscriptions. I don't know why anybody would pay a company to use a service they're already paying for.
  19. Found the interview with the shirt.
  20. I would release games on PC. Look at how many people are turning towards emulators because they don't want to buy their shitty consoles.
  21. He was in an interview a while back where he was wearing a Vash the Stampede shirt. Threw me off a bit.
  22. The only beer I've ever finished was hard root beer because it didn't taste like piss water.
  23. No ..... Fuck
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