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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. There's no laws to stop a private business from accepting cash or certain bills. I don't think the government can refuse it though. Our pizza place doesn't take $100s because a) they don't keep the funds on hand to handle a lot of them most of the time and b) they got hit twice about two years ago when some fake money was circulating. I'm surprised it isn't more common here. Our banks close on Saturday at 1 for the weekend and there is literally no where else to get change after that (sometimes the casino will give it to you but only if they're slower than usual.) I hated, hated working on Sunday mornings at my old job because inevitably some asshole would come in and buy something under $5 to try and break their bill and if by some chance I did have the ability to take it, I'd give them back a bunch of $5s and they'd get pissed because it was inconveniencing them. BITCH YOU'RE INCONVENIENCING ME.
  2. My Hero Academia 3 10-11 Fuck this show is so good.
  3. Blue Exorcist 3 AnoHana 2
  4. Blue Exorcist 2 AnoHana 1
  5. I fully expect a season where the Packers teeter on the brink of looking like they could go all the way, then inevitably lose in the playoffs.
  6. Kakoyin died like he lived... being the most extra.
  7. Pop Team Epic 1 Cells at Work 4
  8. I mean yeah it's for kids, but it's literally filled with in-jokes and meta references to DC comics and all their properties that no kid is going to get.
  9. People who hate Teen Titans Go! are wild. And by wild I mean are joyless dicks.
  10. Grand Blue 3 Monster 47
  11. My Hero Academia 3 6 Blue Exorcist 1
  12. Sirius the Jaeger 3 Chio's School Road 4 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Egypt Arc 12-13
  13. One Piece 563-564 Gintama 9-10
  14. It's basically a tracking website for TV and movies from around the world. There are apps and clients that make it easy to check in or can automatically scrobble what you're watching at a given time. It helps me keep up with season premieres for a lot of shows that I watch and I like to keep track of how many movies I watch each year and trakt is a lot easier than keeping a typed list (which is what I used to do.) It looks a bit redundant right now cause it's mostly anime right now (most of my shows are on hiatus) but once the fall TV season kicks in it'll be really nice. It's kind of a pain at first to get everything you're watching or have watched into your profile, but once you get going with it, it's pretty great. If you're a big, old nerd like me who's into that kind of stuff I'd say give it a try. Gintama 7-8
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