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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Anohana 10-11 [END] Sirius the Jaeger 5
  2. Because he was about to imply she was suffering from PMS.
  3. I've just been watching on Hulu.
  4. Blu Exorcist 9 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 7
  5. Didn't know that but that makes even more sense that it's so recappy between 1 and 2 but not 2 and 3.
  6. It's because there was a 10 month gap between the end of the first season and beginning of the second in Japan. They did air a recap episode over there, but they still decided to cover their bases for the people who either missed it or were possibly tuning in for the first time (since I feel like it got a big bump in popularity after the first season.) "Not a lot happened" i.e. they set up the basis of the next arc. The pacing continues throughout the second and third seasons to be just as excellent as the first.
  7. Welp now at least I know a deadline to get around to the first season.
  8. I love that in Japanese is sounds like they say "Villain Lingo" which is a great band name. I hate that we have to wait so long to get your reaction to fire guy, but also let's take a moment to appreciate that the montage also featured the previously mentioned Best Jeanist, winner of the Best Jeanist award for eight consecutive years. A man who makes a Canadian Tuxedo the basis of his super hero persona.
  9. Chio's School Road 6 Grand Blue 5 My Hero Academia 3 18
  10. Get ready to continue to enjoy Iida Tenya: Best Boy on this season of My Hero Academia. Sports Festival is a great arc. It's got everything. Deku being a superhero fanboy. Cute girls kicking ass. More rando side characters. All Might being everyone's surrogate dad. Present Mic doing color commentary. Someone who looks sleepier than Aizawa. A great OP song. Calvary battles. Goth birbs! A mini-tournament! Everyone hates Bakugo! (Except Kirishima who thinks he's cool!) The true best girl. Just the shittiest parenting. Rivals! More teachers! Tetsutetsu Tetsutesu! PLUS ULTRA!!
  11. So you mean almost like it is right now??
  12. Will I still get $10,000 for an accidental debate?
  13. They purposely leave the front end short handed and make them call people from the floor to stop their work and come to cashier. They also usually won't let them call someone in if a person called in because there's always some kind of payroll excuse.
  14. We can all relive Iida being the best boy.
  15. Is it kosher?
  16. I do too, but I don't have a microwave so I have to make it on the stove and it's just too hot.
  17. Banana Fish 6 One Piece 568
  18. I always love the takes about how it's "not fair" that some jackass fresh out of college gets paid millions of dollars to choke when they're drafted by the Browns. Like they think they're gonna get a starting spot on the Patriots if only those pesky Browns didn't draft them first!
  19. In a couple of weeks. Back to school will move out and Halloween will start moving in and we'll get to hear how awful it is that they're pushing Satan Day on us so early when we should be thinking about Christmas.
  20. I can't handle jalapenos. I fully admit to being a pussy on that one. If I ever had a ghost pepper I'd probably die tbh.
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