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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. I saw a little old lady today with bright purpleish pink hair. And not lavenderish that some old ladies get. This was some straight up Lisa Frank color. It was pretty cool.
  2. Our county high people have lost their damn minds. For the last week they've had equipment out putting dirt on paved county roads. But not like dirt road gravel type stuff. Actual dirt. That they just dug out of a field. Still had grass in it. And they're putting it in random quarter mile stretches. They aren't even filling up potholes. They're just putting down dirt that is immediately blown to the sides of the road with traffic and leaving behind huge chunks of rock in the middle of said roads. It literally looks like a bunch of little kids just pushing dirt around to look like they're busy.
  3. The fact that you keep emphasizing legal is starting to make me think you're lying and she's not even real-- er, legal at all!
  4. Oof man like two years? I used to hang out in the state park up by the lake when my aunt worked up there (I would go after work because I usually picked her up.)
  5. Blue Exorcist 5 My Hero Academia 3 15
  6. I just don't understand the mentality of "I don't think this is funny, so no one thinks this is funny." Your opinion is not fact.
  7. I vote new. It's a new season and a fresh start!
  8. I will be at work when MHA airs tonight so I'm gonna leave the second OP here to get everyone hype since Toonami will probably cut it to death. Watch this after tonight's episode and get pumped! PLUS ULTRA!
  9. Blu Exorcist 4 AnoHana 3
  10. My Hero Academia 3 14
  11. Y'all'd've done been there if y'all'd left on time.
  12. Is this some kind of reference to Milo? Cause I totally understand not wanting to have a self-described white supremacist speak at your place of study and I'd probably threaten to riot over it too.
  13. Part of me thinks this is gonna be bad, but then I hear Jim Cummings's Pooh voice and I get very nostalgic. I mean it's basically Hook, right?
  14. I was until the last episode of season 1 when they pandered to the shippers and had everyone make out over Red Tornado's dismembered body. Still mad Green Lantern: The Animated Series got cancelled though.
  15. Banana Fish 5 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Egypt Arc 14-15
  16. Free! Dive to the Future 4
  17. I fully expect that if there is another season that it will end up on their dumb DC only streaming service. I honestly doubt we'll see another DC branded series on CN while that exists.
  18. Everyone who complains about Pop Team Epic should be forced to watch every non-Belgian Waffles episode of Super Milk-chan.
  19. My Hero Academia 3 12-13
  20. This touches on his money troubles and apparently his landlord sold the house and they had to vacate, but it looks like it's because he didn't join the union which left him out of certain guarantees in his contract. https://www.forbes.com/sites/russespinoza/2017/09/30/aqua-teen-hunger-force-stars-leading-very-different-lives-as-famed-voice-actors/#1cd75f1b1ee4
  21. I always assumed shitty business practices is why Adam Reed went to FX.
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